PEDICULOSIS (syn: lice) - parasitizing human lice on the skin. Under unfavorable epidemiological conditions, lice can be carriers of excipients of typhus and recurrent typhus.

There are head, ward and pubic (flat) lice. Female head and pubic lice, laying eggs (nits), glue them to the hair, females of a louse - to linen, clothes. From eggs hatch larvae, turning into adult lice. The entire development cycle takes place on the host and lasts no less than 20 days. The adult louse lives 27 - 46 days.

Clothes and head lice spread, creeping from person to person, mainly with close contact of people. The louse lives in the folds and seams of the underwear. With a strong attire, lice can crawl over their outer clothing, bedding, furnishings, and sex. Distribution of pediculosis usually occurs in violation of hygienic standards of life (irregular washing, a rare change of bed linen and bed linen), which is due to the low cultural level of some part of the population or various social and natural disasters.

Head lice more often parasitize children in the region of the temples and occiput, from where they can spread to other areas. Lice and nits are found in the lesions. At the same time there are strong itching, scratching, skin eczematization is possible, addition of a secondary pyococcal infection in the form of impetigo , folliculitis, furuncles. In neglected cases, the hair is stuck together with a thick, thick exudate (colt). Regional lymph nodes increase and become painful.

Bites of lice cause severe itching of the skin and the appearance of urticaria eruptions, linear excoriations (mainly in the lumbar region, in the armpits, on the neck). Often in the field of scratching, a secondary pyococcal infection joins. Gradually the skin on the place of scratching becomes dirty grayish-brown color.

Pubic lice parasitize on the scalp, scrotum, upper thigh (phthyriosis). In advanced cases can extend to the area of ​​the axilla, back, chest, beard, mustache, eyelashes and eyebrows. Lice tightly attached to the base of the hair. Infection occurs mainly during sexual intercourse, less often through bed linens and other common objects, possibly in a bath. At the site of bites of pubic lice, grayish-blue spots with a size of up to 10 mm are formed, which do not disappear when pressed; After 1-2 weeks they completely disappear. Distress of strong skin itching.

When head lice are found, they comb them out with a frequent comb, taking care not to scatter parasites. Men and children should be shaved (hair burn). If the hair is not cut, one of the following insecticides is applied to them: a 10% aqueous soap-kerosene emulsion, which is prepared from a concentrate of soap-kerosene emulsion (composed of 50% of laundry soap and 50% of kerosene), adding to 100 ml of concentrate to 1 liter Warm water; 5% boric ointment (used only for adults); 20% water-soap suspension of benzyl benzoate. The rate of drug consumption depends on the density and length of the hair, the degree of infection with lice. Hair treatment usually requires 5-10 ml of a soap-kerosene emulsion or 10-30 ml of a water-soap suspension of benzyl benzoate; 5-25 g of boric ointment. The preparations are applied to the hair, the head is tied with a dense kerchief for 20 to 30 minutes, and then washed with warm water and soap (shampoo), rinsed with 5-10% acetic acid solution or diluted in water with table vinegar and combed hair with a frequent comb. When pediculosis can be used opofos (1 tablet dissolved in 50 ml of water, the resulting solution is wetted hair with a sponge, soak for 10 minutes, then wash the hair in the usual way).

In the case of a pediculosis, sanitary treatment is carried out (washing the body with hot water and soap) and at the same time disinfesting linen, outerwear, bedding and living quarters. Disinfestation of linen, outerwear and bedding is carried out in disinfestation chambers, and in the absence of them - insecticides. The latter is applied to the surface of things (bedding, outer clothing) from hand sprayers or sprayers or soaked in emulsion (bedding and bed linen) .- A 0.15% aqueous emulsion of carbophos is used, for which 3 g 50% or 5 g 30 % Emulsifiable concentrate of carbophosum add 1 liter of warm water; 0.06% aqueous emulsion of sulphidophos, for the preparation of which to 1 g of 50% emulsifiable concentrate of sulfidophos add 1 liter of warm water; 20% aqueous soap-kerosene emulsion; 5% dust of methyl acetophos or pyrethrum powder. For soaking one set of underwear, 2.5 liters of emulsion are consumed, 4-4.5 liters of linen are provided (exposure with water emulsion 20-30 minutes, sulphidophos - 5-10 minutes), for irrigation of one set of outerwear - 350 ml, bedding - 400 ml. The processed things can be used after they are dried and ventilated. When processing powders for one set of underwear, 25 g of methyl acetylphos dust, 30 - 55 g of pyrethrum are consumed; For one set of bedding - 40 g dosta methylacetophos, 60 g of pyrethrum; For one set of outer clothing - 40 g of methyl acetate, 105 g of pyrethrum. After that things are put in a bag; After 2-3 hours, dust is removed from the objects or vacuumed, and things are ventilated until the odor of the drug disappears.

For the destruction of lice in the rooms (on the floor) and on the furnishings, liquid or powdered insecticides are used. For a 1 m2 area, use 50-100 ml of 0.5% aqueous solution of chlorophos (6 g of 80% technical chlorophos is diluted with warm water to 1 L) or 15 g of 5% dust of methyl acetophos or pyrethrum powder. For the treatment of premises, aerosol cans "Neofos-2" and "Carbozol" are also used. 2 hours after treatment, the room is ventilated for 3 hours, then wet cleaning is carried out.

When Fthiriose shave off the pubic hair and armpits, rub 10% white mercury ointment, 5% boric ointment, Nittifor lotion or lonzide into the affected areas of the skin.

Patients with various skin lesions (dermatitis, etc.), children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women to handle the above-mentioned funds are prohibited, release from lice is performed with the help of sanitary treatment, haircuts, combing.

In case of accidental ingestion of drugs in the eye, immediately rinse abundantly under a stream of water or 2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. Washing is carried out for several minutes. When irritating the conjunctiva, 30% solution of sulfacyl sodium (Albucida) should be injected into the eyes, in case of pain, a 2% solution of novocaine. When the skin is contaminated with the drug, it should be carefully removed with rags, cotton wool, etc .; 5% ammonia solution, 3 - 5% chloramine solution, 2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution can be used to remove the drug from the skin. Then you need to wash the contaminated skin with soap and water.

Prevention of pediculosis includes raising hygiene skills among the population, improving bath and laundry services. Individual prophylaxis is reduced to regular washing of the body with the change of bed linen and bed linen, periodic inspection of children at home, as well as in children's collectives - kindergartens, schools, boarding schools; Control examination of linen on pediculosis in groups with poor sanitary conditions (long stay in transit, crowding during accommodation of people); Prevention of close contact with lousy people.