Zodiac horoscope Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The ruling planet: Mars.
Lucky number: 4,7,9,11.
Symbol: ram.
Colors: crimson, red, golden yellow, shiny colors.
Stones: diamond, aquamarine, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, lunar, emerald.
Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (windmill), sweet peas, violet, cornflower.
Metal: iron, steel.
Talisman: hammer, golden fleece.
Happy days are Tuesday and Sunday.
Unsuccessful days - Friday, Saturday.
Countries: England, Germany, Denmark, Syria, Italy, Asia Minor.

General characteristics of personality

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, directs the people of this sign to an active life, giving them a constant supply of energy, making them careless, restless, ambitious and rival.

The place of this sign in the horoscope is the first - and people of this sign also always want to be the first in everything. Aries is a very selfish sign.

The symbol of Aries is a sheep, an animal that goes all the way with a blow to the head, and everyone who has dealt with Aries knows that they just go to their goal just like sheep.

Aries is also the first fiery sign of the Zodiac, and this increases its activity. Mars, the ruling planet, has a positive influence, making people confident and courageous. Unlike the other sign, controlled by Mars, Scorpio, the young Aries is a warrior, restless and eager for battle, even if he lacks experience. In the personality of Aries there is a certain youthful naivety, which brings people of this sign a lot of disappointments. Since they want things to be done quickly and rarely have the patience, they often start the task, then give the right to finish it to others. So, they begin their careers before they find their place in life. They often need advice from less ardent and impetuous people. They are idealistic and romantic. Unfortunately, Aries rarely remembers his experience and often remains credulous after many insults and failures. They succeed in the professions (especially in the theater), they are the center of attention, and around them there are many admiring people. Under this sign many movie stars were born. Aries also excels in trade, insurance, interior decoration and home decoration, in all areas where they have personal contact with customers. People of this sign are pioneers in many areas.

There is an inexplicable originality in them, which always succeeds. They are very extrovert. Aries is not a deep, not a wise sign, but sincere and loyal. Young people often get involved in a fight, young women also show similar strength and frenzy in sports and work, fighting for a higher place. Aries loves his independence. On the call to adventure, they respond quickly, no matter what it costs.

A distinctive feature is the ability to move on, "not complexing." Even when they are offended and angry, they will quickly forget about it the next day. Being rejected (in business relationships or in love), they seldom spend time thinking, actively fussing to be taken elsewhere. They like to go to the company and have parties. Usually they are good masters, but if they feel that they themselves are not very suitable as hosts of the evening, they will definitely ask their friend to replace them, making sure that everything goes well.

These people are noble and can not help but come to someone in misfortune. Men of Aries are men like Sir Walter Reilly. Women are averse to everything vulgar and vulgar. Aries are very demonstrative in the statements of their views. Rarely do they keep their emotions within themselves.

Psychosexual characteristics

Aries is active in sex. These people fall into the category of people "with hot blood." But since their "I" is never forgotten, even in the midst of an erotic passion, there is a danger of being involved in relationships where there is no spiritual satisfaction.

Unlike Scorpio and Taurus, who prefer prolonged sexual intercourse, Aries often does this very quickly, even the second and third time he is very ardent and rickety. During sexual intercourse, Aries is so furious that his partner is inclined to think that he will finish before the onset of orgasm. Men of this sign often express their emotions during sexual intercourse through various groans and exclamations. Women of this sign, when they are very excited, often forget the pose posed by the educated lady, and assume a male role.

As already noted, under the influence of the planets, the distinctive characteristics of signs can be weakened, muffled. Aries, however, must be the first in everything, and it is reasonable to assume that if he is aggressive in conversations and other manifestations of his "I", he will be the same in bed.

Managed by Mars, these men and women warriors choose their own partner, then "attack" him, sometimes modestly and shyly, and sometimes without any warning. How will Aries behave during sexual intercourse, it is impossible to predict, just as it is impossible to predict its behavior in general.

One thing is for certain: they want to be aggressive, they want to be winners. And how this role is carried out and what results result from this, depends on the influence of the planets on the individual horoscope.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Aries have achieved great art in non-sexual maneuvers in order to achieve their personal goals. Since this is a very romantic sign, they create a "pink veil" of perfection until they convince the object of their attention that they are real knights in shining armor or ladies of the royal court. But in fact this sign wants to be in the center of attention and in personal relationships. Aries skillfully choose those people who will support their goals in both deeds and in love. Anyone who is involved in any relationship with Aries will do well if he always remembers that in all Aries's affairs his interests are in the first place.

In close personal relationships and in a married life, Aries usually do not feel remorse because of extramarital affairs. However, I do not want to give the impression that Aries does not have any positive qualities in personal relationships at all. Obviously, people who have any relationship with them must completely sacrifice their aspirations and goals. But if they do this well, then they are expected to love, adventure, a variety of public activities. In other words, you will not be bored. Aries usually earn well for the family and, as they love luxury, supply their loved ones with spectacular things.

Aries usually do not particularly want to have children, but when that happens, they become their friends and advisers. Since Aries retain their youthful views, they are good at communicating with young generations, the problems of fathers and children do not exist for them.

How to satisfy Aries

Provide them with an abundance of sex. But first of all flatter them. Since Aries rules the first House of the Zodiac that touches the body, Aries live in the world of the "body" - they physically recycle, master all other areas of human relationships. They love when they are told flattering speech during intercourse, they also recognize the diversity in sexual relations, believing that nothing goes beyond decorum.

Husbands and wives of Aries must be neat and clean. Spirits and silk pajamas, nightgowns increase their attractiveness for Aries. Soft light and music are very exciting. Do not schedule a connection with Aries for an early evening, as their boundless energy makes itself felt and then, and you will remain with an unsatisfied lover for the rest of the night.

Positive features

This is a charming sign. Those born under him, are able to sympathize, care for and make their care conspicuous, always remember other people's birthdays and like to give flowers. Often find themselves at hand in moments of need and personal tragedies, they will substitute a shoulder for leaning against unhappiness. In marriage, Aries is energetic (supplier, supplier).

Aries is Sir Galahad, a pure heart! This is Joan of Arc, brave and noble. They are not able to say: I give up.

Negative features

The unrelenting energy of the ruling planet - Mars - affects negatively the Aries, often allows them to waste their efforts and opportunities, to dissipate energy. Aries is a classic example of Stefan Lecock Lominvar, who jumped on a horse and rode "in all directions at once."

Aries are too fervent. They should count to 10 before making any decision. Aries rarely look inside. They do not hurt sometimes to explore their souls.

Aries, beware of your main sin - egocentrism! Beware also of selfishness! Control excessive pride! Learn to bring the matter to the end! In your personal relationships, learn to give not only material rewards for love and affection, but allow your lovers to remain themselves, to preserve their desires, aspirations and originality.

Economy of love

Aries are champions in the economy of love. They know the value of money well and are bold to have their share of the material wealth of the world. Well-organized, they mentally control their passions. Aries demand the highest price for their professional merits. It means not only the business side. Some of the famous traders with their bodies were born under the sign of Aries. This also includes people who, having successfully married for the first time, then marry more and more. In this they see the possibility of moving forward.

But if we talk about positive features, Aries win their lovers dearly, to all and even more than what our civilization has to offer: modern cars, a beautiful house, a luxurious wardrobe, expensive evenings in the city.

Since Aries himself is not very wise, he refers to people who have superficial knowledge, feelings. Those who succeed financially often change the subject of love, buying affection and sexual pleasures, but buying them where the most beautiful and graceful partners are sold. Aries treat them like pets, with whom they spend time, free from their profitable business.

Best partners

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners for Aries are among the people of the signs of Leo and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs, and up to this age they are extremely restless.

When Aries passed this age, it begins to gradually mature, becomes more sedentary, less agile and fervent, more practical. At this time the Aries are compatible with the people of the signs of Capricorn and the Virgin. These two terrestrial signs have great practicality - a feature that Aries lacks to excel. After 29.5 years, Aries become less self-centered: they do not concentrate on love and sex and start channeling their energy to solid acquisitions and provision.

At the age of 41.5 years, which is half the cycle of Uranus, Aries must control themselves, since they have many negative features, such as the inability to complete what they started. At this time, they can be compatible with Libra (sensitive, mental sign) and Gemini (also an intellectual sign).

Assessment of fidelity

Up to 20 and a little over 20 years, Aries are looking for adventures and pleasures. In a married life - it's excellent, provided that both spouses are deeply involved in achieving common goals. For Aries the best period for various pleasures, adventures and sexual compatibility is up to 29.5 years, unless they are of course forced to marry and settle down. After 29.5 years, the possibility of a strong family life increases.

Questions to Aries

Why do not you learn to control your inner self? Others see this and wrap your weaknesses against you. In fact, you see yourself through the eyes of others.

Why do you avoid confrontation with yourself? You do not understand that you only carry your shortcomings with you, and then you will again have to face them in other conditions.

Why should you always be winners?

And finally, why did the stars make you so seductive?