Professional tables of the ratio of weight and height: Quetelet Index, Broca Formula, John McCallum Formula and others

Профессиональные таблицы соотношения веса и роста

The body mass index (BMI), BMI , is a measure of the extent to which a person's bodyweight and body height match, and thus indirectly assess whether the weight is insufficient, normal, or excessive. It is important in determining the indications for the need for treatment.

The body mass index should be used with caution, only for an approximate evaluation - for example, an attempt to evaluate with its help the physique of professional athletes can give the wrong result (the high index value in this case is due to the developed musculature). Therefore, to more accurately assess the degree of fat accumulation along with the body mass index, it is also expedient to determine the indices of central obesity. Taking into account the shortcomings of the method of determining the body mass index, the volume index of the body was developed.

Tables of the ratio of weight and height, which are used by professionals. Please note that weights vary depending on the gender, age and physiological abilities of the person.

There are different formulas for determining the optimal ratio of weight and height. But all of them are very, very conditional, since many factors do not take into account: age, gender and physiological characteristics of a person. Therefore, excess fat needs to be assessed not only according to the conditional relationships presented in this table, but also in appearance, thickness of the skin and a number of other factors. With the same height and weight, one person may look fat, the other - completely normal.

The objective parameter of an ideal body is the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9-15% of body fat, and for women it is between 12 and 20%.

The Quetelet index

Knowing the Body Mass Index (BMI), one can judge obesity or a lack of weight. The index is calculated for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years. The results may be false for pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly and adolescents (under 18). Among the many different methods for calculating the ideal weight, the most popular method is the weight gain, the body mass index - the Quetelet index.

FOR EXAMPLE: GROWTH 170 CM, WEIGHT 65 KG. MEANS, 65: (1.7 * 1.7) = 22.5

The norm for men is 19-25. For women - 19-24.

Body mass index Classification Risk of concomitant diseases
Less than 18.5 Deficiency of body weight Low (increased risk of other diseases)
18.5 - 24.9 Normal body weight Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight (pre-fat) Increased
30.0 - 34.9 Obesity of the I degree Tall
35.0 - 39.9 Obesity of the 2nd degree Very tall
40.0 and more Obesity of the third degree Extremely high

The Quetelet index shows quite well the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how fat is distributed, in other words, does not give a visual-aesthetic picture. But you can test your body for ideality with one more formula.

The distribution of fat in the body is determined by the ratio - the waist (at the level of the navel) divided by the volume of the buttocks:

  • Rate for men: 0.85
  • For women: 0,65 - 0,85.

Does age influence the growth-weight ratio?

The answer is unequivocal. Yes, of course it does. It is proved that the weight of a man and a woman with age should gradually increase - this is a normal physiological process. Kilograms, which some people consider "superfluous", in fact, such may not be. You can use the formula to determine the optimal weight, depending on the age.

P - in this case, growth, and B - age in years. Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P-150) + (B-20): 4

Growth in cm. Age
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
150 51.3 48.9 56.7 53.9 58.1 58.5 58.0 55.7 57.3 54.8
152 53.1 51.0 58.7 55.0 61.5 59.5 61.0 57.6 60.3 55.9
154 55.3 53.0 61.6 59.1 64.5 62.4 63.8 60.2 61.9 59.0
156 58.5 55.8 64.4 61.5 67.3 66.0 65.8 62.4 63.7 60.9
158 61.2 58.1 67.3 64.1 70.4 67.9 68.0 64.5 67.0 62.4
160 62.9 59.8 69.4 65.8 72.3 69.9 69.7 65.8 68.2 64.6
162 64.6 61.6 71.0 68.5 74.4 72.2 72.7 68.7 69.1 66.5
164 67.3 63.6 73.9 70.8 77.2 74.0 75.6 72.0 72.2 70.7
166 68.8 65.2 74.5 71.8 78.0 76.6 76.3 73.8 74.3 71.4
168 70.8 68.5 76.2 73.7 79.6 78.2 79.5 74.8. 76.0 73.3
170 72.7 69.2 77.7 75.8 81.0 79.8 79.9 76.8 76.9 75.0
172 74.1 72.8 79.3 77.0 82.8 81.7 81.1 77.7 78.3 76.3
174 77.5 74.3 80.8 79.0 84.4 83.7 82.5 79.4 79.3 78.0
176 80.8 76.8 83.3 79.9 86.0 84.6 84.1 80.5 81.9 79.1
178 83.0 78.2 85.6 82.4 88.0 86.1 86.5 82.4 82.8 80.9
180 85.1 80.9 88.0 83.9 89.9 88.1 87.5 84.1 84.4 81.6
182 87.2 83.3 90.6 87.7 91.4 89.3 89.5 86.5 85.4 82.9
184 89.1 85.5 92.0 89.4 92.9 90.9 91.6 87.4 88.0 85.8
186 93.1 89.2 95.0 91.0 96.6 92.9 92.8 89.6 89.0 87.3
188 95.8 91.8 97.0 94.4 98.0 95.8 95.0 91.5 91.5 88.8
190 97.1 92.3 99.5 95.8 100.7 97.4 99.4 95.6 94.8 92.9

Broca's formula: revealing the relationship of height-age-weight

One of the most popular methods for calculating the ideal weight is the Brock formula. It takes into account the ratio of height, weight, body type and age of a person.


In this case, people who have asthenic (thin-boned) body type - from the result it is necessary to subtract 10%, and for people having hypersthenic (broad-boned) body type - should add to the result 10%.

How to determine your body type?

The constitution is usually divided into three types: normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic. In order to find out what your type of physique is, it's enough to measure by the centimeter the circumference of the thinnest place on the wrist. The resulting circle in centimeters and will be an indispensable indicator (Solovyov's index).

The Solovyov Index Body type Characteristic for this type of build
for men for women
18-20 centimeters 15-17 cm Normosthenic (normal) The constitution differs in proportionality to the basic dimensions and the correct ratio
More than 20 cm More than 17 cm Hypersthenic (broad-bone) In people who have a hypersthenic (broad-boned) type of build, the transverse dimensions of the body are much larger than those of normostenics and, especially, of asthenics. Their bones are thick and heavy, shoulders, chest and hips are wide, legs short.
Less than 18 cm Less than 15 cm Asthenic (thin-boned) In people who have an asthenic (thin-boned) type of physique, the longitudinal dimensions predominate over the transverse: limbs are long, thin bone, the neck is long, thin, the muscles are poorly developed.

Nagler's formula for the ratio of height and weight

There is Nagler's formula, which allows you to calculate the ideal weight and growth ratio. At 152.4 cm growth should account for 45 kilograms of weight. For every inch (ie 2.45 cm) in excess of 152.4 cm should be another 900 grams, plus another 10% of the received weight.

The formula of John McCallum on the ratio of girths

One of the best formulas, created by expert methodologist John McCallum.

The McCallum formula is based on the measurement of the wrist circumference:

  1. 6.5 The girth of the wrist is equal to the girth of the chest.
  2. 85% of the girth of the chest are equal to the hips.
  3. To get a waist girth, you need to take 70% of the chest girth.
  4. 53% of the chest circumference is equal to the hip circumference.
  5. To grab the neck, you need to take 37% of the chest girth.
  6. The circumference of the biceps is about 36% of the chest circumference.
  7. The girth for the lower leg is slightly less than 34%.
  8. The circumference of the forearm should be equal to 29% of the chest circumference.

But not all physical data will exactly correspond to these ratios, the figures have averaged, average statistical value.

A few more options for the relationship of height and weight:

  • The constitution is considered ideal if the waist circumference is 25 cm less than the girth of the hips, and the girth of the hips is approximately equal to the girth of the chest.
  • Waist circumference should be equal to "growth in centimeters - 100". That is, a woman 172 cm tall will be folded proportionally if the waist circumference is 72 cm, the hips and waist circumference is about 97 cm, that is, if she wears a size of clothes.
  • If the girth of the thighs is less than the girth of the chest, and the waist circumference is less than 20 cm in circumference of the hips, then this figure is called "apple". If the chest girth is less than the hips, and the waist circumference is less than 30 cm or more in the hips, this is a pear-shaped figure.
  • For women and girls of medium height - from 165 to 175 cm - this observation was just. The circumference of their waist in centimeters is approximately equal to the weight in kilograms. One kilogram of weight loss gives a decrease in the waist by one centimeter.

As you can see, there are many ways to calculate the optimal ratio of your height and body weight, depending on a variety of factors. But no matter how you do the calculations, the main thing is that your weight is COMFORTABLE for yourself. That you easily and freely feel yourself in your own body, loved yourself and enjoy life in full! - without falling into depression from the fact that when you calculated (and suddenly!), There was an "overabundance" or "lack" of kilograms.
