Dandelion officinalis - taraxacum officinale

Family Asters (Asteraceae).

Одуванчик лекарственный - Taraxacum officinale Одуванчик лекарственный - Taraxacum officinale Одуванчик лекарственный - Taraxacum officinale

Botanical characteristics. Family Compositae. Perennial herbaceous plant up to 25-30 cm high with a powerful stem root. Leaves are radical, collected in a large dense rosette, naked, deeply trimmed, consisting of triangular lobes. Bright golden yellow flowers are collected in a single basket and located on the top of a hollow floral arrow. Blossoms from April to the end of summer. Fruits - spindle-shaped achenes, equipped with white tufts-flying, ripen in May-September. All plants on the fracture produce milky juice.

Spread. Throughout Russia, except the Far North.

Used parts of the plant. Roots and aboveground part.

Chemical composition. From the roots of dandelion, triterpene compounds are isolated, inulin (up to 24%), rubber (3%),? -systosterol, fatty oil containing glycerides of acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, melissa and cerotinic).

Application. The herb has a universal effect, it is widely used in folk medicine. Dandelion acts as a general tonic for anemia and asthenia, tones and at the same time calms the nervous system, lowers cholesterol in the blood. It is recommended for neuroses, insomnia, anemia and atherosclerosis.

Dandelion improves appetite, normalizes digestion, is used for chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially accompanied by constipation, since it has a laxative effect.

The root and grass of the dandelion are choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, normalize the metabolism. It is used for liver diseases, cholelithiasis, with jaundice and cholecystitis.

In folk medicine, dandelion is used for pancreatic diseases, rheumatism, gout, allergies and diathesis, kidney disease (kidney stones, etc.), with fever, hemorrhoids, with "liver spots" on the face, with furunculosis and beriberi.

Dandelion stimulates the allocation of milk in nursing women.

Outwardly, plant juice is recommended against freckles and for the destruction of warts.

Contraindications. Propensity to diarrhea.


  • Infusion of dandelion root medicinal : 1 tbsp. L. Dry crushed raw materials pour 1 cup boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Filter and take a third of the glass 3 times a day as a mouthwatering or choleretic tea, as a tonic.
  • Infusion of herbs dandelion medicinal : 1 tbsp. L. Dry raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and insist 2 hours. Filter, add another glass of boiling water and drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day with honey before meals for allergic conditions, radiation damage, diabetes, goiter.
  • Powder from the root of dandelion medicinal : Dandelion roots are excavated in spring or autumn, washed in running water, dried. Grind into a powder. Take 1 tsp. (Without top) 2 - 3 times a day for hypertension, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol.
  • Decoction of dandelion roots : 1 tbsp. L. Dry crushed raw material pour 1 glass of water and boil 1 min. Insist 1 hour, filter and drink 0.5 glasses in the morning and evening after eating with diabetes, cancer, poisoning.
  • Oil from the roots of dandelion medicinal : Shredded roots of dandelion fill with hot sunflower or olive oil (at a mass ratio of 1: 4) and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 2 weeks. Lubricate burn, radiation damage to the skin.