Centurium minus moench. (Pp. Umbellatum gilib)

Family Gentianacea - Gentianacea

Золототысячник малый (зонтичный) Золототысячник малый (зонтичный)

Botanical characteristics. The family is gentian. Biennial or annual herb with a straight single stem, from 15 to 50 cm in height. The root is thin. Stalk leaves are opposite, entire; Basal - collected in a rosette, obovate, with 5 veins. Small pinkish flowers are collected in a tender umbellate inflorescence on the tops of stems and side shoots. Blossoms in June-August. Fruit - a box with numerous seeds. Ripens in September.

Spread. It occurs in the middle and southern regions of the European part of the country, in Western Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. It grows on damp meadows, fringes, outskirts of swamps.

Used parts of the plant. Grass collected during the flowering period.
In the grass of the gold-bearing mill there were found gentianin (alkaloid with antihelminthic properties), flavone glycoside, bitter glycosides, mucus, essential oils, organic acids and vitamin C.

Application. A good remedy for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. A thousand-acres refers to bitterness, improves appetite, stimulates the secretion of the stomach and intestines, acts loosely and caries. It is used for gastritis with a decreased secretory function, for diseases of the liver and bile ducts, for pancreatitis, anemia and diabetes. Adding to the charges of the goldmeter is advisable for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and gastritis with increased secretory function.
Traditional medicine attributes a gold-throat anthelmintic effect, and also applies it in the treatment of alcoholism (the grass disgusts alcohol).

Preparation. 2 tablespoons of herbs poured into the evening in a half-liter thermos, poured over with steep boiling water. The next day, drink all the infusion for 3 times minutes for 20-30 before meals in a warm form.