Thumb and its types

The thumb of the hand, opposed to the rest of the fingers, distinguishes a person from all animals, except for some species of monkeys. This is the most important finger, since without it a person would never have left the state of savagery. The ability to use rough tools and master them for ourselves pushed our ancestors to the path of evolutionary development, and ultimately served as the basis for the creation of a modern highly developed civilization; With the help of rough tools man could produce more perfect - first stone, then bronze and iron - and also to build with their help various structures. It is not surprising that the thumb is also important in determining the character of a person.

In general, the qualities pointed to by the thumb are the same as those determined by the type of hand, but there are features that require more detailed attention. First, consider the extremely rare case when there is no thumb or it is very small; This indicates atavism, primitive development. Usually the thumb, if you press it to the index finger, slightly misses the second joint or is flush with it. If he does not get enough of it, then such a finger is considered short, if it extends further, then it is long.

The thumb has only two phalanges: the first, or upper, is associated: will and performance, the second - with logic and the ability to reason. It is important to take into account the size of the first phalanx, since if it is large, the properties indicated by the other fingers should be clearly expressed; If it is small, then the qualities are hidden and waiting for the moment when a person will be able to give impetus to their implementation.

Thus, the thumb is the key to the character. According to the proportion of phalanx, one can judge whether man acts in his actions by will or by reason; If they are approximately the same, a person is equally guided in his life by both, and other qualities. At the base of the thumb is the hill of Venus, indicating the ability to love. If he is well developed, then, taking decisions, a person is largely guided by this feeling. More about this hill will be told in the chapter on the palm of your hand. Some palmists describe the area below the second phalanx of the thumb as its third phalanx.

If the thumb is close to the others, then such a person can count money and is not too generous. A far apart finger indicates a freedom-loving, open-minded character. You should also look at its top. If the finger is quite mobile in the upper joint, then its owner is a man of wide looks, generous, tolerant, cheerful. It should be expected that the owner of an overly rigid thumb will have opposite qualities - circumspection, restraint, stubbornness, adherence to traditional views on life.
With this feature, the ratio of the sizes of the first and second phalanges should be compared.

It is useful to use some standard for determining the relative size of phalanges of the thumb. To determine the normal development, different proportions were proposed; We can suggest the following: the first phalanx is slightly less than half the finger, and the second is slightly larger. It is possible that the proportion of phalanges on the left hand will be different than on the right; If the person is left-handed, the left hand is considered the main one.

Sometimes the thumb is as if flattened from the top and widened. This indicates a passionate, hot man who is easily excited and comes to a state of anger.