Bloodshot eyes

You wake up one morning, feeling like a cucumber. While brushing your teeth, you accidentally look in the mirror - and from a surprise spit out the paste. You have a big bloodstain in one eye. It does not hurt, but it's scary to look at the eyes. Calm down. In most cases, such a "hemorrhage" under a conjunctiva is a consequence of eye strain , prolonged flight or general fatigue . But it often happens without any reason at all. In any case, it does not indicate high blood pressure or any problems with the eye and will soon pass (although often on the second day it becomes more).

"Red eyes" , when one eye or both become diffusely red and painful , is another matter. The cause is usually a viral or bacterial infection, glaucoma or foreign body . In contrast to painless spots, "red eyes" usually impair vision. Go immediately to the eye doctor.

Symptom: bloodshot eyes

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Fatigue or eye strain. Treatment is not necessary.
"Red eye". Medical treatment.