Tumor on the neck

The bumps on the neck are most often the result of an increase in the lymph glands, just as it happens under the armpit. Local problems that cause swollen cervical glands (and hurt from it), a sore throat, for any reason, and a recent visit to the dentist during which he drilled, removed, put a seal or simply cleaned your teeth and poked at Gums. If you have an infectious mononucleosis , the glands will swell all over the neck - front and back; Measles will give the same. Lymph glands on the neck are also swollen with a general allergic reaction to certain medications. Previously, there were many patients with enlarged, sensitive, dry glands due to tuberculosis, but today, thanks to modern methods of treatment, such cases have become very rare. As in other glandular areas, swelling on the neck is painless, firm and does not go away.

In addition to diseases of the lymph glands, the pathology of the thyroid gland also gives swelling on the neck. This gland is about 5 cm high. It lies above the respiratory tube (trachea), below the Adam's apple, and has the form of a shield with two elongated lobes on each side of the middle line, connected by a wide band of tissue ( thyroid in Greek means "in the form of a shield"). Normally, the thyroid gland is not probed, except in very thin. In addition, it is the only gland on the neck that moves when you swallow. Therefore, if you see or feel the swelling on the front surface of your neck, drink some water. If the tissue moved under your fingers, it's in the thyroid gland. The enlarged thyroid is called goiter . If it is soft, tender, it is often combined with increased activity of the gland. But the gland can be dense, smooth or bumpy. This makes diagnosis difficult. The size of goiter is not related to the activity of the gland, which can be normal, low or elevated. Regardless of the formation of hormones, goiter can become so large that it squeezes adjacent tissues, causing coughing or rudeness of the voice. It can even press on the esophagus, making it difficult to swallow. When this happens, it is usually removed by surgery.

Sometimes the overall size of the gland can be normal, but by holding a hand over it, suppose, during shaving, you feel a small lump . It may just be an extra piece of thyroid tissue that functions just like the rest of it. But such a nodule can secrete too much of a hormone, regardless of the rest of the gland, and then it is called "hot." A thyroid nodule can also be "cold" - i.e. Do not allocate a hormone at all. "Hot" thyroid nodules are almost never malignant; "Cold" can be so, especially in men. Radioactive scanning distinguishes these two types. "Cold" nodules are often removed, just in case, more in men than in women. In most cases, thyroid cancer, which can be palpated or seen, grows extremely slowly and is often completely cured by removal, even if it has been growing for several years.

Symptom: swelling on the neck

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Lymphatic gland enlargement due to:
Local infection; Antibiotics;
Viral disease (mononucleosis, measles); Medical supervision;
General allergic reaction to the drug. Do not take it.
Thyroid goiter. Treatment or, if the enlarged thyroid glands squeezes adjacent tissues, removal.
Thyroid nodule. Radioactive scanning to determine whether it secretes a hormone ("hot") or not ("cold"). Ultrasound, tomogram and biopsy using a hollow needle will help in diagnosing and treating.