Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "Щ"



From ancient times, sorrel was one of the most respected medicinal plants. This is one of 77 medicinal plants, which are described in the famous medico-botanical poem Odo from Mena "On the properties of herbs."
Galen and Dioskrid prescribed a decoction of rhizomes of sorrel for dysentery, for indigestion of food, and also for bleeding as a hemostatic. In the Middle Ages, sorrel was considered a medicine capable of protecting a person from plague. Sorrel was widely used in Arab, Tibetan and Chinese traditional medicine.
And it's hard to believe that in some countries, including Russia, people have not dared for a long time to eat sorrel, considering it weedy grass. Famous German traveler Adam Olezary, who visited Moscow in 1633, told how Muscovites mocked foreigners who ate "green grass". Russians almost the last of Europeans overcame the rejection of "weed." But in Russia now even in the saints there is in May the day "Mary - green soup", when the hostesses are preparing soup from a young sour.
The French believe that they have two national vegetables: carrots and sorrel. A hundred years ago, only one Paris took twenty thousand tons of sorrel. For Bulgarians, too, spring is not spring without sorrel, there it is considered the best stuffing for pies.
Sorrel was not only in soup and stuffing for pies. Our zemsky doctors with his help were able to treat tuberculosis of the lungs, eased the suffering of people with rheumatism.
Sorrel is rich in flavonoids, lipids, proteins, mineral salts, organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric), carotene, vitamins B, B, C, K, PP. The interaction of these substances and has a therapeutic effect, because its drugs have astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, antiallergic, antiscorbutic, choleretic, antitoxic, antifungal and analgesic. Sorrel improves digestion, reduces putrefaction in the intestines.
Sorrel improves the work of the liver and the formation of bile, improves the activity of the intestine. Decoction of leaves is used as an antidote for some poisonings, and decoction of roots is used in bloody diarrhea, with pain in the lower back and rheumatism. Sorrel is indicated for colitis, enterocolitis, gastrointestinal tract diseases, hemorrhoids, fissures of the anus.
Sorrel is one of the best remedies for menopause, both for men and women. Avicenna believed that the main purpose of sorrel - is to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of menopause, you only need to use it systematically, then it passes faster and easier. A woman should drink broth 7 days a month before menstruation (then she will be painless, without nervous tension, discharge uninvited, sleep is strong, nerves at rest). Brew 1 tablespoon dry leaves in a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, drink a third cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Sorrel is also useful for infertility. The recipe is just as simple: 1 tablespoon of sorrel, pour a glass of boiling water, boil on low heat for 1 minute, insist until it cools. Drink one third of the glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. If you add soreness to your sorrel and mumie, the effect of treatment will come faster.
Sorrel is undesirable to cook - thus, as experts consider, and harmful for an organism inorganic oxalic acid is formed.
Sorrel is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities and for a long time because of the high content of oxalic acid, which can cause a violation of mineral metabolism in the body and kidney function - kidney stone disease, gout.
Sorrel is contraindicated in pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, gastritis with high acidity, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Sorrel complicates the absorption of calcium and may contribute to the development of osteoporosis.



For medicinal purposes, it is used much more often than the sour sorrel, which is related to it. And their chemical content is markedly different.
The roots of horse sorrel are used for diseases of the liver, dysentery, pulmonary and uterine bleeding, to relieve stools, with hemorrhoids and fissures of the anus, externally with burns, wounds, stomatitis, gingivitis, various skin diseases.
In Germany, for example, decoction of the root is used even with irritation of throat, larynx, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, with coughing, runny nose, frontitis, headache (in the form of grindings with fresh juice).
Just like sour, horse sorrel promotes the formation of oxalate kidney stones. In these cases, a combination with sour milk, kefir or sour cream is necessary. The bottom line is that dairy products contain a lot of calcium. Linking in the intestine with oxalic acid, calcium forms hardly soluble, difficult-to-absorb compounds (oxalates). It is considered desirable to take apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, which contribute to the excretion of oxalates.
For me, horse sorrel is of interest as an antitumor agent.
UTERINE CANCER. 2 tablespoons of the roots of sorrel, pour 2 cups of boiling water, keep in a closed dish on low heat for 15 minutes, insist 4 hours, drain. To use on one procedure of syringing. It is advisable to conduct at least 12 such procedures.
The use of horse sorrel is only external (in this case), so there are no specific contraindications here.