What time of the day is better to eat certain products

В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

Nutrition (physiological act) - the maintenance of human life and health through food - the process of absorbing food by living organisms to maintain the normal course of physiological processes of vital activity, in particular, to replenish the energy reserve and to realize the growth and development processes. Animals and other heterotrophic organisms must eat to survive; Their diet and the process of absorbing nutrients depends on the biological class to which they relate. In humans and animals, nutrition is a common kind of daily activity.

On the Internet today you can find a lot of information about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Sometimes this information is so contradictory that it takes a lot of time and effort to get to the true essence of things.

Did you know that some products lose their valuable properties if they are not eaten at the right time? We collected scientific information and drew infographics for you, which clearly shows what time of day it is best to eat meat , vegetables, cottage cheese and other foods that are most often found in our diet.

Dark chocolate

Темный шоколад - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: Several pieces of bitter chocolate - and the body will receive a shock dose of antioxidants that will ensure the stable functioning of the heart and slow aging.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Afternoon : If you consume more than 25 grams of dark chocolate a day, your body will process excess fat.


Мясо - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Day: Contains a large amount of iron, which supplies cells with oxygen, which, in turn, increases resistance to diseases and eliminates fatigue.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: Meat takes up to 5 hours to digest. Eating before going to bed will cause negative processes in the intestines.


Орехи - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Late breakfast : A handful (30 g) of non-roasted nuts is perfectly absorbed, replenishing the body with a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids. They maintain the tone of the blood vessels, improve the work of the bronchi and normalize the pressure.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: High caloric content of nuts will lead to weight gain.


Апельсины - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО After lunch: They activate the work of the digestive tract, exert a tonic effect and accelerate the metabolism.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Early morning: The use immediately after awakening, on an empty stomach, can provoke an allergy, irritation of the stomach and promote the development of gastritis.


Гречка - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Lunch: The composition of buckwheat includes complex carbohydrates, for the assimilation of which the body connects the accumulated resources, which leads to weight loss.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: By night, the digestive system slows down, so the body will not have time to digest such a high-carbohydrate product.


Макароны - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: Macaroni from hard wheat varieties contain fiber, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Low glycemic index (40) reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: As a rule, pasta is a side dish to meat dishes, which makes the dinner very caloric. It is better to give preference to more nutritious and low-calorie foods.


Кабачки - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Evening: A large amount of fiber will perfectly clean the intestines, even if you had a tight dinner.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Morning: A large amount of fiber will perfectly clean the intestines, even if you had a tight dinner.


Помидоры - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: Organic acids, contained in tomatoes, actively participate in digestion processes and activate the work of the same puddles and pancreas.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: A large amount of oxalic acid has a bad effect on water-salt metabolism and can cause puffiness in the evening.


Картофель - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: Potato starch reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and liver, and the potato itself is rich in mineral substances that support the body.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Afternoon : Calorie content of potatoes is 2-3 times higher than that of other vegetables, therefore after dinner its use should be limited.


Бананы - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Midday: They consist of many fibers that help digestion and soothe heartburn.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: Eating bananas in the evening leads to the formation of mucus and can disrupt the digestive system.

Cottage cheese

Творог - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Evening: Calms the digestive system, favorably affects digestion.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Morning: Especially not recommended for those who often catch cold, as the consumption of cottage cheese leads to the formation of mucus.


Яблоки - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: The high content of pectin in the apple peel helps the intestines work and eliminates carcinogens.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: The high content of pectin in the apple peel helps the intestines work and eliminates carcinogens.


Сыр - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Early morning: In moderate amounts, prevents bloating and weight gain.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: Heavy digestion. Eating in the evening can lead to stomach upset.


Сахар - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Morning: Hard to digest. Eating in the evening can lead to stomach upset.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: Heavy digestion. Eating in the evening can lead to stomach upset.


Рис - В какое время дня лучше есть те или иные продукты

МОЖНО Lunch: High-carb rice will energize for the rest of the day.

НЕЛЬЗЯ Evening: Lead to weight gain.

Products and time of the day - Infographics

What time of the day is better to eat certain products

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