Zodiac horoscope Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces (21 February - 20 March)

Ruling Planet: Neptune.
Lucky Numbers: 6,7,11.
Symbol: Two fish swim in opposite directions, a sink, a wave.
Colors: navy blue, lavender, blue, steel and red-purple. Stones: sapphire, pearl, emerald, amethyst, moonstone.
Flowers: daffodil, crocus, jasmine, violets, forget-me.
Metal: zinc.
Talisman: The host daffodil.
Happy Day - Monday, Thursday, Friday.
A bad day - Wednesday.
Country: Asia Minor, Italy (East), Russia.

General characteristics of the individual

Great astrologer E. Adam told people fish sign: "What are you, Pisces, it is one thing that you two fish, is another, but the fact that one of you goes with the flow, and the other - against, quite another." This is the type of the complexity of the individual Pisces.

Many astrologers agree that fish - it is the most eccentric personalities from the entire Zodiac. Their leader - Neptune - revolutionary, mystic sign, romantic, sometimes insane, but always distant. He causes his subordinates to nervousness and anxiety.

Pisces - the last sign of the zodiac, and usually these people put themselves in the last place. They cater to the desires of others unselfishly. Fish - third water sign and the people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate to his. Their strong emotions and passions, when they are positively focused, powerful elements for the building, but if they rasslablany, these qualities can lead to self-destruction of Pisces.

Pisces have to fight and protect themselves from the harsh criticism of those who do not understand their mystical world. Wounds do not heal for a long time Pisces.

Pisces likes to play the role of the martyr and they need to beware of self-pity tendency, as well as low self-esteem. Fish are modest and shy, but they are just as nervous and full of energy, all together makes them look as if they are always undecided and puzzled. They tend too much rage and strongly worry trifles.

Fish are very dependent on the people with whom they are in a relationship, they have a very trusting nature and for this reason they can be easily deceived. However, when they realized that they were deceived, they can become extremely suspicious, secretive. Their intellect wavers like flame: it is discreet, the joyful and witty, on the contrary, sluggish, sleepy, melancholic.

But the fish should not be upset because of the shortcomings that I have described as There were many people of this sign to avoid or overcome them, and of them were well-known people: George Washington, Michelangelo, Victor Hugo, Albert Einstein, Enrico Caruso, Chopin.

psychosexual characteristics

Of all 12 signs of the zodiac Pisces most difficult to describe. If there are any clues to their sex. life in general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the higher octave - Venus, which makes Pisces sverhidealisticheskimi and spiritual. Fish readily agree that to find a man with all the virtues, which they are looking for is almost impossible. Therefore, they do not even try.

Another way to describe their sex. life - is to study the various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers 12 house of the horoscope, which is ruled by Pisces (it is called the house of secret enemies and death). It has to do with mental illness, sexual deviations. He also manages the unforeseen tragedies in human life, damage to the senses, solitude. Therefore, they are often incompatible with people sign. Virgo and Libra, especially in the field of spiritual emotional, because These signs also have their difficulties with respect to the physical side of love.

Fish tend to the relationship between a man and a woman of "slave - master", they themselves often play the role of a slave. Their desire to be under someone's authority, makes us look for people with strong will, who rule over them with almost military rigor in all areas of life.

non-sexual maneuvers

Fish, of course, with some exceptions, are among the most clever and unhappy people in the non-sexual maneuvers. Neptune makes them masters of deception of others. They use all the unworthy means to achieve well-being and emotional release. But in defense, I can say Pisces, that they do not suspect in most cases that their behavior is not fair.

Most of the fish reaches its goals, trying to manipulate the emotions and sexual desires of others.

How to meet the Pisces

Most fish live in a world of illusions. As if they were not liberal in sex. relationship with them need to play make-believe. They often behave as if there is no sexual intercourse is not actually or if their participation, even the neoderzhimoe only gesture to satisfy a partner. For consent to allow them to better treat sex with indifference.

Many female Pisces sexually frigid and with any man behave cleverly, imperiously, rude, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitudes toward sexual passion. Such people are often put on the mask of virtue and self-sacrifice.

Pisces male is not peculiar to this behavior. They are usually romantic, attentive and loyal lovers, husbands who want to please their partner. If their marriage revealed incompatibilities, they rarely get divorced. Instead, they reinforce the positive aspects of their relationship.

Since Pisces - a water sign, they are very emotional. Fish are completely dependent on loved ones. They constantly organize check its partners, so that they proved their love and proved that the fears and suspicions of Pisces - just a fantasy. Fish should beware of paranoia and feelings of betrayal. They need to develop their positive qualities: compassion, hospitality, generosity. They must also beware of hypersensitivity and besperestannoy chatter.

Positive features

In fish, a lot of positive features, but due to their exposure to samorazresheniyu and negativism, they struggle more than others to show their good qualities.

Their intentions are usually honest and they do not expect them to meet other people. They are forgiving of errors. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge unconsciously and often state the facts and the truth, they are not fully comprehended, but which are true vseravno. They have a highly developed sense of humor. They are often too dobrosovevtny in the work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They also need to have more faith in themselves and in their ability to trust your intuition. They are sympathetic to the shortcomings, they can not see or even hear about the suffering of others.

Negative traits

Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of others will not be called a disadvantage, but Pisces is a negative quality: they are likely to be removed in a fantasy world than to meet face to face with real life. They would be safer if learned to live for today.

Pisces should try to stabilize their identity and resist winds that inflate them in all directions. They should also try not to be so scattered in their thoughts and take a stand. Sometimes they may feel that their mood suddenly changed and that they will later regret the wrong choice. But it's even better than their constant indecision.

If all that I have said about fish in this regard will make you think that they are weak and helpless, then I misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.

Due to feelings of uncertainty and fluctuating moods they learn from an early age about the power of money. If they do not always do a lot of them kmeyut themselves, they skillfully manipulated by those who can make money. If there is such a person who has too much money, and he does not know how to spend it, he should get in touch with the fish, which has a splendid art and will help get rid of extra money quickly and in good style.

love Economy

If all that I have said about fish in this regard will make you think that they are weak and helpless, then I misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.

Due to feelings of uncertainty and fluctuating moods they learn from an early age about the power of money. If they do not always do a lot of them kmeyut themselves, they skillfully manipulated by those who can make money. If there is such a person who has too much money, and he does not know how to spend it, he should get in touch with the fish, which has a splendid art and will help get rid of extra money quickly and in good style.

The most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years for the right partners to be sought among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three - watermarks and to 29.5 years, their relationship is very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In his youth, Pisces attract imperious personality of Scorpio and childishly impractical Cancers.

After 29.5 years, they may be compatible with the sign of Libra. Pisces attract Libra quiet grace and a sense of balance. Mature Aquarius Pisces are attracted to expand their world of communication help to suppress their emotional state.

After 41.5 years Pisces has gained more stability and dlizko came to his best friend and partner - Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces. Both the sign - birds of flight, under a sharp astrological wheel, vmevte they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

In conclusion, I urge the Piscean to try each of the 12 signs for Pisces the most difficult to find a partner.

Evaluation of loyalty

Usually, Pisces people are very faithful, especially the young, when they are deep and long-lasting relationships with strong personalities that will guide their relationship and rule. But the latter should make a modest and shy nature of Pisces.

Questions to Pisces

Why do not you make more efforts to find sexual compatibility? You're too easy to retreat.

Did you know that your possessiveness devastating for you and for others?

Are you aware that the perfection of a man necessarily, since we are all mortal and imperfect?

Finally, we know that you have the most imaginative of all the zodiac, but you have to get out of their shell and share their talents with others.