Directory of Diseases (letter I)


BLOOD - painful sensation of heat or burning behind the sternum along the esophagus. It is a symptom of esophagitis and especially reflux esophagitis, often occurs with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ... more

Iersinioz (syn: intestinal yersiniosis) is an infectious disease characterized by a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract and often a tendency to generalization and defeat of various organs and tissues. The causative agent ... more

ICOTA - involuntary myoclonic contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, imitating forced breathing. Sudden closing of the respiratory tract by the epiglottis blocks the airflow and causes a characteristic ... more

ILLUSIONS - an erroneous, incorrect perception of really existing objects and phenomena. Especially often illusions appear against the background of depression with anxiety or fear, and also with insufficient clarity of perception, ... more

IMEPTIGO - pustular skin disease caused by streptococci and staphylococci. The causative agent penetrates through the cracks and abrasions of the skin, the mouth of the hair follicles. Impetigo can arise as a primary disease ... more

IMPOTENCY (syn: sexual impotence) - a condition in which a man can not perform sexual intercourse. In most cases, it occurs due to a complex impairment of the functions of the genital organs, the endocrine system, ... more

IMPULSIVE STATES include impulsive actions and impulsive drives. Impulsive actions are motor acts that arise and occur suddenly, without external motives and comprehension, as if automatically. The patient ... read more

FOREIGN BODIES are alien to the body, embedded in its tissues, organs or cavities through damaged integuments or through natural openings. Most often, foreign bodies penetrate into the tissues of the body ... more

INSECT ALLERGY - allergic reactions caused by insects or products of their vital functions. The products of the life of insects, in addition to toxic reactions caused by poisonous substances contained in the poison, ... more

INSULT - acute violation of cerebral circulation. According to the nature of the lesions, an ischemic stroke is produced, which is caused by insufficient blood supply (ischemia) of the brain, and hemorrhagic stroke, or ... more

Myocardial infarction is a disease caused by necrosis of the site of the cardiac muscle due to acute ischemia, most often associated with clotting of a branch of coronary arteries of the heart with a thrombus; Ischemic form ... more

INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS (syn: Filatova's disease, benign lymphoblastosis) is an infectious disease characterized by fever, lymphadenopathy, sore throat, enlarged spleen, liver and appearance in the blood of atypical ... more

IPHONDRICAL SYNDROME is a symptom complex characterized by painful, unjustified objective reasons, concentration of attention on the state of one's own health. Some patients are constantly afraid of getting sick, getting infected, ... more

IRIDOCYCLITE - inflammation of the iris and ciliary body of the eye. It arises as a result of a drift with blood into the tissue of the iris and ciliary body of the pathogens of various infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, etc.) and their ... more

EXCEPTIONAL STATES - a group of temporary mental disorders, united by such common signs as a sudden onset, short (minutes, rarely hours), having a frustrated consciousness with a full or ... more

HISTORY - a symptom complex, which includes functional mental, somatic and neurological disorders; Patients are characterized by increased suggestibility, the desire to attract attention. Special form ... more

ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE - the pathology of the heart, caused by acute or chronic recurrent myocardial ischemia (i.e., a mismatch between the supply of oxygen to the myocardium and the need for it) due to constriction or blockage ... more

ISHURIA (urine retention) - impossibility of emptying the bladder, in spite of urine overflow. If urine retention occurs suddenly, it is called acute; If it develops gradually due to ... more