Incontinence of urine when urinating for themselves at any age

It is one thing to laugh as the tears roll down your face, and the other when you have thus become wet panties. Also, anything funny, if you find a sheet of raw morning. Involuntary istekaniё incontinence can happen at any age - children, young women, elderly persons of both sexes. When it is triggered by coughing, sneezing or laughing at women, we call it "stress incontinence"; your child - "wet the bed"; in middle-aged and older men - we talk about "incontinence", which is often the result of prostate enlargement. Often, the problem is only temporary and goes away. But in most cases it requires a treatment of a. If the treatment is ineffective, the person can wear anything like a diaper, in order to prevent a possible "accident".

What causes incontinence? While urinating on their own seems simple, in reality it is a complex process that involves several different organs and nerve pathways. It begins with the fact that the urine formed in the kidneys, descends down into the bladder, and stretches it. When the bladder wall is stretched enough, her nerves send signals through the spinal cord to the head, translates: "Please get out!" These nerves can get sick and lose the ability to accept or pass on a signal to the brain, "a full bladder." And even if they pass the path to the brain can be blocked by a tumor, infection or damage to the spinal cord. Once the signal is received by the brain, he must be properly handled. Various neurological disease of a brain tumor to Alzheimer's disease and stroke, can disrupt the function of the brain. And that's not it. Once the signal is received and correctly assessed, should be undisturbed neural pathway in the opposite direction to the various muscles (called sphincters) with orders to them to relax (open the exit urine), and then shut down (warning her incontinence). Finally, in addition to all the physical interactions between the nerves, muscles and brain, there is an even higher, the psychological factor. Just ask any man who is shy, timid or anxious, that happens to him, even if the prostate is not enlarged when he stands in front of the urinal at the stadium, followed by a long line of people opivshihsya beer!

So there is plenty of possible explanations for incontinence. Let's first talk about "wet the bed".

Your child may be perfectly normal in every way, even during the day he goes to the toilet, but the morning comes - and the sheets are wet. If it does not lag behind in development, does not suffer from epilepsy or any other neurological disease, the pathology itself will take place. Pediatrician is not concerned if the problem is not only to continue after the child reaches the age of six. Prior to this, there is a possibility that the cause of psychological rather than physical. Child forced to go to the toilet, and incontinence in bed can be a subconscious protest against parental pressure. If, however, it continues after six years, to do some special tests and diagnosis, which can range from neurological dysfunction to chronic infection of the urinary system.

The most common cause of stress incontinence in women is weak or poorly functioning bladder sphincter - the muscles which, being normal, allows to keep all the urine until you have an opportunity to get rid of it. Poor functioning sphincter in women is usually the result of multiple pregnancies in which the stretched and weakened pelvic muscles. This leads to a prolapse of the uterus and bladder (prolapse). When symptoms are sufficient, it may be necessary or pessaries to support bodies or in the operation for "sealing" the muscles. There is information that phenylpropanolamine, a medicine used to control appetite, can help people with incontinence stressor. Some women develop urinary incontinence after vaginal hysterectomy, usually during heavy bleeding, or because of the very large painful fibroids. (The uterus is removed through the vagina, without abdominal incision.)

Urinary incontinence in men is almost always a result of an enlarged prostate. It is as follows: normal, after a certain amount of urine accumulates in the bladder, you get a signal to urinate, and if nothing is blocking the exit freely exercise this. But an enlarged prostate squeezes and locks the channel through which urine leaves the body (urethra), so that more and more urine accumulates in the bladder and stretch it. Even if the bubble is completely stretched and can not accommodate any extra drops, the kidneys continue to produce urine and lower it down. It literally pushes urine out of the bladder and through the urethra in small quantities, "dripping". This "excess" incontinence is the process by which a person can not control.

If the prostate is removed, the nerves that control the sphincter could be damaged. This will cause incontinence. If the iron was struck by malignancy, and subjected to exposure, it can also disrupt the process of urination.

Elderly people of both sexes can suffer from incontinence for neurological and muscular not reasons - for example, after a stroke or spinal cord injury. Such persons lose urine without provoking or stressful circumstances. In elderly people the sphincter of the bladder may be, though weak, but controlled in most situations. However, a diuretic, written out in heart failure or hypertension, it may be the straw that pereshibayuschey stick, and give the patient incontinence.

Excitement, tension and nervousness can affect your bladder control, as well as any inflammation or infection of the urinary tract.

So, if you have incontinence, here are some ways to determine the cause.

You are a man, and with incontinence have difficulty in emptying the bladder when you urinate, a thin trickle and often split; you have to get up several times a night; urination at once begins, but the beginning, stretches, seems infinite; you have to strain to start, and continue to undermine, after thinking that finished; a few minutes after you left the toilet, you feel that you do not go away again. If you have any combination of these symptoms, the cause is an enlarged prostate. Do not wait too long and go to the urologist. Otherwise, you will damage the kidney, or you will have urinary retention - a crisis situation where you are unable to bring sufficient amount of urine from the bladder. This will require the urgent introduction of a catheter, which is not always possible if the happening on the plane, in a traffic jam in a tunnel or on a bridge.

You became incontinent after prostate surgery? You thought that the operation put an end to your endless night walks to the toilet. Perhaps, the operation helped, but now you are not able to hold urine. Muscles that control the sphincter that holds urine and release it at the appropriate time, were damaged during the operation. This complication is difficult to correct.

You incontinence, urination and you feel as if boiling water passes; your urine has a strong smell, no matter what you eat (and you do not take vitamins). You are probably a urinary tract infection. If incontinence is accompanied by pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen - an infection in the bladder.

You incontinence and pain in the rectum. Constant feeling as if you are sitting on the ball for the game of golf. The most likely diagnosis - inflamed or infected prostate (Prostatitis).

If you are under 40 years of age and you notice that in addition to incontinence become clumsy, you drop things out of hand and you find it difficult to walk, possible multiple sclerosis (a neurological disorder of unknown cause). At any age - if you need to press on the abdomen to urinate started incontinence is the result of overstretched bladder. Diabetes and stroke, the main culprits of this pathology.

Suppose you have pain shooting down the thigh to the foot. Roentgen discovered blubber intervertebral disc, compressing the nerve. If one day you wake up and find your raw sheet, it is probably due to the fact that the drive is now pressing on the nerves that serve your bladder.

If you have four or five children; your last pregnancy was a few years ago, you feel fine, except that when you cough, sneeze, laugh stress or strong you leaking a little urine, the muscles involved in urination, weakened as a result of childbirth.

If you have had a stroke, incontinence is the result of damage to areas of the brain that controls urination.

If you have had surgery on the pelvic organs, followed by irradiation (tumor of the uterus, ovary or prostate), and after a few weeks or even months you started incontinence, radiation damaged the corresponding nerves.

The fundamental line? Any disease, nerve or muscle disorder, syphilis or diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) to multiple sclerosis or any other brain pathology, can lead to loss of control of urination. How long will be a problem and what to do with it, it depends on the final diagnosis. But generally speaking, the involuntary loss of urine is usually not a pathology that requires urgent intervention.

Symptom: urinary incontinence

What can he mean? What to do with him?
Wet bed for children: because of psychological or physical problems. Do not worry to six years of age in the absence of obvious neurological disease.
Stress incontinence in nulliparous women. Pessaries, surgical correction of the relaxed muscles or phenylpropanolamine.
In men, middle-aged and older: an enlarged prostate. Operation, medication
After removal of the prostate or pelvic irradiation: nerve damage or muscle. It is difficult to fix.
The result is a stroke. Bladder training; medication.
The use of diuretics in elderly. Trying to avoid them.
Urinary tract infection or prostate. Antibiotics.
Neurological disease similar to multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease. Medications can help, or catheterization. Supportive care.
Diabetes, with the defeat of nerves. There is no cure. It can be used self-catheterization.
The disease of the intervertebral discs. Physical therapy, surgery.