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Hymenolepiasis - helminthiasis of cestodosis group called ribbon worms Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm) and H. diminuta (rat tapeworm). Distributed everywhere, mainly in the south. Most children get sick.

The greatest clinical and epidemiological importance hymenolepiasis, which is the causative agent of dwarf tapeworm (helminth length of 0.5 - 5 cm, its body is made of 160-1000 segments and a head with four suckers and hooks). The source of infection - a sick man, with faeces which stand out mature eggs helminth. Transmission of worms is through contaminated household items, toys, food. The transmission of the pathogen by flies. Infection occurs by ingestion of eggs. Of these, the larvae hatch in the intestine, which penetrate the villi of the mucous membrane, are released and develop into cysticercoid. After 6-8 days cysticercoid go into the gut, where they become adult worms. Possible re self-infection with poor personal hygiene.

Rat tapeworm has a length of 60 cm Adult worms are parasites in the intestines of rats and mice, and occasionally in humans, the larvae -. In grain moths, cockroaches, fleas. Human infection is rare, when used in the test foods and bad-baked bread, which contain insects.

The disease is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, hypersalivation, decrease of appetite, headache, dizziness, diarrhea often; in some cases, epileptiform seizures, mild eosinophilia, sometimes anemia; often asymptomatic. The disease usually lasts 1 to 3 months, but some patients (mostly young children) is observed for a long period of persistent infestation. Diagnosis detection tapeworm eggs in faeces.

Hymenolepiasis Treatment for fenasalom. It is effective as praziquantel. After treatment, the patient remains under observation for at least 6 months, during which spend 4 - 6 controlled studies of feces on eggs of helminths. Patients who have after this period in faeces detected helminth eggs, continue to observe up to one year. Control analyzes of faeces (up to 8 - 10 times) is advantageously carried out after repeated courses of treatment (6 tests in the first half - monthly, 2 - 4 analysis - during the second half of the year).

Preventive maintenance consists in observance of rules of personal hygiene (washing hands before eating and after using the restroom), detection and treatment of patients. Prevention of infection caused by rat tsepnem includes, in addition, rodent control, pest control flour, destruction of cockroaches, fleas,