When your stomach hurts

Having our memory election, nature has invented a way to protect us from suffering because of past misfortunes. We can easily remember his pleasant experiences (those "good old days", which become better as time goes on), but pushed out of the memory that caused us pain - physical or emotional. But the episode of nausea, which was kept and would not let go, it is difficult to forget. If you've ever been seasick or motion sickness, you are sure to feel a terrible twisting in the abdomen and a sense of "at least to die", which did not take place.

Everyone once in my life experienced a feeling of nausea - in acute anxiety, food poisoning, pregnancy, hepatitis. Painful sensation arises from the extremely complex interaction of the signal produced in several parts of the body. Sometimes the nausea passes in vomiting, sometimes not.

If you feel sick, you usually know why. The reason can be any food or chemotherapy, which you are being treated for cancer; You can rock to sleep on a ship or an airplane, or if you are traveling in a car in hot weather without air conditioning. But let us still consider nausea, which begins like some unknown reason. We podskazhemam you some basic directions, which can indicate the reason in your case.

If you feel sick when you move your head or get up from a lying position, you are probably a viral infection of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) or any other disorder, exciting vestibular apparatus, or eardrum.

The drug, purchased by prescription or simply so - common and often unsuspected cause of nausea. He recommended your friend a powerful new vitamin that was supposed to spur your sexual potency, or if you are a woman, to enhance the growth of hair on the head and reduce the face, or make you live longer and look younger, or to moderate your appetite - or that there else - may just be the cause of ailments. It is also possible that in a simple smell concentrated complex vitamins may be nausea for several hours. Fish oil capsules, in our time been touted to prevent almost any disease, from heart to arthritis, can also cause nausea and vomiting, especially if rancid fat in the capsule.

As mentioned earlier, foxglove, widely used cordial, especially responsible for the nausea. But it has this effect only after prolonged use, it will increase when its concentration in the bloodstream. The first evidence of toxicity - it crept aversion to food. Nausea drove or amplified when you see or smell food, but if you are poisoned by digitalis, the mere thought of it will make you squirm. Unfortunately, some people are "sitting" on digitalis, do not know what they are taking it. "Doctor," asked them to "miraculous pill" that suppresses the appetite, one of the "secret" part of which is foxglove! As the drug accumulates in the body, it will suppress your desire to eat, and even, perhaps, "crush" you to death, causing a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.

Other drugs that normally produce nausea, - used in the treatment of asthma (theophylline), many antibiotics, salicylate (analgesic), potassium and zinc in large quantities, some anticancer agents (as well as irradiation) and cough mixtures containing codeine.

Therefore be considered as criminal any recent prescribe medicine if you have unexplained nausea started, but never sharply do not stop its application until discuss this with your doctor. But if after your stomach out of shape, consider the following possibilities.

Nausea, which for several years periodically rolled on you probably emotional origin. (If it was a physical illness, she would have manifested itself.) When you are nervous or worried, you feel sick. Even experienced artists sometimes have this feeling before you go on stage. If your appetite is good, but you start to feel sick immediately after eating, it is one more proof that the problem is psychogenic in origin.

If you are a woman in the prime of life, nausea and more recently started in the morning, think about pregnancy, especially if your last menstrual period occurred more than six weeks ago. However, morning sickness is also characteristic of chronic smokers and those with profound pharyngeal rhinitis.

Starts Are you sick about two hours after a fatty meal? Think about the gallbladder disease, especially if you are a woman with overweight, age 40 (or younger) and taking birth control pills, several times gave birth, suffering from gas accumulations, and if your mother also had a disorder of the gallbladder.

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting and severe chronic headaches, it is probably a consequence of migraine.

Brain tumor can also give these symptoms, but, according to statistics, it is much less likely.

If nausea become chronic and cause pain or discomfort in the abdomen, you may have peptic ulcer, diaphragmatic hernia, gall bladder disease or trouble with the pancreas.

If nausea is accompanied by vomiting and weight loss, it causes suspicion, or tumor, or drug intoxication (digitalis).

The combination of severe nausea, sweating, and tightness of the chest is typical for the onset of infarction.

You feel sick and you have a slight fever? You also have lost the taste for tobacco? You have some discomfort in the right upper abdomen? Chance of hepatitis. Jaundice, discolored stool and urine, like tea, will come later.

When the kidneys stop working normally and waste toxic substances accumulate in the blood (uremia), almost always there is a chronic nausea.

Symptom: loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting

What can he mean? What to do with him?
Any illness, but especially hepatitis, cancer, kidney disease. Treatment of the underlying disease.
Medications. Refine your dose or change the medication.
Emotional breakdown. Supportive care.
Food poisoning. Antiemetics.
The anti-cancer therapy. Antiemetics.
Motion sickness. Meclizine, scopolamine, Compazine.
Maze. Meclizine.
Pregnancy. Pass.
Heavy smoking. Quit.
Deep pharyngeal rhinitis. Treatment of the paranasal sinuses.
Chronic gallbladder disease. A diet low in fat, bubble removal.
Migraine. In attacks - ergotamine, treatment fiorinalom.