
Ruta graveolens L.

Рута душистая Рута душистая Рута душистая

Botanical characteristics. Family rutovye. Perennial herbaceous plant or half-shrub with a straight, branchy grayish-greenish stem up to 50 cm high. Leaves twice- and tridysterperistorasschennye, regular. Yellowish-green flowers on the tops of the stems are collected in semi-zoonotic inflorescences. Blossoms in June-August. Fruit - angular box - ripens in July-September. The whole plant has a strong unpleasant odor.

Spread. Cultivated in orchards and gardens as a medicinal and ornamental plant in the middle and southern zones of European Russia.

Used parts of the plant. Grass.
The herb ruta during the flowering period contains essential oil (up to 0.136%), rutin, furocoumarins (Berganthene and xanthine), alkaloids, the composition of which has been little studied.

Application. In scientific medicine is not used. Acts as a general restorative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic and antitoxic.
It is used for neuroses, atherosclerosis, menopause. Ruta is effective in the treatment of asthenic conditions, hysteria, epilepsy, migraine and chorea.
Grass ruts are used for rheumatism, gout, impotence, for treating myopia, with fragility of blood vessels, with rickets, as well as with spasmodic pains in the stomach and intestines.
In folk medicine, fresh rue juice was ingested with bites of poisonous insects and snakes.
The plant is widely used as an external agent, the powder is covered with suppurated wounds and ulcers, the rue infusion is rinsed with eyes with conjunctivitis, fresh leaves are applied to the site of bruises and bruises.

Contraindications. Pregnancy. Ruta is a poisonous plant, it should be used with caution, under the supervision of a doctor. External application of rue sometimes causes skin burns.

Preparation. 1 teaspoon of herbs are insisted with 1.5 cups of boiling water (daily dose).
"With strong tides of blood to the head ... in the absence of appetite and indigestion of the stomach, as well as with other types of gastric ailments, take 10 drops of alcohol ruta three times a day on a spoonful of water or a piece of sugar. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 part of the juice from fresh softened leaves of rue is poured with 6 parts of alcohol, put for 10 days in a dark place, then filter, squeeze and again filter "(MA Nosal, IM Nosal).
There is an opinion that where the rue grows, snakes do not appear. And most importantly, the ruth does not tolerate flies: it is necessary to put a twig of rue in the water, as flies leave the room.
In homeopathy, Ruta 1x, 3x, 3, 6 is used for neuroses, angiospasm, menopausal complaints, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. A characteristic symptom for arthralgia: pain intensifies in the morning before getting out of bed.