Directory of diseases (letter P)


FALLS - one of the most common problems in the elderly, often resulting in injuries. Repeated falls often indicate disturbances in the mechanisms of maintaining equilibrium (postural reflexes) .... more

PANARISION - acute inflammation of the tissues of the finger. It develops usually when the pathogens of a purulent infection enter the tissue of the finger with microtrauma (pricks, abrasions, cracks, etc.). On the palmar surface of the fingers ... more

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Distinguish between acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis - acute inflammatory-necrotic pancreatic lesion - takes 3rd place in frequency ... more

Papilloma is a benign tumor that develops from the epithelium; Has the appearance of papillary growth. In most cases, papillomas are viral in nature. Papillomas are found on the skin, the mucosa of the cavity ... more

PARALICH - disorder of voluntary movements due to violation of innervation of muscles. Paralysis can be manifested by the absence or violation of spontaneous movements or a decrease in muscle strength, which is revealed when ... more

PARAMETRIT - inflammation of the parameter (periarticular cellulose). It arises as a result of penetration into the parameter (usually by the lymphatic ways) of Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and other microorganisms .... more

PARANIDIC SYNDROME testifies to the considerable depth of the mental disorder, which captures all spheres of mental activity, changing the behavior of the patient. The syndrome is characterized by the prevalence of figurative delirium, closely ... more

PARANOYAL SYNDROME is a system of supervalued ideas or delusional judgments in the absence of hallucinations and changes in consciousness, and without pronounced personality changes. In his delusional constructions the patient relies on real facts ... more

PARAPROCTIT is inflammation of the pararectal (near-rectum) cellulose. As a rule, it is caused by mixed microflora (staphylococcus in combination with E. coli). Acute paraproctitis. Its cause is the introduction of ... more

PARAPSYCHOLOGY (psychotronics, bioinformation) is a field of research that studies psychophysical phenomena that occur without the participation of sense organs: the so-called extrasensory perception (telepathy, clairvoyance, ... more

PARATIFIE - acute intestinal infectious diseases caused by some bacteria of the genus Salmonella. Allocate paratyphoid A and B. Their manifestations are similar to typhoid fever. Are registered everywhere. Source of pathogens ... more

Paraphimosis - infringement of a head of a sexual member narrowed by an extreme flesh. It occurs, as a rule, in children with masturbation, against a background of physiological or moderate cicatricial narrowing of the foreskin; In adults is possible when ... more

PARKINSONISM is a syndrome associated with the defeat of the basal ganglia and their connections and manifested by akinesia, rigidity, rest tremor, instability in postural changes (postural instability). In 80% of cases ... more

Parodontitis is a disease of the periodontal tissues, accompanied by the destruction of periodontal and bone tissue of the alveolar process. The process is characterized by reactive gingival inflammation (gingivitis) with the occurrence of dentogingival ... more

Pasteurella is an infectious disease that belongs to the group of zoonoses; Occurs in the form of local purulent processes or sepsis. Pathogen - Pasteurella multocida - short with rounded ends, a rod devoid of ... more

PEDICULOSIS (syn: lice) - parasitizing human lice on the skin. Under unfavorable epidemiological conditions, lice can be carriers of excipients of typhus and recurrent typhus. Distinguish head, ... more

PELLAGRA is a disease caused by inadequate intake or incomplete absorption of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It occurs with an unbalanced diet with a predominance of carbohydrates in the food, and also ... more

OVERHEATING ORGANISM (syn: hyperthermia) in humans occurs under the influence of high ambient temperature in the workplace or in conditions that hamper heat transfer from the surface of the body, as well as in areas with hot climates .... more

OVERLOAD STOP - see Marching Foot

Fractures - damage to the bone with a violation of its integrity. Traumatic fractures usually arise as a result of the sudden impact of considerable mechanical force on a healthy bone, for example, in road transport ... more

PERHENSIVE PREGNANCY - lengthening of pregnancy for 10-14 days or more after the estimated term of childbirth. With true, or biological, repetition, the gestation period usually exceeds 290 - 294 days, the fetus reaches a higher ... more

Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium. It often occurs with rheumatism or tuberculosis, less often with other diffuse connective tissue diseases and infectious diseases (for example, with systemic lupus erythematosus, scarlet fever, ... more

PERFORATION (syn: perforation) - formation of a hole in the wall of a hollow organ; One of the serious complications of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, destructive forms of cholecystitis and appendicitis, tumor ... more

Liver failure is a pathological condition characterized by impairments of various types of metabolism in the body and intoxication with the products of protein metabolism due to insufficient liver function. Endogenous ... more

PIELONEFRIT is an infectious inflammatory disease, in which the kidney pelvis, calyx and kidney parenchyma are involved in the pathological process. First of all, the interstitial tissue of the kidney is affected. To designate ... more

PILOROSTENOSIS - congenital narrowing of the pylorus in children. More common in boys. The main symptom is a profuse ("fountain") vomiting that appears on the 2-3rd week of life. The volume of vomit, as a rule, exceeds ... more

PIOMETRA - accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity, which occurs when penetrating into the uterus of pyogenic microflora (streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli) and violation of the outflow of purulent exudate. Often observed with acute ... more

PIOSALPINKS - see Adnexitis

FOOD TOXIC INFECTIONS - acute intestinal infectious diseases that result from eating foods that multiply microorganisms and accumulate their toxins; Characterized by a sudden onset, ... more

FOOD POISONING (syn: food intoxication) arise from the use of food containing toxic substances for the body of microbial or non-microbial origin; Flow with a picture of acute gastroenteritis and ... more

PLACENTARY POLYP - a patch of placental tissue, delayed in the uterine cavity with incomplete removal of the fetal egg during abortion or after childbirth due to pathological attachment of the placenta or irrational management ... more

PLEVRIT - inflammatory lesions of the pleura with the formation of fibrinous plaque on its surface (dry pleurisy) or accumulation of fluid (effusion) in the pleural cavity (exudative pleurisy). In most cases ... more

PLEKSIT - defeat of the nerve plexus formed by the anterior branches of the spinal nerves; Characterized by sensitive, motor and trophic disorders. Can be infectious (with influenza, ... more

PNEUMOMICS - respiratory diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. The cause can be widespread mold, radiant and yeast-like fungi. Quite often there are mixed pneumomycoses caused by ... more

TUMBLING - see Alopecia

PNEUMOCONIOUSES - occupational lung diseases caused by prolonged inhalation of mineral dust and characterized by the development of diffuse interstitial fibrosis. Can meet at mining workers, ... more

PNEUMONIA - a large group of different in the etiology, pathogenesis and morphological characteristics of inflammatory, more often infectious, processes in the lungs with a predominant lesion of their respiratory departments. At the same time ... more

PNEVMOSKLEROZ - diffuse or focal proliferation of connective tissue in the lung as a result of various pathological processes. The development of pneumosclerosis can result in nonspecific lung diseases (bronchitis, ... more

PNEUMOTORAX - an accumulation of air in the pleural cavity due to a breach of the tightness of the lung or damage to the chest wall. If the flow of air into the pleural cavity quickly stops due to closure ... more

PODAGRA - a disease associated with a violation of purine metabolism, an increase in the content of uric acid in the blood (hyperuric anemia) and the deposition of urate in the tissues. The risk factors for developing gout are hereditary ... more

MOBILE KIDNEY - see Nephroptosis

SPINAL-SPINAL INJURY. Damage to the spinal cord in case of trauma can be the result of injury (with a gunshot wound or a fractured vertebral fracture), compression (due to displacement or fracture of the vertebrae), ischemia (with ... more

POSITIVE SYNDROME - see Prolonged Squeezing Syndrome

POLYNEUROPATHIES - a group of diseases of the peripheral nervous system, characterized by diffuse lesions of peripheral nerve fibers that are part of various nerves. Clinically, polyneuropathies are manifested ... more

POLIURIA - increase in the amount of urine output (over 2000 ml per day). Polyuria is usually associated with the convergence of edema, the use of diuretics, a large amount of fluid, is noted for sugar and non-sugar ... more

POLICYTEMIA (syn: erythremia) is a chronic disease of the hematopoietic system, characterized by a persistent increase in the number of erythrocytes, the volume of circulating blood, an increase in the spleen and increased production in ... more

POLLAKIURIA - frequent urination, a symptom of a variety of pathological conditions. The basis of pollakiuria is the increased sensitivity of the mucosa of the walls of the bladder and the posterior part of the urethra, which has developed ... more

Pollinosis (syn: pollen allergy, hay fever) is an allergic disease caused by pollen of plants and is characterized mainly by acute inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract ... more

SEXUAL DEVIATIONS is a group of abnormalities and perversions of sexual behavior that includes a breakdown of the sex drive in relation to the object or mode of satisfaction, as well as some sexual disorders ... more

HEART DISEASES - congenital or acquired morphological changes in the valvular apparatus, partitions, walls of the heart or large vessels that leave it, disrupting the movement of blood inside the heart or for large and ... more

Postpartum diseases occur in the postpartum period (in the first 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth) and are directly related to pregnancy and childbirth. There are infectious and non-infectious postpartum diseases. Infectious ... more

Potnytsa - a skin disease characterized by the appearance of nodules and vesicles with intense perspiration. Its development is facilitated by overheating with excessive wrapping, especially of infants or weakened and ... more

RENAL INSUFFICIENCY is a pathological condition in which the kidneys partially or completely lose the ability to maintain the constancy of the chemical composition of the internal environment of the body. As a result, the body is violated ... more

Prediction PLACENTA - a pathological condition characterized by an abnormal attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus, where part of it is located in the area of ​​the internal uterine throat. It is observed more often in repeatedly pregnant women ... more

PREMISSIONAL SYNDROME is a symptomatic complex of neuropsychiatric, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine disorders that occurs in premenstrual days. More often the signs of this syndrome appear 2-10 days before menstruation and ... more

PREDSTARCTIC PSYCHOSIS AND DEMENSION is a group of mental illnesses that occur mainly at the age of 45 to 60 years. The main types are: presenile depression (involuntary melancholia), presenile delirium of damage and persecution, illness ... more

PREMATURE LAYER PLACENTA - placental abruption during pregnancy or in childbirth before the birth of the fetus. Distinguish between premature detachment of the normally located and presenting placenta. Breaking the connection of the placenta to the wall of the uterus leads to ... more

PREMATURE EXHAUSTION OF FROZEN WATERS- rupture of membranes and discharge of amniotic fluid before the onset of labor. The frequency of this complication in full term pregnancy is 12-15%, with a premature pregnancy 30-53% of the number of births. With ... more

PREMATURE GENERATIONS - births occurring at the gestational age from 28 to 37 full weeks, counting from the first day of the last menstruation. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy during this period is called miscarriage, ... more

PRAAPISM - a long (from several hours to several days) painful erection, not associated with sexual arousal and does not disappear after sexual intercourse. Priapism can occur in patients with inflammatory ... more

OVERVIEW - see Perforation

PROSECUTION - see Leprosy

PROSTATITIS - inflammation of the prostate gland. Most often occurs at the age of 20 to 45 years, but often manifests itself in the elderly with the development of prostate adenoma, the progression of stagnant ... more

Pseudoarthrosis - see False joint

PSITTACOSIS - see Ornithosis

MENTAL DISEASES are diseases in which the correct perception and awareness of the environment and behavior change are disturbed in connection with brain activity disorders. Mental illness entails partial ... more

PSYCHOGENICS - mental disorders, the cause of which were psychotraumatic experiences. If the lung reactive states can pass and after a psychotherapeutic conversation, then the heavy ones are psychogenic shock, reactive ... more

PSYCHOROGENIC SYNDROME is a psychopathological symptom complex, the main manifestations of which are violations of the intellect, memory and affective sphere. It occurs during atrophic processes (at pre-old age) and vascular ... more

PSYCHOPATHIES - congenital and persistent anomalies of character, a pathological personality warehouse to a greater or lesser extent hindering the adaptation of a person in society. The main diagnostic criteria are: 1) ... more

PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS (psychosomatoses) -set of somatic disorders as a result of changes in the mental state. It is believed that the factors that cause anxiety and stress, with inadequate response of the patient contribute ... more

PSORIAZ is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by a monomorphic papular rash; Joints and nails are also affected. Assumed hereditary, viral, neurogenic, metabolic genesis ... more

PTEP - lowering of the upper eyelid, is congenital and acquired. Its cause may be muscle disease, a violation of neuromuscular transmission, damage to the oculomotor nerve and its nucleus, a violation ... more

BUBBLE DRUG - see Trophoblastic disease

PULP is an inflammation of the tooth pulp. As a rule, it arises from the penetration into the pulp of microflora from the carious cavity of the tooth with the progression of the carious process. Causes of pulpitis can be toxic ... more

PULSE - periodic jerky-like vibrations of the walls of blood vessels (arteries, veins), caused by contractions of the heart. The arterial pulse is formed by fluctuations in blood pressure and blood flow in the artery ... more

POLLENOUS ALLERGY - see Pollinosis