lily of the valley

Convallaria majalis L.

Ландыш майский Ландыш майский

Botanical characteristics. The family is lily. Perennial herbaceous plant 10-30 cm in height, with a thin creeping rhizome. The leaves are bright green, large, lanceolately elliptical, entire, extending from the rhizome. Blossoms in May-June. The flowers are white, very fragrant, campanulate, collected in a one-sided flower brush. Fruit - orange-red fleshy berry, ripens in August-September.

Spread. It is widely distributed almost throughout the European part of the country, in the Urals, Siberia, the Far East. It grows in shady deciduous and mixed forests. For medical purposes it is cultivated on plantations, in recent years is found in orchards as an ornamental plant.

Used parts of the plant. Flowers, leaves and seeds.
The main active principle of the lily of the valley are cardiac glycosides - konvalatoksin, deszglucokeutotoxin, konval-lazid, etc. Glycosides of the lily-of-the-valley quickly break down in the body and do not give a cumulative effect.
In the seeds of the lily of the valley contains konvalazid and other glycosides, in the roots - konvalamarin.

Application. Lily of the valley preparations are used for neuro-circulatory dystonia according to the cardiac type, with hysteria and mild forms of diffuse toxic goiter, often in combination with valerian and hawthorn.
In folk medicine, the lily of the valley is used more widely: with heart diseases, as a diuretic in dropsy of any etiology, with neuroses, epilepsy, with feverish diseases and externally in the form of lotions in eye diseases.

Contraindications. The plant is poisonous, take only as directed by the doctor. Preferred use of pharmaceutical products.

Preparation. 1 tablespoon of herb is insisted with 200 ml of boiling water (in a thermos). Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
Pharmaceutical preparations: lily of the valley lime (1:10) tincture on 70% alcohol, adults 15-20 drops, children 1 to 12 drops 2-3 times a day, drops of lily-of-the-valley valerian (20 drops 2-3 times a day Day), drops of lily-of-the-valley valerian with adoniside (15-20 drops 2-3 times a day), lily-of-the-valley drops with hawthorn (15-20 drops 3 times a day).