Ayianamsha (Ayanamsa, Ayanamsa, Ayanymsh)

Айанамша (Аянамса, Айанамса, Аянамша)

One of the most important differences between Vedic astrology and Western Europe is the use of the "stationary" (sidereal) Zodiac, while Western astrology uses the "moving" (tropical) Zodiac.

Because of the motion of the Earth's axis in space (the rotation of the Earth's axis along the cone) - that is, because of the precession of the earth's axis - the Zodiac, which is calculated from the relative position between the Sun and the Earth, moves at a speed of about 1 minute per year (about 50.3 In a year, the moving (tropical) Zodiac is shifted relative to the fixed (real, that is, star-based) Zodiac by approximately 24 ° 00'04 "(on January 1, 2010), which is almost the whole sign of the Zodiac.

Jyotish [Vedic astrology] is a sidereal, that is, "star" astrology. This means that Jotish [Vedic astrology] uses the authentic - sidereal (immovable) - Zodiac to find the rashi [signs] in which the graves [of the planet] and the bhavas [of the house] are located.

Signs of the planets are very important in astrology. Since these two systems (Vedic and West European) differ from each other by almost a whole sign, even the most "popular" sign (the sign of the Sun), on the basis of which they write "horoscopes" in newspapers and magazines, is shifted one sign back , If the map is recounted for Vedic astrology. (Rashi [sign] is 30 degrees in longitude, 12 signs multiplied by 30 degrees make up a 360-degree circle around the Earth - Ecliptic).

In the sidereal (stellar) system - the Niryan system - the circle for the reference is the "fixed" Ecliptic . In the tropical system it is believed that the spring equinox occurs when the sun is at the first point of the sign of Aries (0 degrees Aries). This point is the starting point, or the base point of the Zodiac, for finding the positions of celestial bodies. That is, to measure the celestial (astronomical) longitudes in the tropical system, the point of the vernal equinox (which is one of the two points of intersection of the Ecliptic and the Equator) was adopted as the starting point . The point of the vernal equinox is not fixed relative to the position of the stars, it always moves backward (in the west direction) across the sky relative to the stars as a consequence of the precession of the equinoxes at a speed of 50.3 seconds per year, making a complete revolution in Ecliptic for approximately 26,000 years. Longitude, measured by this system, is called "tropical longitude" - "Sayana-longitude".

However, in a sidereal (stellar) system in order to fix the Zodiac (that is, to make it stationary), a certain point on the Ecliptic was taken as the beginning , and this made the system unchanged; This point of reference on the Ecliptic is fixed relative to the fixed stars whose positions in the sky are fixed. The "longitude" of the stars is constant and the rasi ( signs of the "Vedic Zodiac") always contain the same stars or groups of stars within their boundaries.

In this system, the longitude of celestial objects is measured relative to a fixed point on the Ecliptic, located among the stars. The distance between this fixed starting point and the movable point of the vernal equinox is called Ayansamsa (Ayanamsa) . In other words, Ayansamha is the difference between the two system's reference points. The longitude, measured from the starting point of the sidereal system, is called the sidereal (stellar) longitude - "Nirajana-longitude".

The movement of the points of intersection of the Ecliptic (the visible path of the Sun) with the Heavenly Equator is called the recession of the equinoxes . In other words, precession is the movement of equinox points along the ecliptic . There are many hypotheses about the moment of time when the moving Zodiac coincided with the stationary Zodiac. Many experienced astronomers and astrologers paid considerable attention to this issue and received various results. And now almost every astrologer or astronomer has his own opinion about the date when the two Zodiac coincided.

In the question of measuring the precession of the equinoxes, there are two quantities that need to be established: first, the precession rate and, secondly, the date of the zero precession (the date of coincidence of the motionless and moving Zodiacs). There are many different opinions about this.

According to the Vedic Siddhanta, the speed of the precession of the equinoxes was determined by different authors by the following authors:

Author Annual precession speed
Aryabhatta 46.3 "
Parasara 46.5 "
Varaha-Mihira 50.0 "
Surya-Siddhanta 54.0 "
Vriddha Vasishta 54.0 "
Lahiri 50.3 "

The precession date , established by various authors:

Author Date of zero precession
Cyril Feigan 213 AD
P.C. Ray 319 AD
B.V.Raman 397 year AD
Sefarial 498 AE
Vikram Sakha 56 CE.
Lahiri 285 year AD

It is believed that Ayanamsha Lahiri is the closest to the truth, although sometimes it is not entirely accurate, perhaps because the rate of precession may be unstable. The meaning of the real Ayanamshi lies between Ayhanamshami Lahiri and Ramana. Beginners are advised to use Ayhanamshu Lahiri.