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Freckles - small light brown or dark brown spots of irregular shape, sometimes merging with each other. There are a result of hereditary characteristics of pigment metabolism. Localized, usually on the nose, cheeks, forehead, at least on the upper limbs, back, chest. Freckles appear in childhood and adolescence, often in blondes. In autumn and winter, they pale partially disappear during the spring and summer under the influence of sunlight appear again.

Used for removing freckles exfoliating ointment "celandine" creams "Ahromin" et al. Do not allow too much of exfoliation, as in some cases it enhances pigmentation. Removal of freckles is better to produce in the autumn-winter period; if the exfoliating agent is used in the summer time, you need to avoid sunlight.

Oseltamivir spring and summer it is recommended to use photoprotective ointments containing salol, quinine, tannin, and creams that are applied in a thin layer on the face in the morning before going out. We do not recommend prolonged exposure to the sun. Face protecting umbrella, wide-brimmed hat.