The eye hurts

Most often, eye pain is a consequence of problems in the very eye - infection, irritation or trauma. Sometimes, however, although the eye is troubled, the cause is elsewhere, for example in the paranasal sinuses or nose.

Here are the possible causes of sudden pain in one eye or both:

  • The temperature for any reason can give irritation or pain in the eyes;
  • Common viral infection . If your eyes hurt (both, not one), you are completely broken, joints hurt, the temperature rises - you have the flu. Eye pain associated with viral infections passes with other complaints within 24 to 36 hours;
  • Conjunctivitis ("red eye") or any inflammation of the eyelids: the cornea and the optic nerve - cause pain in the eye. Infection of the hair follicle on the eyelid, barley, is another possible cause;
  • Any tiny mote , a hair, a speck of dust can seem cobblestone if it gets into the eye. A small scratch that you got, poking through, for example, through bushes, can also cause infernal eye pain;
  • Eye pain can accompany some types of headache, especially migraine and temporal arteritis;
  • Shingles (herpes zoster), a spectacular eye, not only causes terrible pain - it can lead to blindness. With this infection, especially common among the elderly, initially there is no redness or obvious damage to the eye. Typical sores appear only later;
  • If the pain in your eye is kept for a week or two, disappears for a while, and then reappears, be sure to be examined by the oculist. You can have a simple astigmatism, hyperopia or short-sightedness . The corresponding glasses will remove the problem;
  • Chronic infection of the paranasal sinuses often causes the eye, as well as headache, pain. Antibiotics and drainage are often required;
  • Never forget about glaucoma , increased intraocular pressure, as a cause of pain in the eye. The disease is easily treated, but if not diagnosed, it can lead to blindness.

Symptom: sore eyes

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Temperature. Aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Viral infection (generalized). Usually takes 24 to 36 hours.
Conjunctivitis ("red eye"). Treatment with a doctor.
Barley. Local treatment.
You have damaged or clogged your eyes. Consult a doctor.
Migraine. The pain in the eye disappears when the headache passes.
Temporal arteritis. Urgent treatment to prevent blindness or stroke.
Shingles. This is serious if the eye is touched. Show your doctor.
Eye strain (wrong glasses). Corresponding glasses and the correct way of reading.
Sinusitis. Antibiotics and washes.
Glaucoma. You need medical treatment.

Any feeling of pressure in the eye, pain, redness or swelling that hold, and especially if they affect the vision, should be a signal to visit the doctor.