Zodiacal horoscope Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The ruling planet: Venus.
Lucky number: 2,4,6.
Symbol: Bull.
Colors: spring - lemon, white, green and lilac.
Stones: agate, diamond, opal, moonstone, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, esmerald, nephrite, carisol.
Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.
Metal: copper.
Talisman: golden calf, owl.
Happy days are Monday, Friday.
Unsuccessful day - Tuesday.
Countries: Ireland, Poland, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Australia, Switzerland.

General characteristics of personality

Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, affects him completely differently than on Libra. Being the ruling planet of Taurus, it is less complex, pretentious, easily thrown off an unearthly and intellectual, descends to the ground. A typical Taurus is a warm, friendly sign, a gentle and passionate person, although he can not show it. The bull is a very precise symbol of the sign. To achieve the goal, he uses force. They are often called "salt of the earth", because it does not have sweetness: they know what they want and work hard for it.

Men Taurus is often meek, kind, yielding to the soft features of its character. But do not consider this a lack of temperament and not a red rag in front of the machine. They are hard to anger, it's even harder to identify their inner antagonism, but if they are angry, then they become a real "bull in a porcelain shop," ready to destroy everything that gets in their eyes.

Most of the Taurus can not resist the art, music, and, above all, attracts the beauty of the human body. Taurus is usually passionate lovers. Astrologers often claim that Scorpio, the opposite of Taurus, is an insatiable partner, but I believe that Taurus outperforms Scorpio with its insatiability during sex. Act. The main difference between them is that Scorpio's intellect often makes him forget about sex. Attraction, in order to achieve success in any other areas. But the Taurus have such an excess of strength that the floor. Act is for them a kind of reassurer.

Taurus rules the 2 house of the horoscope, which is often called the house of money. They are overly materialistic, often engaged in plans that bring in money, but they do not look like power-hungry Capricorns. Taurus live in the present.

They are slaves of comfort. Their homes are equipped with modern conveniences that facilitate their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Taurus all know the price, but more importantly, when buying, they weigh the coefficient of enjoyment of each luxury item.

Venus, the planet of Taurus, is often called less fortunate, but it is "less" only in comparison with the more fortunate Jupiter. But she is also a good friend of Taurus. It brings happiness and success. She makes him attractive to friends and lovers, she gives him a soft charm that attracts the whole world to the threshold of his house.

Because Taurus does not always act as an extremely intellectual sign, under the influence of Venus, it develops a tendency to complacency, in other words, to laziness. They often say: "I know that I could achieve everything if I really wanted to." Why try? " And this is not bragging. Taurus can really do whatever it wants, but often this is manifested in contentment with all its capabilities, and not with the joy of doing anything. This quality also manifests itself in the absence of demonstrativeness of his feelings. The Taurus do not have the habit of making complimentary compliments to their lover or wives (husbands). Most Taurus replace such poetic speech with expensive gifts. Although their beloved and grateful to them for this, Taurus should try to show their feelings more clearly.

Taurus has great vitality, but it rarely spends them on practical things. He, the "salt of the earth," wants to have a monetary reward for the expended forces. In general, each of their expended efforts aimed at achieving a positive goal should be compensated by some awards, otherwise they become sad, lose interest in the matter. Nothing can prevent Taurus from completing what was actually started, stubbornness is a serious flaw that threatens Taurus's career.

It is difficult for him to understand other people. But in general, Taurus is a positive sign. He is friendly, although sometimes a bit boring because of his restraint and taciturnity. Taurus controls the throat. Most of the Taurus will rather sing or listen to someone singing than talking. Many of the actors, TV announcers and radio (Taurus) are lucky, because their professions are harassing strong, pleasant voices. They experience acute sexual arousal when they speak in front of the audience, because the nerve endings in the throat are connected with the organs of the lower part of the body, including the genitals. Therefore, it is often possible to hear how the Taurus people of such professions admit that they must refrain from sex before an important public speaking so that the vocal cords are free from sex. Voltage.

We can argue that the personality of Taurus functions on an even, consistent level. But remember, do not try to push the bull from its path, otherwise you will know the consequences of it.

Psychosexual characteristics

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People who are ruled by Venus, like to caress, but prefer to be caressed, stretch the time caresses. What characterizes Taurus on the positive side is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives and they are able to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taurus work well when they have a cozy home and a family where you can relax and restore energy. Wives of Taurus often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relations. They take a passive role, expecting that the wife will be active. If not, the husband will readily find another woman.

Because Taurus rules the house of money, his financial affairs greatly influence the sexual sphere of his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at a beautiful female figure, but when things go wrong, sex becomes his conviction.

When he easily succeeds, he can become greedy for money. But he likes to spend and spend.

Women-Taurus should sweeten its Venus nature with various luxury items: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and cause admiration from Mars. When she is admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the male Taurus is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny it.

Both men and women are quite uncontrollable. During sexual intercourse, they often act under the influence of momentum and being a physically strong sign, they often consider one sexual act inadequate. Taurus often likes the external data of two signs, ruled by Mercury: Virgo and Gemini, who are also able to offer a diverse sexual repertoire. Both men and women Taurus are usually endowed with beauty, not one movie star was born under the sign of Taurus.

Non-sexual maneuvers

Venus often acts on their subjects in such a way that they become aggressive and, when they take such a position, they become dexterous and get what they want through nonsexual maneuvers. Taurus occupy a significant place in the list of famous "expensive mistresses." They love to be admired and pampered by them, and so they get expensive gifts.

Taurus is an earthly sign, he is able to practically use his spell. They say that for any worthwhile thing in the world it is worth and good work.

Because They believe in a fair game - they are bad dealers and business people and therefore should avoid economic areas that require insolence and resourcefulness, otherwise they will not stand the competition. In general, non-sexual maneuvers of Taurus work better not in business and society, but in their personal lives.

How to Satisfy Taurus

Taurus's attitude to sex can easily become too prosaic and, when he is not connected with a partner with a deep feeling and when he simply bores him. Taurus does not hesitate to ask their telephone for any other suitable partners.

Positive features

Taurus is a peace-loving person and in our time, when everyone is eager to show his desires in a violent manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to the strength and ability to concentrate energy on anything, success comes easily to him. They do well in matters that require time and perseverance. They often come up with some commercial ideas, which at first seem insignificant, and later turn into objects of national scale. Remember, Taurus rules the house of money and he knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets.

Marrying, he rarely divorces. They are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can bravely marry a Taurus woman, tk. She is a strong, noble wife, who supports her husband's affairs with practical advice.

If anyone wants a relationship that would float on the smooth waves of Venus, take the steamer "Taurus" - no troubled waves. Venus, the goddess who forces young girls to fall in love, and young guys - to climb balconies lit by the moon and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus, the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in great demand in this area.

Negative features

Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - that's where to start, but the main shortcoming of Taurus is indulging your weaknesses, indulging your desires. Another drawback is over-care. If something does not work out for him, it is due to his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the opportunity. In personal relationships, Taurus brings in the inability to connect sex and emotions. They must at least come up with a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to preserve the world. Women like to talk, and men should occasionally listen. Male Taurus love flattery and their partners should force themselves to say something caressing their ears. Taurus's sexual impulses are closely related to the stomach and eating habits, and they must remember that overweight results in overweight.

Economy of love

Taurus wants to have everything and happily enter the game of "love economy". Usually they extol the golden calf and are extremely skilled in using money to satisfy personal goals, especially sexual ones. Taurus attracts many, but he often wants an unattainable - a man who succumbs to his charms for an expensive price. Then, he is missing one person: he needs not only quality, but quantity. He needs two cars, two houses, and if not two wives, then at least a mistress. A woman-Taurus does not hesitate to use money to lure the most handsome man. Positive types of Taurus can be generous with money. Loving art, they promote him and in his sex life. But they rarely take under the protection of a person who does not have the beauty and talent: Venus endowed them with a subtle sense of these two qualities.

Taurus always manages to save money for a rainy day. These are the people who are experiencing national financial stagnation and recession, buying smartly things that always retain value, such as estates or jubilee products. In short, no one so knows the art of monetary manipulation, like the owners of a house of money.

Best partners

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners are people of the symbols. Capricorn and the Virgin. All three are earth signs and until 29.5 years they are all looking for random, slightly passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he should keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and spouse, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

After 29.5 - Taurus begin to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among the Twins and Aries. Twins will increase his intelligence, and Aries

- fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intelligent signs and, like Taurus, do not soar so high in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to lower it to the ground, so that he can properly look at his life and change his future in the future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for a deeper, more idealistic, spiritual relationship. Here he can be compatible with Scorpio.

Assessment of fidelity

In general, it is always "good". A solid sign, Taurus does not like change. In younger years, Taurus are especially faithful to their friends and relatives. In matrimony, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Questions to Taurus

Why do not you want to achieve spirituality, possessing 95 percent of all other virtues, what will make you a more active sign of the Zodiac?

When will you learn to participate in a two-way conversation?

When will you let other people speak out?

When will you stop depending on the circumstances?

And, finally, why did Venus abandon her precious casket with the poetic, intellectual values ​​of Libra and only then came to you?