Handbook of Diseases (the letter B)

A B B D E F G And K L M N O U R C T Y P X C H W E I

Vaginismus - a reflex spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor vestibule, which occurs when attempting intercourse (sometimes at the thought of it) or gynecological examination. It is accompanied by a simultaneous ... continue

Varicose veins (syn .: varicose veins) - venous disease characterized by an uneven increase in their lumen, uzlopodobnoy tortuosity as well as thinning of the venous wall. It may occur in the ... continue

VARICOCELE - varicose veins of the spermatic cord. The appearance of a varicocele is due to increased pressure in the renal vein, for example when it is narrowing. This leads to a backflow of blood in the testicular vein and the development of varicose ... continue

Vasculitis - an inflammation of the blood vessel wall. The origin of vasculitis may be primary (idiopathic) or secondary. Primary vasculitis are independent nosological forms; they are characterized by ... continue

Vegetative dystonia (syn .: vegetative-vascular dystonia) - a syndrome that includes a variety of origin and manifestations of autonomic function disorders caused by a disorder of the regulation. The term "dystonia" reflects ... continue

Vegetative crisis - the state of paroxysmal non-epileptic nature, which manifest polymorphic autonomic disorders associated with the activation of the central (segmental) vegetative structures. In a small ... continue

SPRING QATAR - (syn .: vernal conjunctivitis) - a chronic disease of the conjunctiva of the eye. His name was in connection with a certain periodicity of the process - the aggravation of his spring and summer, autumn and winter remission ... continue

Freckles - small light brown or dark brown spots of irregular shape, sometimes merging with each other. There are a result of hereditary characteristics of pigment metabolism. Localized, usually on the nose, cheeks ... continue

Varicella (chickenpox) - an infectious disease characterized by fever and vesicular (bubbly) rash. The most common in children under the age of 10 years. Pathogen - a virus pathogenic to humans only, belongs to the family ... continue

Bloating - see. Flatulence

Vibration disease - an occupational disease that occurs when prolonged exposure to vibration. The harmful effects of vibration on the body depends on its intensity, the duration of continuous contact during the work shift ... continue

Virilism - the appearance of female secondary male sexual characteristics. These characteristics include body hair male pattern, rough, deep voice, masculine physique. There are also atrophy of the mammary glands and ... continue

Viremia - the circulation of the virus in the blood. Associated with the multiplication of viruses in the internal organs and their exit from the destroyed or damaged cells. Is found in many viral infections ... continue

VITILIGO - a skin disease characterized by the appearance of depigmented patches of different shapes and sizes. It is believed that at the core of the disease are neuroendocrine disorders. The development of vitiligo ... continue

HIV infection - an infectious disease that develops as a result of long-term persistence in lymphocytes, macrophages and cells of the nervous tissue of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and is characterized by slowly ... continue

Ectopic pregnancy (syn .: ectopic pregnancy) - a pathology of pregnancy in which the fertilized egg attaches and develops outside the uterus. Depending on the location of attachment of a fertilized egg ... continue

Nosocomial infections (syn .: nosocomial infections) - infectious diseases and wound infections, joined to the main hospital in the disease, as well as health care workers of the disease, arising from the treatment and care of ... continue

Fetal death - the death of the fetus during pregnancy (antenatal death) or during delivery (intrapartum death). The main causes of fetal death are infectious diseases of pregnancy, which ... continue

Dropsy PREGNANT - see. Toxemia of pregnancy

Hydrocele - see. Hydrocele

Psychomotor excitation. In psychiatric practice, the term "agitation" is used to refer to utterances or painful enhanced motor activity of man. Hallucinatory-delusional occurs when an influx threatening ... continue

Relapsing fever - an infectious disease characterized by a feverish bouts, alternating with periods of normal temperature (apyrexia - afebrile period). Foci of infection found in some African countries, ... continue

Endemic relapsing fever (TICK) - zoonotic natural focal infectious disease characterized by a feverish bouts, alternating with periods of apyrexia (normal temperature). Natural foci are found in the Central ... continue

Ingrown nail - introduction (ingrowth) edge of the nail plate to the nail fold finger. More often grows into the outer edge of the nail plate I toe. This is facilitated by short trimming corners of the nail plate, ... continue

Vulva - inflammation of the external genitalia (vulva) women; usually combined with colpitis. Nonspecific vulvitis is more common in girls and older women, due to the anatomical and physiological ... continue

Lice - see. Pediculosis

Dislocation - a persistent shift of articular ends reciprocal mating bones outside of their physiological mobility, accompanied by violation of joint function. At full dislocation of the articular surface has shifted ... continue

Ectropion (syn .: ectropion century) - an abnormal position of the century, in which the edge behind the eyeball, and the conjunctival surface facing outward century. There are scarry, spastic, paralytic ... continue

Uterine inversion - a complication of the sequence and the postpartum period, in which the uterus is partially or completely turned inside out mucosa, passing through the advanced cervix into the vagina or beyond ... continue

Uterine prolapse - displacement of the uterus and vagina beyond the genital slit. Prolapse of the uterus, usually accompanied by prolapse or prolapse of the vaginal walls. There are partial and complete loss of the uterus and vagina. When ... continue

Rectal prolapse - loss through the anus all the layers of the rectal wall. It is more common in men. Factors contributing to the loss of the rectum, are to increase intra-abdominal pressure, back injury ... continue