Treatment with natural herbal remedies is the letter "O"



Even in ancient Greece, they loved this berry and used it widely for treatment - who would you think? - horses! She was called "brilliant treatment of horses".
However, in ancient Tibetan, Indian, Mongolian medicine, sea-buckthorn occupied a very honorable place. It was considered universal and used for healing of external and internal wounds, treated respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, improved the overall condition with beriberi and physical exertion.
Then came a long oblivion and, historically, only recently, after the Great Patriotic War of 1941 1945, the second birth of the sea-buckthorn occurred: it was believed and greatly loved. And it was for that. Sea buckthorn is a real storehouse of vitamins. Try to count them: A, B, C, B, C, E, K, R. Carotene in sea-buckthorn is more than in carrots, vitamin C is the same as in black currant, but it is better absorbed from sea buckthorn. Vitamin E - tocopherol, eliminates muscle weakness, dystrophy, positively affects the cardiovascular system, increases the production of sex hormones. Vitamins A and E in sea-buckthorn strengthen each other's action.
In modern medicine, sea buckthorn oil is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative nonspecific colitis, chronic tonsillitis, malignant tumors of the esophagus. Oil is also used for radiation damage to the skin, thermal and chemical burns, trophic ulcers.
Sea-buckthorn oil is so widely used in modern medicine that I do not see the need to describe the methods of its production and use in dermatological or ocular practice, the treatment of the liver, esophagus, intestines, skin diseases. Now all these appointments can be made by the attending physician. True, some folk recipes are not within the competence of the doctor. I will give at least a couple of examples.
CANCER CANCER AND OTHER CANCER. During the sap flow in spring, remove the bark from the branches no thicker than the finger, dry it, grind it. 4 5 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist for at least a month. Strain. Take 30 drops per quarter of a glass of water 3 4 times a day for complex treatment of cancer.
FLU. Thin twigs finely cut (branches can be taken at any time of year), 1 tablespoon pour 1.5 glasses of water, close the dishes and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, insist in the heat for 2 hours. Drink at night in small sips. It helps well in the initial stage of the flu, lowers the temperature and facilitates the condition.
Rheumatism, joint pain. 2 tablespoons chopped sprigs pour 300 ml of steep boiling water, insist 2 3 hours, strain. Take half a cup 3 times daily before meals. The pain subsides.
Sea buckthorn, there are no words, the most useful berry, but only some people can do good damage instead of good.
Sea-buckthorn oil can not be taken with acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and all other diseases of the pancreas, as well as with a tendency to a liquid stool. The fruit itself is also contraindicated in acute diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver, in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sea-buckthorn oil is often prescribed for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, but the fruits and juice of them are contraindicated in such cases, since they contain many organic acids that increase the secretion of gastric juice. Seabuckthorn is contraindicated in hyperacid gastritis.
Fresh fruits and sea buckthorn juice increase the acidity of urine, therefore it is contraindicated in patients with urolithiasis, especially when the stones are of urate nature.



It is not necessary to present it, but it is impossible to ignore attention, so it is known and necessary. True, he can not boast of his pedigree, his origin from the very bottom - comes from weeds. And he has a decent age - he began to serve people from the impenetrable depths of the Stone Age. Now it is one of the most important cereals.
Oat grain is larger than other breads, contains fats and vitamins, rich in protein, starch, alkaline salts, gums, essential oils, cholines and other useful substances. Therefore, in medicine it has been used since ancient times.
Despite the absence of any serious contraindications, I still decided to include it in the book, seeing in it only a reliable friend, and make a small selection of recipes from various diseases. Some of these recipes are so little known that it is a sin to keep them only in the midst of narrow specialists, away from people who can thanks to them get effective help.
Take, for example, some systemic diseases that are considered incurable, like scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, or bullous dermatoses, pyoderma, vitiligo - there are specific recommendations for their treatment.
SKLERODERMIA, DERMATOMIOSITI, RED WOLF, BULLETIN DERMATOZ, HERBAL, PYODERMIA, VITILIGO. With all these diseases, 2 glasses of oats should be poured into 5 6 cups of boiling milk, boil over low heat for 2 minutes, insist 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day for a month. Make a 1-month break. Do several such courses.
And help the heart?
Myocardial infarction. 1 cup of oats pour 1 liter of boiling water, on a low heat to evaporate half, drain. Drink only half a glass a day, but not volley, and tablespoons during the day.
PARKINSON'S DISEASE. Medicine has long been struggling with how to stop the involuntary movements of a person connected with the defeat of certain parts of the brain. To some extent, ovary helps to solve the problem. 9 spoons of oats cook in 3 liters of water for 1 hour, then insist on night. Drink all the resulting broth for a day (or as much as you can). Treatment is long - 2 3 years.
SCHIZOPHRENIA. You say: hour from hour is not easier. Is it possible that with such a disease, what can an oat do? Yes, you must take a decoction of grains for schizophrenia of any course, if the hospital is dominated by asthenic disorders with insomnia, a sharp drop in weight, anemia. Such a decoction is shown in other neuropsychiatric diseases, such as asthenic syndrome due to brain trauma, post-toxication asthenia of any origin (substance abuse, drug addiction, poisoning). The broth is prepared as follows: 1 cup of oats or cereals pour 1 liter of water, close the dishes and put on a small fire, watching until half of the water boils away. Strain, squeeze, pour in a decoction of 0.5 liters of boiled milk and 3 tablespoons of honey. The dishes are closed, the mixture is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the fire. Take half a cup 4 times a day after meals. Before re-warming.
CANCER OF THE THROAT. For 2 3 liters of water take 0.5 kg of grains and oat straw, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for 20 minutes. Allow to cool slightly. With this warm broth wipe the patient's body for 30 seconds and immediately put in bed. If there are blue or red spots on the body, or if the legs start swelling, treatment should not be interrupted, it is a sign that the patient is responding to it and that changes are possible for the better.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. Enter the stalks of oats in the ear, crush, fill the can to the top and pour completely with vodka. Infuse 3 weeks. Then take 20-30 drops on a tablespoon of water 3-4 times a day before meals.
NEPHRITIS. Grass the oats with water (that water for 1 2 fingers was more) and boil for 30 minutes. During the day, drink 2 cups of tea broth (you can half a cup 4 times a day). The course of treatment is 2 3 weeks. Well, if the reception of the broth combine with the baths of oat straw.
PANCREATITIS. 1 glass of oats to grind in a meat grinder, pour 5 glasses of water, cook after boiling for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour. Drink from a quarter to half a glass for half an hour before meals 3 4 times a day.
DIABETES. This is from simple recipes, but somebody might not know. Take 100 g of grain of oats, pour 750 ml of boiling water, insist 2 3 hours. Drink half a glass 3 4 times a day before meals. Can be long.
Serious contraindications to oats have not yet been revealed. An overdose can cause headache. There were two cases of complete intolerance of the infusions and oats broths. During treatment with oats it is necessary to observe moderation in food, exclude all alcoholic beverages and, if possible, coffee.



From the country of eternal summer - from cucumbers came to us from India. Wild cucumber in his homeland - a tropical liana, grows in the woods, curls, climbing high on trees, and the fruits hang down. Seeds of cucumbers were found in the ruins of the Khazar city of Sarkep, and this shows that people know and love cucumbers for almost six thousand years. It is known that the Roman emperor Tiberius demanded that he always serve cucumbers for dinner.
We all know that cucumbers almost entirely consist of water (96%). But, as Paul Bragg writes about cucumbers, "the most valuable of them is a liquid distilled by nature itself". And distilled water, as is known, helps dissolve many poisons accumulating in the body, and, passing through the kidneys, does not leave in them inorganic residues and sand. Moreover, in this water, given by nature, there are a lot of mineral salts and microelements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, silicon, iodine).
Cucumber - the record holder for the content of alkaline equivalents, therefore eliminates acidosis (from Latin - acidic, i.e., acidification of the body), which heals the chronic inflammatory processes of suppuration, wherever they are located.
Cucumbers perfectly heal the intestines, restrain the formation of fats from carbohydrates. They intensively regulate the acidity of gastric juice.
COLITIS. For a season of cucumbers, you can completely get rid of colitis. It is necessary only daily to eat 100 grams of finely grated cucumber on an empty stomach. After that, 30-40 minutes not to drink or eat.
The healing properties of cucumber seeds: they perfectly clean the walls of blood vessels from the inside and remove excess cholesterol. This is a very important property of cucumbers. For the prevention of atherosclerosis is the most accessible method of treatment.
Since Tiberius it is known that seeds of cucumbers and young cucumbers themselves remove increased sexual excitability. This was well known to monks, growing a large number of cucumbers in the monastery gardens and greenhouses. And one of the important sources of income for monasteries was the sale of "flour from dry seeds of overripe cucumbers."
SI Ilyina, a well-known Ukrainian expert in the field of therapeutic dietology, noticed another quality of cucumbers: "There is something mysteriously mysterious in the cucumber that you can not measure by calories or vitamins. How else to explain the well-known still in ancient times, used to this day the property of cucumber juice - healing and rejuvenating fading skin of the face, hands. And if it also acts on epithelial cells that protect against all harmful? Apparently, it contains substances unknown to us and so necessary for the cells of internal organs. "
Indeed, cucumbers go not only to us on the table, but find a therapeutic use, and not only in cosmetics for fading skin, but also for very serious diseases, as evidenced by the original, with effective recipes.
TROPHIC ulcers. From overripe cucumbers choose seeds, and dry. 100 grams of seeds (if not something to weigh, take 5 6 tablespoons) it is desirable to pound and pour 1 cup of vodka. Infuse for 10 days. Do daily lotions. Not immediately, but after a month two ulcers are usually delayed.
PARALYSIS. Cucumber whips cut into small pieces and put in a jar on the very hangers, top up with vodka to cover completely. One week to insist, putting in the sun, and another week in total darkness (in the closet). Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. If you can not drink alcohol, then instead of vodka you can pour infusion of green tea, but then take 1 2 cups 3 times a day. Hassle in this case will be more, because this infusion is not stored for a long time.
UTERINE BLEEDING. In the autumn, cucumber whips to wash off dirt and dust, cut into small pieces. 50- 100 g of grass pour 0.5 liters of water, boil 15 20 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Take half a cup 3 times a day. The first day, two bleeding stops, an improvement is coming.
HEMORROIDIDAL BLEEDING. Use the same recipe.
TEMPERATURE. To bring down the heat, you need to give the patient to drink a glass of cucumber juice, you can also do a wipe with juice and immediately put in bed.
COUGH. If you torture a ceaseless cough, drink 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice, you can, together with honey, 2 3 times a day. The cough subsides quickly, but with serious inflammatory diseases one must take several days.
MALARIA. Have a stock of dried cucumber flowers. 1 tablespoon chopped flowers pour a glass of boiling water, cook 2 3 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup throughout the day. And malaria will recede.
TUMOR TUMOR, RENAL COLORS, WAITING ILLNESS. Prepare powder from the seeds of an overripe cucumber. Take half to a full teaspoon 3 times a day, washing down with water.
YELLOW (and other liver diseases). Cut 50 g cucumber lashes, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour. Drink half a cup 3 times a day. Instead of lashes you can use zelenytsy (small immature cucumbers).
TUBERCULOSIS. Daily take 2 3 tablespoons of juice, you can with honey, a day 2 3 times. Quite an effective remedy. It acts antipyretic.
All this is only a small part of the recipes recommended and tested in the people. I dwelled only on the most serious, leaving aside such as periodontal disease, redness of the eyelids, hypotension, poor hair growth - right up to the dog's bite. Well done cucumber, not only for snacks, it is suitable. But he also has enough contraindications.
From cucumbers should be abandoned with gastrointestinal disorders. Everyone knows this. It is necessary to refrain at exacerbation of peptic ulcer of a stomach, at a played gastritis, enteritis and acute colitis.
To avoid dyspeptic phenomena after cucumbers, you can not drink cold, as well as carbonated water or lemonade, and people with a weak stomach - milk.
Nursing mothers are advised to be cautious about cucumbers, as many of the biologically active substances from their composition pass into breast milk and can cause diarrhea, rumbling and abdominal pain in the baby. In these cases, you need to give the child dill.
Cucumbers are contraindicated in acute and chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure, renal stone disease. Cucumbers are not recommended for obesity, obesity. They should be abandoned when hepatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia bile ducts.
Nutritionists do not recommend adding tomatoes to salads with cucumbers, as the value of cucumbers is sharply reduced. And it's hard to tell about salted cucumbers when they are useful. Almost always bring only harm. Cucumbers, salted and pickled, should be treated with caution in diseases of the liver, atherosclerosis, hypertension, violation of water salt metabolism. They are contraindicated with reduced thyroid function, kidney disease and during pregnancy.
From kidney diseases, we mean the contraindications to fresh cucumbers in case of nephrite with alkaline urine reaction, and to saline ones - with nephritis and pyelonephritis.



There is information that the ancient Romans used the leaves and flowers of this plant to raise the spirit, increase the courage of their soldiers. The learned naturalist Pliny the Elder called the cucumber grass "a plant that drives away sadness and boredom." In ancient Rome, it was used as an easy diuretic, diaphoretic in the form of infusion (flowers, stems, leaves). Infusion was used as a laxative, with functional disorders of the nervous system, including with heart neuroses, rheumatic, gouty and other pains in the muscles and joints. Europeans even now call cucumber grass "joy of the heart", "fun", "heart flower", applying for heart neuroses. It is now also used by a well-known Swiss company that produces various juices of medicinal plants.
The plant is weeded, but the cucumber grass is often cultivated as a salad plant not only because of its delicate cucumber odor, but also for medicinal purposes. Even in the form of seasoning, cucumber grass and its juice during flowering increase efficiency, relieve depressive states, hypochondria and melancholia, bring relief with a heart weakness of a nervous nature. In addition, a salad of fresh leaves cleanses the blood, protects the intestines and kidneys from inflammation, is useful in pleurisy, cardioneurosis and even with certain skin diseases.
The usual recipe: 1 tablespoon of herbs or 1 teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse before cooling down. Drink a quarter of a glass 4 times a day half an hour after a meal. You can add honey or sugar.
From contraindications: prolonged use of cucumber grass worsens liver function. It is best to use cucumber grass in gatherings and not more than a month.



That's what you will not surprise - it's a dandelion. Everywhere he is: in fields and meadows, in villages and cities. Even on the road he found a tiny cracks in the asphalt and climbed out of there - slightly hawkish, the stem is shorter than other dandelions, but the flower is as cheerful, sunny yellow. All its kind shows how to be tenacious, able to overcome any inconvenience and adversity. Or maybe nature specially created it for edifying us? And to help us, with valuable healing properties, you do not need to go to the distant distances (just do not take it in the city or on the roadside), find a clean lawn as far from the shelter as possible, and prepare the necessary medicines for yourself. Just remember a few rules. If you want to dry the leaves or squeeze out the juice from them, then it is best to do this in the early spring, before the flowering begins, this time they are the most healing. You can use dandelion later, all May and first half of June. In July and before the end of summer, the plant significantly loses its previous healing qualities.
By the way, dandelion is not inferior to May nettle in the ability to remove from the body harmful slag. And in general, it refers to those plants that are better to use in raw form. A lot of useful information about the dandelion I gave in the book "Overcome the grass", so there is no desire or need to repeat. But the new recipes, the more little-known, I think, will benefit the sick.
First of all, a few words about the juice of dandelion grass. If I conserve other plant juices with an equal amount of vodka, I do the dandelion differently: I add 150 ml of vodka to 700 ml of juice. I put it in a cool place. After a while, the juice will slightly acidify, but you do not need to be afraid of it. Lactic acid, formed during a weak fermentation, improves the quality of the juice. It has a good effect on the process of digestion and inhibits putrefactive processes in the esophagus, and is also an anti-cancer drug.
STOMACH CANCER. Mix evenly the juice from the leaves of dandelion, May Nettle, yarrow and plantain. Take 1 tablespoon an hour after 3 4 times a day. The course is 1 month, but can be extended to 2 months, then for a month break. (Usually in combination with other drugs selected against stomach cancer.)
LIVER CANCER. Mix evenly chopped leaves and roots. 1 teaspoon of mixture pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 50 ml 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA. It is quite often manifested with oncological diseases, and it is necessary to fight it when, sometimes, doctors do not cope with it. Here, the juice of a dandelion is one of the indispensable means. The course of treatment is carried out in two stages for 12 weeks, in spring and in autumn. In the spring of six weeks, you should drink half a glass of juice diluted with tea from the nettle, 3 times a day for half an hour before eating (whole plant with a root thoroughly washed, let dry, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze juice). In the autumn, from mid-August, do the same for six weeks. I say the approximate time - mid-August. Everything depends on the nature of the beginning of autumn, when the second vegetation of dandelion occurs massively. Sometimes, even in early October, when all the greenery around withers, the dandelion is blooming. It may not be so violent as in the spring, the peduncles grow lower, the leaves are less succulent, but still they have enough microelements and folic acid necessary for hemopoiesis.
Inflammation of lymphatic glands. The roots of the dandelion must be grinded into powder and taken in an incomplete teaspoonful 3 4 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal. The roots of dandelion must be digged in autumn, in October - then they are the most curative. Treatment is long, until the result.
DIAGNOSIS is exudative. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of chopped roots, insist 2 hours. Drink a quarter cup 3 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Improves metabolism in children.
Deforming arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Hot water - 200 ml pour 10 g of crushed roots (1 tablespoon), put in a boiling water bath, soak for 15 minutes, 1 hour to insist, drain. Top up to the previous volume of boiled water. Take in a warm form for a third of the glass 3 4 times a day for half an hour of eating. (The roots contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue, the dissolution of salts, restore the mobility of the joints.) The effect of treatment will intensify if the diseased joints in this healing period are rubbed with a tincture of red elderberry berries.)
PANCREATITIS, SPASTIC PAIN IN THE ANIMAL. 1 tablespoon of a mixture of roots and leaves, pour 2 cups (400 ml) of cold boiled water, 10 to 12 hours (preferably cook overnight). Drink 50 ml, that is, a quarter cup, 4 6 times before meals. Note: this is very useful for a sick liver, kidney, with allergies, but can cause loosening of the stool. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, only to take additional measures.
RISK OF MISCARRIAGE. Drink an infusion of dandelion root from the calculation of 2 teaspoons into a glass of boiling water, to insist 2 hours. Drink sips during the day or a quarter of a glass 3 4 times a day before meals.
In one of the recipes, I already warned that a dandelion can cause a loosening of the stool (mainly due to increased bile separation). Therefore, the herb and roots of the plant are not used for gastrointestinal disorders. It is undesirable to take dandelion preparations with pronounced hypotonic dyskinesia of the gallbladder, since the excessive supply of bile to the lack of contractility of the bladder will promote its stretching and intensifying pain. It is undesirable to use dandelion in allergic dermatitis. Allergic reaction can cause dandelion flowers, their pollen. With the symptoms of influenza, dandelion treatment should be stopped.


Each herbalist has plants to which he treats with special sympathy. I can not remain indifferent to the comfrey. In the literature on herbal medicine, it is rarely mentioned. Perhaps because in medical practice, unlike other even little-known plants, the comfrey finds extremely limited application, practically equal to zero.
In folk medicine it is recognized and respected, especially with bone diseases, fractures, bruises, dislocations, with painful amputated limbs. Many other diseases, such as stomach and duodenal ulcer, the initial stage of tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, bone tuberculosis, sarcoma, cancer, as well as various tumors, hardening of the breast in a nursing mother, hard-healing wounds, boils, ulcers in the oral cavity, periodontitis , Angina, sciatica and sciatica.
However, there are also scientific data on the positive clinical effect from the use of ointment with comfrey root for annular granuloma, vasculitis, scleroderma focal and hemiatrophy of Roumberg, trophic ulcers. (Ring-shaped granuloma is a chronic skin disease, the causes of which are unknown, and which almost can not be cured.) So far, no special treatment for scleroderma has been found, this also applies to other named diseases.)
I comfrey helped in the complex treatment of sarcoma, cancer, especially when metastasizing cancer cells into the bone. I applied it also with osteomyelitis, fractures of bones.
It's not easy to get this black with a look, on a broken sugar-white root, it's no easier and work with it or dry it. But you have to climb into the swamp, digging out the slippery, serpentine roots that go deep into the earth, to wash them from the mud in the neighboring lake, cursing the continuous rain with snow - usually this time the hunt for the comfrey, after all, the roots must be taken only after the green stems have faded.
Experimentally (in animal experiments) it was established that the allantoin contained in the comfrey alkaloid possesses a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect. But we must not forget that alkaloidicinoglossin and glucoalkaloid consolidin have a paralyzing effect on the central nervous system. Because of them and some other substances, the comfrey is quite a poisonous plant.
The roots of the comfrey do not tolerate boiling, which destroys the most curative elements. Therefore, with suspicion, I treat such prescriptions as from bronchitis, gastritis, ulcerative colitis: 1 tablespoon of root per 0.5 liters of water, cook for 5 minutes, insist for 1 hour. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. And with angina generally recommend cooking for 10 minutes. Therefore, I will focus only on the most reliable prescriptions.
BPH. 2 чайные ложки корней залить 2 стаканами кипятка (не кипятить), настоять 1 час. Принимать по полстакана 3 4 раза в день.
MAMMARY CANCER. Свежие корни провернуть через мясорубку и на тряпочке прикладывать к опухоли. Делать 1 раз в сутки, затем менять.
САРКОМА, ТРОМБОФЛЕБИТ, СИЛЬНЫЕ УШИБЫ. Втирать или прикладывать мазь из свежего или сухого распаренного корня, смешанного со свиным жиром.
ТУБЕРКУЛЁЗ ЛЁГКИХ. 40 г корня залить 1 л горячего молока, настаивать в тепле всю ночь. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
ПЕРЕЛОМ КОСТИ. Прикладывать компрессы из свежего корня окопника. Зимой сушёный корень истереть в порошок (растирается легко) и смешать для основы со свиным салом.
РАК РАЗНОЙ ЛОКАЛИЗАЦИИ. Я пользуюсь часто таким своим рецептом: 1 чайную ложку истолчённого корня на ночь залить стаканом холодной кипячёной воды. Настоять 8 часов. Этот настой слить в другую посуду, а корни залить 1 стаканом кипятка. Insist 1 hour, strain. Соединить оба настоя. Принимать по полстакана 3 4 раза в день до еды либо через 2 часа после еды. Если надо ограничить жидкость, то 1 чайную ложку корня заливаю 100 мл холодной воды, а утром — 100 мл кипятка. В этом случае принимать по 50 мл 3 4 раза в день. А распаренные корни можно прикладывать на опухоль или поражённую кость. Использую я это средство только в комплексном лечении.
Я уже говорил, что окопник ядовит. Мне не приходилось сталкиваться со случаями отравления, но если это вдруг произошло, то необходимо промыть желудок слабым раствором марганцовки, принять солевое слабительное и лекарства, поддерживающие дыхание и кровообращение.
Должен сказать, что решением Всемирной организации здравоохранения окопник запрещён для внутреннего применения во всех формах, кроме гомеопатии. Установлено, что содержащиеся в нём пиролизидиновые алкалоиды могут вызвать капиллярные кровоизлияния в печени (даже со смертельным исходом). В других источниках перепуганные медики высказывали мнение, что окопник противопоказан при раке. На мой взгляд, возможно, он действительно нежелателен при плоскоклеточных формах рака, но при слизистых и других десятках видов злокачественных опухолей он давал неплохие результаты. В ряде случаев окопник, вкупе с другими противоопухолевыми растениями, помог мне справиться с метастазами в рёбра и позвоночник при раке молочной железы, лёгких и других внутренних органов, а также с саркомой.
Окопник снижает кровяное давление, что следует учесть при гипотонии. Он усиливает сокращение мускулатуры матки, поэтому противопоказан при беременности.



From the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, he reached us, in the middle lane of Russia, as a houseplant. He has fragrant, double, large pink flowers, which I remembered with my beauty in my early childhood. As the blossom begins to blossom - a fragrant room fills the room. Like all the kids, I wanted not only to smell, but also to chew such a tempting flower - suddenly and the taste of it is unusual. "You can not," my mother told me. "He's very poisonous." Mother's words are the law. They were remembered for a lifetime.
It is recognized by medicine that oleander is an effective cardiotonic. Its action is comparable to digitalis, but unlike it, oleander glycosides act faster and softer, they are quickly eliminated from the body. Oleander is prescribed for arrhythmia with accelerated heartbeat, with heart failure and angina, with stagnant phenomena in a small circle of circulation, with a mitral valve with atrial fibrillation. Use in micro doses powder from leaves or alcohol tincture. The average dose is calculated in thousandths of a gram, and at home, the use of oleander is practically impracticable. Therefore, any amateur activity is fraught with dangerous consequences.
Nevertheless, in folk medicine, with the skillful use of infusion of oleander leaves, they drink with nervous exhaustion, headaches, epilepsy, convulsions, apoplexy, insomnia. External make lotions with soaking eczema, deprive and other skin diseases, rinse your mouth with toothache.
Powder from leaves does not have a therapeutic effect in chronic nephritis, hypertension, cardiosclerosis, which occurred with cardiac decompensation.



In wet wetlands, along the banks of creeks and streams, they usually grow alternately, alder gray and alder black. In gray alder, the bark is light, smooth, and the black is darkly brown, with cracks. However, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from the crust only. You look at the leaves. In gray they have a sharp tip, and in black alder leaves are blunt, with a small notch. In the spring, just after the buds are dissolved, tender leaves of black alder are sticky, sticking to the hands. This is the best time to collect them. Spread a tablecloth on a young grass or a clean sheet, lay out the collected leaves on it with a thin layer. In a heap it is impossible - immediately begin to bask, which in any case should not be allowed. And when you're driving home, it's constantly raining them, otherwise in two or three hours you'll be burned, you'll bring home a hot brown porridge - such a powerful energy is hidden in these small sticky leaves.
Without the leaves of black alder, I do not think of treating many types of cancer. I do not know why, but many authors of books about medicinal plants black alder bypass, more talk about gray, and then, mostly about alder cones, sometimes about leaves and bark. Only in the works of LV Pastushenkov I found the following lines: "Decoction of alder leaves (black) is recommended as a mild laxative, diaphoretic and antitussive remedy, used for rheumatism and gout, breast cancer, stomach outlet, pancreas, Duodenum, esophagus, rectum, throat and uterus. " And all, without any comment or recipe. In the same row with laxative or antitussive.
Infusion of leaves and tincture of black alder buds, I often included in antitumor complexes and observed positive results, especially for pancreatic cancer and rectal cancer, in part for esophagus cancer.
CANCER OF DIFFERENT LOCALIZATION. 1 tablespoon chopped leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 4 hours, or warm in a water bath for 30 minutes, after cooling, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day shortly before meals. You can strengthen the tincture of the kidneys of black alder. Tincture is prepared from 5 tablespoons of kidneys per 0.5 liter of vodka. Insist not less than a month. Take 30 drops 3 times daily before meals, best by pouring into the intake of leaf infusion, or in the infusion of another designated plant.
There were no contraindications (or complaints from patients). Perhaps, because the drugs were taken in common with other plants that soften or, conversely, enhance the effect of the chemical composition of preparations of black alder.


Collecting aquatic plants, you can sometimes grab a few handfuls of omegnik seeds. The plant is quite high, noticeable in that it looks like airy and thinly dissected (like carrots) leaves, a vicious stem growing often from water, and umbrellas of small white flowers a poisonous milestone or cicuta. However, the omega himself is poisonous, especially the roots (the plant contains a poisonous tar-like substance enantoxin, which is close to cicutotoxin by action).
Fruit tincture or the seeds themselves, worn to powder, are good for diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs with abundant sputum discharge - with bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, respiratory infections. The omozhnik calms pains in the stomach and intestines, it is useful in flatulence.
With these diseases, inside take 1 2 g of powder with honey - this is for the whole day in small portions.
Infusion is prepared from 5 g of seeds per 0.5 L of boiling water, stand for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. In the acute period of the disease, the dose increases: half a glass of infusion up to 6 times a day.
Contraindicated omegnik with inflammation of the kidneys, liver. Essential oils contained in the fruit can irritate the pancreas.



A globular shrubbery, settling on the branches of various deciduous trees, less often on conifers, high above, it's just not possible to reach it. Such an evergreen ball hangs on the top of an oak or poplar tree, branching roots penetrating the bark and wood of the host's tree, forming numerous suckers, and sucking out the juice from the host. In short, a parasite. But they love it, a parasite, in Ukraine, in the Crimea, in Belarus. The plant is poisonous, nevertheless it is popular among the people in the treatment of all kinds of diseases. It is used internally in the form of tinctures and broths for epilepsy, hypochondria, hysteria and as an anticonvulsant.
Water infusion of branches with leaves and berries improves the functioning of the intestines, stops bleeding, soothes the nervous system, relieves headaches. The mistletoe is prescribed with the increased function of the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, malignant formations. Fresh juice is used for prolapse of the rectum. Tea from mistletoe is drunk to raise vitality.
Usually mistletoe taken from birch is used. Decoction of mistletoe from hornbeam, oak and pine is drunk in heart diseases, nervous diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, rheumatism, sometimes with cancer.
The least appreciated mistletoe, taken from an apple or pear. I was brought a pear mistletoe and, to be honest, I did not find any use for it. Apparently, the principle worked - to deal only with those plants that he collected. Besides, who can guarantee that this mistletoe has never heard of Chernobyl?
I did not begin to quote the recipes known to me only because if a person wants to be treated with a mistletoe, he will first ask how and from what he should prepare a decoction or infusion.
A mistletoe is available. You can not take her drugs with low blood pressure, asthenia. She will not help with a reduced function of the thyroid gland.
Mistletoe is contraindicated in pregnancy.



There was a time when the boron womb - so called in the people of Ramishia - was brought from Altai. Even in those Soviet times, it was dearly valued. When the Soviet Union collapsed, a political game of sovereignty began. Altai introduced a ban on the export of rare and valuable plants, equating to smuggling and imposing solid fines. This period, fortunately, was short, but how to manage without a boron uterus for a year or two? And later, when it became permissible to take out, who would be engaged in this, if the cost of travel to those fertile places would turn every flower into gold?
And it must be the same - it turned out that one-sided Ramishia is growing in our country, in Bashkortostan. True, in very rare places, and knew about this unit.
The bovine uterus is valued as an effective tool for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases. It is used for uterine fibroids with heavy bleeding, cervical erosion, infantilism, menstrual cycle disorders, pregnancy toxemia. Well helps with infertility. I repeatedly included Ramishiya in therapeutic complexes for cancer of female genital organs.
In addition, Ramicia is used as a diuretic for cystitis and kidney disease (nephritis, pyelonephritis). By the way, this is not only female grass. A prostate is treated with a papilla. And if you do not spare so valuable raw materials, then you can treat hemorrhoids.
MATERNITY FIBROM. 1 tablespoon of herbs for 1 cup of boiling water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, 1 hour to insist. Drink 2 3 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals. The same broth can be syringed with erosion of the cervix.
INFLAMMATION OF PIPES. When inflammation of the tubes, accompanied by adhesive process, take 30-40 drops of tincture 3 4 times a day. For the tincture, fill a third of the pot with grass, top up with vodka, insist 4 5 weeks. The course of treatment from 2 3 weeks to several months - it depends on the duration and severity of the disease. So, if the inflammatory process of the tubes lasts more than a year, then for each year of illness it is necessary to take 200 250 ml of tincture from the calculation for daily 3-5 ml. In the first 1 2 months I add an infusion of herbs of wintergreen, at least 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours, to take 1/3 cup, dropping 30-40 drops of tincture of Ramichia.
INFERTILITY. The recipe is the same - 30-40 drops of tincture 3 times a day before meals. It is possible with the infusion of wintergreen.
Polycystic ovaries. Take tincture of the hog ets in 30-40 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
TOXICOX PREGNANCY. Take 30 drops of tincture on a spoonful of water for half an hour before eating.
Ramichia is one-sided - the plant is not toxic, but it is undesirable to use it for a long time with intestinal atony, increased blood viscosity, or it is necessary to take countermeasures that improve the intestinal motility, improve the blood formula.



She lives on average as much as people - 60 80 years, rarely reaching the age of 100. And sick as often as a person. An amazing coincidence. The difference is only that a person is indifferent, is indifferent to her fate, and aspen by faith the truth serves a person. I'm not talking about the fact that the cleanest water is in a well with an aspen log. I will not enumerate those material blessings that aspen gives to industry and personal life of a person. I will focus on the healing properties that support, and sometimes save, human life. I have already mentioned how I successfully healed hyperplasia and prostate cancer with decoctions of the thin bark from young aspen branches. Not only me, but folk medicine of many countries has long enjoyed aspen as a remedy. I will not list everything, I will focus only on some points.
Infusion or decoction of aspen buds expels an old cold, brings relief from fever, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. Kidneys are treated with cystitis and other diseases of the bladder, kidney, urinary incontinence in old age. Alcohol tincture from the inner bark of young branches treats neurorematism (chorea). Poultices from young aspen leaves are used for arthralgia, intercostal neuralgia - they reliably relieve pain. Bark powder is brewed like tea and drunk in colitis. Aspen buds prepare tincture: fill them with half a can (any - depending on the need), top up with vodka. Insist in a dark place - I insist for at least a month. Every day you need to shake.
URINE IMMUNIZATION IN OLD STARS, PODAGRA, RHEUMATICS. Take 25 30 drops of tincture 3 times a day on a glass of water.
MIGRAINE. A very good tincture helps if you take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for an hour before meals, on water or with water.
MASTOPATHY. 600 g of aspen bark pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 2 hours. Insist before cooling, drain. Pour 0.5 lunches into the broth. The resulting mixture is divided into 20 portion portions. Drink 20 consecutive days for half an hour before a meal.
NEPHRITIS. Cook the broth from the calculation of 1 tablespoon of a mixture of twigs, leaves and bark for 1 glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Take half a cup of 3 5 times a day. After 3 4 weeks, take a break for 10 days and repeat the course if necessary.
INFLAMMATION OF SURGERY. Burn aspen logs, sift the resulting ash. Infuse cook from 4 tablespoons of ashes to 1 liter of boiling water, insist 10 days, drain. Take 8 teaspoons 3 times a day an hour after eating. Course 11 days, then 22 days break, and again repeat the course in 11 days. At this time, do not eat spicy, salty, spicy. Treatment gives good results. By the way, in the same way are treated colitis, inflammation of the ureters.
PANCREATITIS. In 0.5 liters of cold water, put 3 tablespoons of bark, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Infuse before cooling, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times daily before meals.
DIABETES. The same preparation and use as in pancreatitis.
HYPERTROPHY OF THE PROSTATE IRON, CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE ULTIMATE BUBBLE, WEAK ILLNESS. Take 100 g of bark or kidney for 1 liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks (at least). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 1 2 months.
CANCER OF THE PROSTATE GLAND. Used bark of young branches from the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 5 minutes or soak in a water bath for 30 minutes. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times daily before meals. (I find that here, too, a complex is required with the use of hemlock, cockleberry juice, wintergreen tincture and other auxiliaries.) One month I use aspen bark, another month bark or hazel leaf, then return to aspen again.)
Aspen preparations are easily transferred. Do not just forget that the broths of the kidneys have an astringent effect and should not be prescribed for long-standing intestinal diseases with persistent constipation. It is necessary to be cautious and take the necessary measures for dysbiosis.



The plant is weed, often found on wastelands, along roadsides, along ravines and river banks, on pastures. Its chemical composition has not been studied. Few people pay attention to it as a medicinal herb. It is used, in the main, only experts of herbalists. And with success: tincture of grass on vodka, prescribed drops, you can stop even grueling children's diarrhea, when other means are powerless. The depletive man treats chronic exhaustion. Decoction of the grass stimulates the work of the stomach, liver and spleen. Decoction of the roots is prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis, and decoction of inflorescences is prescribed for nephritis.
DESIRE, ART. 3 tablespoons of dried herb grass for 0.5 liters of raw water, bring to a boil and cook for 3 4 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass 3 4 times a day before meals.
PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Here, dried roots of the autumn are required. 1 tablespoon chopped roots are put in a glass of water, cook on low heat for 5-6 minutes, insist 2 hours. After straining take 1 2 tablespoons 3 4 times a day before meals.
ECZEMA. 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dry crushed leaves and inflorescences of an oslinnik pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, close the lid and insist 2 3 hours. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times a day. Significantly facilitates the condition, eczema is on the wane.
Concrete contraindications have not yet been identified, but I would not advise using an oslinik when atony intestines, hemorrhoids.



In the therapeutic practice of different countries, rhizomes with roots are used. Broths are given to drink with bronchitis with a strong cough, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. They are effective in chronic colitis, accompanied by chronic constipation and flatulence. The roots of sand sedge are also used for a variety of skin diseases: vasculitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, red flat lichen, furunculosis.
BRONCHITE, ASTMA. 2, 5 3 tablespoons chopped rhizome sedge for 3, 5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and on low heat to evaporate until about two glasses of liquid remain. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take a quarter cup 3 times daily before meals.
REVATISM, GIFT. You can use the above recipe. But most often in the people 1 tablespoon chopped roots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours and drink half a glass 4 times a day.
Contraindications may serve as diarrhea, peptic ulcer and gastritis in the acute stage.



In folk medicine is very popular, especially with eye diseases. It also helps with memory loss. Ochanka is used for respiratory diseases, bronchopneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, influenza. It is used for liver diseases, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, colitis, hypertension.
GLAUCOMA. 1 2 teaspoons of herb herbs per quarter of a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and 2 minutes to insist. When cooling down, dig in the corners of the eyes or do warm compresses with infusion on the eyes for an hour and a half. In addition, it is useful to take inside 3 tablespoons 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. If you add a few salt crystals to the broth, it comes close to tears due to salinity, which is good for washing the eyes.
CONJUNCTIVITY, BARLEY. Take 3 teaspoons of herb herbs in 2 cups of cold water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Use in the form of warm baths to the eyes (after infusion for 1 hour). In Tibetan medicine, the ophthalmic is considered one of the best remedies for conjunctivitis.
STENOCARDIA. If you have a sick heart, stenocardia, and, moreover, sick eyes - prepare an infusion of 2 tablespoons of the eyeballs for 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day - it will help the heart, and with eye diseases. Often use an infusion for washing the eyes.
DIATESIS, CHILDREN'S ECZEMES, SKIN TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN. Prepare the infusion from the calculation of 1 tablespoon of herbs for 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. To small children 3 5 years of age give on a tablespoon 3 4 times a day, in 10 years - on 50 ml as 3 4 times a day, is more senior - from 1/3 to 1/2 glasses.
BRONCHITIS (with hardly detachable sputum), INFLAMMATION OF VOICE BINDINGS, INFLAMMATION OF THE MUCOUS STOMACH AND TOLSTOUS. Exactly the same infusion take half a cup 4 times a day until recovery.
When assigning the ovary it is necessary to take into account that the water extract of the herb narrows the blood vessels and raises blood pressure, allowing it to be used for hypotension, and, on the contrary, the alcohol tincture is counter-indicative - it reduces blood pressure. Ophandrum is undesirable to take inside with a low acidity of gastric juice.



It is important not to confuse with other types of purification, since they have different purposes. Preparations for the treatment of large is usually prescribed for chronic ischemic heart disease with frequent pain attacks, cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency, anemia, chronic liver and gallbladder diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, are given as a tonic and restorative remedy for a weakened patient. But most of the time, large amounts of purification are used externally in fractures of bones, trophic ulcers, burns and as an effective means for removing warts and calluses.
ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE, HEART AND PULMONARY INSUFFICIENCY, NERVOUS DISEASES. Fresh plant to scald with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice and dilute it with an equal amount of water. Give to puff for 1 2 minutes. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day with meals. To store the juice diluted with vodka one to one, take 30 drops the same 3 times a day, after eating.
Cleansing is highly contraindicated in hypocidal and anacid gastritis, in all cancers.



Most often it is used as a water infusion in the goiter and as a tonic for the central nervous system. Has a hemostatic effect in menorrhagia. The purification of the hybrid to the most valuable properties can be attributed to the fact that it inhibits the development of leukocytosis.
GOITER. 1 tablespoon of dry ground grass to pour a glass of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours, drain. Take 1 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
MERRORAGES. Infusion is prepared the same way. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Contraindications can serve as urine acid diathesis, gout, and also a tendency to sudden pressure jumps.



It is usually used inside with diseases of the stomach, liver, heart, diathesis and children's eczema. External use in the form of poultices on tumors with neoplasms or lotions for skin diseases, accompanied by excruciating itching. The juice of the grass is smeared with pigment spots, purulent ulcers. The juice squeezed from fresh herbs, unlike the juice of a large, purgative, toxic and when in contact with the skin causes inflammation and the formation of blisters, so use it with great caution.
PROKIT. 2 tablespoons of herbs pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 3 times a day shortly before meals.
EPILEPSY. Dried grass cleansing caustic powder, sift. Take 0.5 g (at the tip of a table knife, or the size of a pea) twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 3 months.
Purified acid has a local irritant effect, so it is necessary to avoid taking large doses inside. You can correct this dosage yourself, of course, in a smaller direction.
Acrid caustic is contraindicated in hypertension, pregnancy, increased nervous irritability.



The unique healing properties of this plant deserve the highest praise. And, of course, in-depth study and research, especially for use in malignant neoplasms. This is one of the biogenic stimulants, exceeding in the biological activity the preparations of aloe, but without their contraindications. Its antitumor activity far surpasses the hemlock and, unlike it, it is absolutely non-toxic. Purified purple is one of the strongest immunostimulating agents, but acts on the body not as a whip, but gently, affectionately, sparingly. It is possible to list a great variety of diseases in which purulent purification preparations are desirable.
CANCER OF ANY LOCALIZATION. Purified purple is not to be confused with other types of purification! - I have been using for a long time in the treatment of malignant tumors according to my own formula (unfortunately, nowhere else is it indicated, and the cleanses themselves are often confused, calling hare cabbage that is a large purification, an ordinary cleansing, etc.). 1 tablespoon without a slide, almost flush with the edges, brewed a glass of boiling water, infused for 2 hours. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times a day. Dried juice is prescribed for 20 drops as well 3 times a day. Treatment is always conducted in conjunction with other antitumor and ancillary plants.
In addition, infusion of herbs is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, heart failure, epilepsy and as a tonic for general weakness, kidney disease, nervous disorders.
I did not have to detect any severe side effects even after long-term use of this purification, except that it slightly increases the pressure, and exceeding the dosage can cause short-term overexcitation, in rare cases - dizziness and headache.



Not to be confused with the drug focus - sometimes you had to deal with the fact that the herbalists in the markets were offered full-time color under the guise of a charm. Misleading introduces the similarity of names, although these plants from different families and their therapeutic purpose are different. In folk medicine, full-time color, sometimes called chickenpox, is used for nephritis, hepatitis and other diseases of the liver, gall bladder, with pulmonary diseases, epilepsy, depression, neuroses. It is believed that full-time color has antitumor effect. Treat them and eye diseases: juice mixed with honey and used for cataracts, beginning with thorns.
The plant is poisonous and requires caution. Reception of preparations of internal color inside is contraindicated in pregnancy - it acts abortively. Do not take with bronchitis with a dry cough, with difficulty expectoration of sputum.