Effective yoga poses for a beautiful and elastic breasts
Yoga ( vir .) Is a concept in Indian culture, in a broad sense meaning the totality of various spiritual, psychic and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at controlling the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an individual's elevated spiritual and mental state. In a narrower sense, yoga is one of the six orthodox schools (darshan) of Hindu philosophy.
Most girls are unhappy with the shape, size, elasticity of their breasts, because of what complexes appear and they feel insecure and embarrassed to wear things from the decollete. Especially it is insulting when the covers of magazines smile lush breast beauty in bright bathing suits or tops.
We in the editorial office of Shram.kiev.ua are sure that everyone is able to model the body of his dreams. We have collected the most effective yoga postures that will not only improve the shape of the breast and increase the volume of the lungs, but also help to feel the strength and vigor and health.
The Pose of the Warrior
Virabhadrasana , or the pose of the warrior, will not only allow you to feel your strength, but also help to expand the cavity of the chest, give it elasticity and mobility.
How to:
- Spread your legs wide, parallel to each other.
- Expand the left foot 90 degrees to the left, and turn the right one inside. Exhale and bend the left leg in the knee.
- The right leg should be straight. Raise your arms to the sides to the shoulder line. Turn your head to the left, and look at the brush.
- After 7-10 cycles repeat all to the right side.
Pose of the triangle
Tricosana , or the pose of the triangle, liberates and strengthens the thorax, extends the spine and improves blood circulation.
How to:
- Set your legs apart, turn the left one 90 degrees, and the right one - 15 degrees.
- With your left hand, reach the ankle with your foot (after a while you can put your palm flat on the floor), and pull the right upwards so that both hands form a straight line. Take care that your knees and spine do not bend.
- Turn your face up and look at the fingers of your outstretched arm. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
Cobra posture
Bhujangasana , or cobra posture, helps to increase lung capacity, stretch the muscles of the chest, strengthens the abdominal muscles and forms a correct posture.
How to:
- Lie on your stomach and take a deep breath. Slowly lift the upper part of the trunk, at the same time press the lower part of the trunk to the floor. Keep balance on your legs and arms.
- Raise your head and look up.
- Slowly exhale and descend to the starting position. With each repetition try to increase the time spent in the pose.
Pose of onion
Dhanurasana , or the pose of onions, is recommended to all who suffer from back pain. Exercise allows you to stretch all parts of the spine and give a beautiful chest shape.
How to:
- Lie on your stomach. On exhalation, bend your knees and raise in the direction of the head. Try to grab your ankles with your hands.
- Now exhale slowly and slowly pull your legs and arms up as far as possible. Hips and breasts should come off the ground, balance on your stomach.
- Try to stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Pose of the bridge
Chakrasana , or the pose of the bridge, allows you to stretch the chest, spine and neck, reduces fatigue and relieves headache.
How to:
- Lie on your back and spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, pull them as close as possible to the buttocks.
- Put your hands behind your head in the palm of your hand so that your fingers are turned to the buttocks. On exhalation, lift the chest and thighs as high as possible.
- Try to maximally straighten your hands. Hold in this position for 30 seconds.
Posture on the head
Salamba shirshasana , or posture on the head, is effective for the ligaments and muscles of the spine and chest. It improves breathing and circulation. Exercise is for experienced yogis.
How to:
- Get on your knees and put your forearms on the floor. Tie your fingers in the form of a bowl. Place the crown on the mat in such a way that the back of the head lies in the bowl from the hands.
- Bend your knees. Exhale and tear your legs off the floor.
- Straighten your legs. Be in this position from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your ability.
Camel's Pose
Ushtrasana , or camel pose, effectively relieves pain in the spine, increases lung volume and strengthens the thorax.
How to:
- Stand on your knees, join your legs together.
- Slowly bend back and put your hands on your heels. Bend the spine and stretch the ribs. The head should reach the floor.
- After 30 seconds, return to the starting position.
Via stylecraze.com & wiki
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