Levsea safflower - rhaponticum carthamoides

Other names are: maral root, rayonticum safflower, safflower bastide, safflower stemacanth.

Family Compositae (Asteraceae).

Левзея сафлоровидная - Rhaponticum carthamoides Левзея сафлоровидная - Rhaponticum carthamoides Левзея сафлоровидная - Rhaponticum carthamoides

Botanical characteristics. Perennial herbaceous plant with erect stem 40-120 cm high. Leaves alternate, deeply pinnatized, pointed, lower - petiolate, dentate, median - sessile, finely toothed or whole-edge. Flowers are small, violet-lilac or pink. Blooms in July - August. Fruit is the seed.

Spread. A plant is widespread in the mountains of Southern Siberia, Eastern Kazakhstan. Cultivated also in Russia.

Used parts of the plant. With a therapeutic purpose, roots and rhizomes dug in early spring or autumn are used. Pharmacy raw materials are not released.

Chemical composition. Rhizome and plant roots contain inulin, alkaloids, essential oil, resins, tannins (up to 5%), retinol, ascorbic acid, phosphorus salts.

Application. Galenic preparations levzeya safflower are one of the most active immunostimulants of plant origin. Preparations tone and stimulate the central nervous system with physical overwork, general weakness, poor appetite, reduced ability to work, depressed condition, improve heart function, positively influence blood pressure, show a noticeable awakening effect when using hypnotic drugs.

Preparations leuzea safflower significantly increase work capacity. The most noticeable effect is observed in patients with complaints of increased fatigue, poor mood, decreased appetite, irritability, headache, poor sleep, decreased sexual function, and also in patients with vegetovascular disorders. In the climacteric period.

Take 20 to 30 drops 2 to 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment - 2 - 3 weeks. After a one-week break, the course can be repeated according to the indications.

Preparation. Infusion rhizomes levzeya safflower is prepared as follows: 3 tbsp. L. Crushed roots and rhizomes plants pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 3 hours, filter. Take 1 tbsp. L. 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment - up to 3 weeks, then the drug is changed or after a one-week break is repeated.