10 useless medicines that you take (updated list 2016)

Список самых бесполезных лекарств

This list was drawn up primarily to draw attention to this issue by practicing physicians and those specialists who directly deal with the supply of medical facilities.

Large manufacturers of medicines have long realized that in order to successfully sell a particular drug it is not necessary that it has medicinal properties. They are much more profitable to invest in advertising and promotion of drugs than on their clinical trials. First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our country huge amounts of money are thrown at "drugs", the effectiveness of which has not been proven by reliable clinical trials.

And even if in the course of the conducted studies the Inefficiency of drugs was proved, many of them, thanks to the efforts of the pharmaceutical companies, continue to be appointed by doctors on a huge scale

1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl

Drugs with proven inefficiency!

2. Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ersefuril, Imunomax, Lycopid, Isoprinosine, Primadofilus, Engistol, Imudon

Immunomodulators with unproved efficacy. Are expensive. The conducted studies do not give grounds to consider arbidol as a drug with proven activity in the treatment of colds, including influenza. Researchers from abroad do not really care about this drug.

3. Bifidobacterin, Bifiform, Lineks, Hilak Forte, Primadofilus, etc.

All probiotics. The diagnosis of "dysbiosis", podalno exposed by our pediatricians, nowhere in the world no longer exists. To the appointment of prebiotics in developed countries are treated with caution.

4. Validol.

Mint candy, which has a remote relation to medicine. Quite a refreshing breath. Feeling pain in the heart, a person puts the language of validol instead of the obligatory in such situations nitroglycerin and leaves with a heart attack in the hospital.

5. Vinpocetine and Cavinton.

Today, it is not recommended for use: no benign study of clinically significant effects has revealed it. This is a substance obtained from the leaves of a Vinca minor plant. The drug is poorly understood. Therefore, in the US and many other countries refers to dietary supplements, and not to drugs. $; 15 a jar for the month of admission. In Japan, it was withdrawn from sale because of obvious inefficiency.

6. Nootropil, Piracetam, Fezam, Aminalon, Phenibut, Pantogam, Pikamilon, Instenon, Mildronate, Cinnarizin, Mexidol

Placebo preparations.

7. Wobenzym.

Producers assure that it heals, prolongs life and youth. Do not believe in a fairy tale about a miraculous drug that has not been tested in experimental studies just because it's expensive. Pharmaceutical companies invest hundreds of millions of dollars in drug testing, even if there is little hope that it will be possible to prove its effectiveness. One can only guess why these studies on vobenzim have not been made so far. But a lot of money is invested in his advertising.

8. Glycine (amino acid) Tenaten, Enerion, preparations of St. John's wort, Grippol, Polyoxidonium

Drugs with unproven efficacy.


The drug is not proven effective in ARVI. Erespal in syrup is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and allergies. Because of the dyes contained in it and honey aroma itself can provoke bronchospasm.

10. Gödelix

Efficiency in ARVI in children, and in adults, is not proven.


Contraindicated for children due to high toxicity. It is extremely cautious to appoint adults with a nose and paranasal sinus disease. In case of ear infection, be careful with damage to the tympanic membrane.

12. Bioparox, Cudesan

There have not been major studies, all articles on Pubmed, mostly of Russian origin. "Research" was conducted mainly in mice.

In the list of the most useless medicines, scientists assign the first place to Actovegin . Doctors appoint him all in a row - pregnant and parturient women, for the treatment of burns, rehabilitation after heart attacks and strokes.

It contains an extract from the blood of calves, which supposedly contributes to the saturation of the cells of the human body with oxygen and its general improvement. But there is no data on the clinical trials of this drug. In the US and Europe Actovegin is generally banned.

It is sold exclusively in the CIS countries, China and South Korea. In Ukraine, this medicine is included in the top 5 of the best-selling. In this case, doctors do not warn that the use of Actovegin is associated with a risk to pick up spongiform encephalitis, the carrier of which can be contained in raw materials - veal blood.

Another drug "pacifier" - cerebrolysin , which is prescribed to patients with violations of the central nervous system.

Meanwhile, in 2010, one of the most authoritative organizations in the world, the Cochrane Collaboration, published the results of clinical trials of cerebrolysin, in which it was stated that none of the focus group patients had helped this medication.

Absolutely useless are considered and various immunomodulators ( arbidol, alfaron, kagocel, inharone, etc. ), which are actively prescribed by doctors for the treatment of influenza.

Clinical trials show that patients taking stimulants of immunity recovered in the same way as those who were treated with folk remedies - tea with lemon and herbs.

Moreover, there is an opinion that immunomodulators not only do not help, but they can also harm the body, provoking the breakdown of the immune system.

Myth, which helps pharmacists to earn well, are stories about the healing effect of probiotics ( bifidumbacterin, linex ), which should treat the intestinal dysbacteriosis.

But, according to experts, their effectiveness is zero. On assurances of manufacturers, in one capsule of the same line contains not less than 12 million live lactic acid bacteria.

The same amount can be obtained by consuming the daily norm of kefir. In addition, up to half of useful microorganisms die in the process of production.

A similar effect on the body and have hepatoprotectors (drugs for the restoration of the liver) - Essentiale, Livonin, etc. Convincing data on the effectiveness of these drugs, manufacturers have not submitted.

It turns out that even old and beloved by our grandmothers do not cure medication from the heart.

Corvalol , which includes a potent agent - phenobarbital , does not affect the course and outcome of cardiovascular diseases, but it accumulates in the tissues of the body, eventually destroying them. Phenobarbital is prohibited in most developed countries.

Valocordin contains psychotropic components - ethyl ether and the same phenobarbital, so it can have a mild sedative effect.

Very doubtful is the benefit of the forte forte , which is recommended for improving digestion. In the preparation there is no enteric-soluble shell, because of what enzymes are dissolved by acid still in the stomach and as a result do not give any effect.

Our doctors also exaggerate the therapeutic effect of the soothing new-passit .

In fact, it is a set of herbs softly acting on the body, which is sold at a sky-high price.