Traditional treatment of tachycardia

Народное лечение тахикардии


Coriander. A tablespoon of ground coriander brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist for two hours. Strain the infusion, and take 50 ml twice a day. Treatment is conducted in courses of 30 days, a break of 10 days. During a break, take another medicine for tachycardia.

Collection. Infusion from this collection for tachycardia should be taken in courses of 40 days, with a break. Ingredients: 200 g of ground valerian roots, 200 g of groundweed grasshopper, 100 g of yarrow herb, 100 g of crushed anise fruit. Brew in a thermos a tablespoon of collection of 300 ml of boiling water, clog, and insist for one hour. Strain the infusion, and drink throughout the day in regular portions.


Melissa. Prepare a tincture of fresh medicinal balm: 100 g of chopped herbs, pour 200 ml of alcohol, insist 10 days under the lid. Cook the tincture, strain, squeeze the grass, and take the medicine 4 times a day in a teaspoon in 50 ml of water.

Infusion of melissa can be prepared both from fresh and dry grass. A tablespoon of herbs (if melissa is fresh - then without a hump) brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist an hour. Strain the infusion, and take 100 ml twice a day. Preparations of lemon balm can be used for a long time, as well as for treatment during pregnancy.


Adonis. A teaspoon of chopped herb grass will boil 100 seconds in 300 ml of water on a low heat. Insist half an hour under a warming cap, strain.

Take the medicine one tablespoon three times a day. After every 20 days of treatment, take a break for five days. Gorisvet keeps cardiac glycosides, therefore its reception should not exceed the specified dose.

Zyuznik the European (chist)

Zyuznik the European (chistets). This is a very effective remedy for tachycardia, and other heart rhythm disturbances, which can be used for a long time.

Fill up the jar with 500 ml of crushed fresh herb zuyznik, pour on the neck with medical alcohol, close tightly. Insist 20 days at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. Strain the tincture, squeeze the grass well. Take the medicine twice a day for 20 drops, diluted in a spoonful of water. Treatment is conducted for 30 days, with a five-day break.

Valerian and Calendula

Valerian and Calendula. For the preparation of the medicine you will need dried flowers of marigold, and dry crushed roots of valerian. You can store components separately.

For one tablespoon of valerian root and marigold flowers, brew 400 ml of boiling water in a thermos, close tightly. After three hours, strain the infusion. Take 100 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 20 days. If necessary, you can repeat the course in a week. It is recommended to carry out treatment for 20 days once a quarter.

Collection for strengthening the nervous system

Collection to strengthen the nervous system. Components of the collection: flowers of medicinal chamomile, peppermint, valerian root, fennel fruits, caraway seeds.

All components should be as much as possible crushed, proportions equal. Every evening before a night sleep prepare infusion: a table spoon of gathering make 200 ml of boiled water, insist hour, filter. The course of treatment is 20 days.

A sedative collection for the nervous system. An equal number of dried leaves of a three-leaved watch, peppermint, angelica roots, medicinal mix, to obtain a collection.

A tablespoon of collection pour in 200 ml of boiling water, on a quiet fire boil for two minutes, remove from heat and place under the cover for three hours. Ready extract infused, take 100 ml twice a day.


Dioscorea. For the treatment of tachycardia, prepare a water infusion of Dioscorea roots.

Pour a teaspoon of ground roots into 300 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 90 ° C, heat half an hour in a water bath without boiling. Cool and strain infusion. Take a tablespoon twice a day after eating.

Heart tea

Hearty tea. Put a tablespoon of chopped hawthorn fruit, as much rose hips, a teaspoon of large leaf green tea, a teaspoon of ground herb of the motherwort into the thermos.

Pour 500 ml of boiling water into the thermos, insist half an hour. Have two drinks. Take such tea as a medicine courses for 20 days, with a break of 10 days.

Tea, restoring the normal operation of the heart muscle

Tea that restores the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Crushed hawthorn fruit, peppermint leaves, valerian roots, motherwort grass, chopped chokeberry fruit, herb of oregano, peony grass, chopped hips. These components can be dried, and make a collection of equal parts, and you can mix the required amount every day in fresh form. For long-term administration, it is recommended that the roots of valerian and peony grass be removed every 12 days from collection for 12 days. Every day three times a day, prepare the infusion: a teaspoon brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour. Strain and drink at the same time. Take the medicine only in the indicated dosage.

Nuts with honey

Nuts with honey. Every evening, one hour before your dream sleep, eat this mixture: two walnuts crushed, and mixed with two teaspoons of honey and a slice of lemon.

Slowly burn, and drink 200 ml of clean water. After that, do not eat anything else in the evening, and go to bed. Such treatment should last up to two years, you can take breaks for 10 days every 40 days.