Chinese (Oriental) Horoscope


From the perspective of the Chinese worldview, the events that occur to us determine the relationship between people. The ability to properly build relationships with your closest environment ensures success, financial well-being, career, harmony in the family. Often this is more important than the nature and habitual behavior of a person.

There is an ancient legend that dates back to 2637 BC. It says that Buddha called all the animals before he left Earth. However, only 12 of them came to say goodbye to the Buddha. Parting with them, Buddha handed each one a year of government. Years were given in exactly the order in which the animals came running to the Buddha: the Rat, the Bull, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, the Wild Boar.

12 mythological animals represent, according to the eastern cosmogonic theory, 12 cosmic influences acting in the year of the birth of a person, forming his character and largely determining his fate.

The eastern year begins with the first New Moon in the Aquarius sign of the current calendar year!

Rat 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Bull 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Cat 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
The Dragon 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
A monkey 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
Cock 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
Dog 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006
Pig 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007