Emergency telephones in Kiev - short Kiev telephone directory

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New Emergency phones

101 → Пожежна охорона / Fire protection

102 → Міліція / The Police

103 → Швидка допомога / First aid

104 → Avarіyna "Київгаз" / Emergency service "Kievgas"

109 → Довідкова служба з надання номерів / Information desk for providing rooms

121 → Service of exact hour / Service of exact time

122 → Weather forecast / Weather forecast

126 → Special places міліції / Special police stations

127 → Podtakova administration / Tax Administration

128 → Chergova dispatching service of KSCA / Duty emergency dispatch service for the Kyiv mountains. Admin.

170 → Інформаційно-довідкова служба / Information and reference service

171 → Priymanya is being stolen by the people in the settlements of Ukraine / Reception of orders for negotiations with the settlements of Ukraine

172 → Замовлення розмов з населеними пуктами України / Ordering orders from settlements in Ukraine

173 → Довідкова служба кодів автоматич міжнародного звязку / Information service codes for automatic international communication

174 → Priymannya for the rozmovi tourists / Reception of requests for calls from hotels

175 → Postal Delivery Service / Mail Delivery Service

176 → Довідка про послуги місцевої телефонної мережі / Help about the services of the city telephone network

178 → Автотовідповідач to the special services academy / Autoresponder of the special services unit

1503 → Довідкова служба швидкої медичної допомоги / Emergency medical service

1504 → Bureau of repair to the Center of Telecommunicational Service # 1 / Centralized Automated Telecommunications Repair Bureau No. 1

1508 → Bureau of Repair Center Telekomunikatsionnyh ¹2 / Centralized Automated Telecommunications Repair Bureau No. 2

1509 → Довідкова служба про номери телефонів місцевої мережі за невними даними / Reference telephone numbers of the city network for incomplete data

1551 → Довідково-інформаційна служба Київської міської влади / Reference and information service of the Kiev city government

1553 → Довідкова служба / The taxi order service and pizza delivery

1555 → Mednikom Medicom / Medicaid Provision

1556 → Довідкова служба та замовлення квитків / Information service and ticket booking

1557 → Аварійна підприємств зeксплуатації водопровіних, канаізаційних та електричних мереж / Emergency Service of Enterprises for Operation of Water, Sewer and Electrical Networks

1558 → Automation service ta zv'jku, zamovlennya taksy / Automation and communication service, taxi order

1559 → Довідково-інформаційна служба на нноземних мовах / Information-reference service in foreign languages

1561 → Довідкова service / Information service

1562 → Довідка шодо продажа автомобілів / The reference concerning sale of cars

1563 → Побутові послуги фірми "Світанок" / Household services of firm "Свитанок"

1564 → Repair bureau payphones / Repair bureau of payphones

1566 → Service of reception of telegrams from the credit Service of reception of telegrams on credit

1567 → Міська аптечна довідкова служба (about наявність ліків в аптеках) Help with medicines in pharmacies

1575 → The Bureau of Repair of Radiocommunication Department of Radio Network Repair Bureau

1577 → Довідкова служба агентства нерухомості Information service of real estate agency

1580 → Medical services Medical services

1581 → Аварійна водопроводних мереж Emergency service of water supply networks

1583 → Довідково-інформаційна служба "Здоров'я" Information service "Health"

1585 → Послуги авіаперевезень (в.т.ч. мовленвлення авіаквитків) Air transportation services (including booking of air tickets)

1586 → Авиійна служба ліфтів Emergency lift service

1588 → Avarage service electric system Emergency power system service

1589 → Service organізації руху, avarіyna service Organization of traffic, emergency service

083 → Консультатиыно-інформаціонна "Служба Здоров'я" / Consultative КОНСУЛЬТААТНО-INFORMATIONAL "HEALTH SERVICE"

Other useful phones
Emergency service "KievGaz" 2650440
Inquiries about accidents (delivery of emergency medical aid) 003
Single number for emergency situations and accidents 057
The operative on duty of the General Directorate of Emergency Situations 4305010
The operative duty officer of the rescue service "SOS" 2207013

Emergency 2207013 2207124
Emergency service of water supply networks 081
Emergency Electric Transport Service 089
Emergency opening of the castle (apartment, office, safe) 5730303 (067) 5003040
Traffic service 2910411
Track service 5522117
KyivEnergo 088 2242087 5527237
Vodokanal 2901592
Sewer system of street networks 2900057 2900082
Boilers and heating mains 2681773
Thermal backbone networks 2241086

Emergency service "KievLift" 086
OTIS - repair of elevators (left bank) 5173981
OTIS - repair of elevators (right bank) 2351264
Repair of phones (after a beep, name N faulty phone) 004
Repair of TV equipment 087
Transportation of damaged vehicles 5580663

Information service about phone numbers of GTS 09
Paid reference service GTS (for not complete data) 009
Wake-up telephone 009
"KievGorSpravka" (information note) 061
Information on the availability and price of medicines and medical products 4613543
The reference pharmacy service about medicinal preparations 067

"Time" is the time service 060
Hydrometeorological center 001
Receiving telegrams 066
Service of city communications 071
Consumer Protection Board 4172309
Center for Independent Consumer Expertise 2200417
Department of Environmental Control in Kiev 4178120
Eco-reference service for the state of the environment 2283101

Ambulance 103
Emergency care for hospitalized 003
Delivery of medicines for free 4555487 4567844
Medical center "Dobrobut" 4515060
"Health" (doctor's advice on the phone) 083
"Boris" 2130303
"Medic" 055 2340303
"Medea" 2686000
Center for Eye Microsurgery (Department for Adults) 4082988
Center for Eye Microsurgery (Detsoque Department) 4083873
Center for Emergency Pulmonology 2776448 2775777
Center for Maternity and Child Protection (OkhMatDet) 2121591 2120234
Neurosurgical Children's Center 2137592 2117728
Urgent drug abuse at home 2658227
"Life choice" drug treatment trust "Sociotherapy" 2658227
Crisis narcological department 4173322 4173694
"Center for Psychiatric Health" interdistrict department 4426360
Emergency Psychological Assistance 2949300
An anonymous consultation of a psychologist 2644055
The helpline "Love Line" 4114486
"We are with you" is a center for mutual assistance of people living with HIV 2287385
Kyiv City Sanitary and Epidemiological Station 2244111
Ukrainian Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control 4164354
References about road accidents (Department of Traffic Police of GUMVD of Kyiv) 2284522
Information about accidents 2131023
Certificate of accidents on water PLEAS 5176411
Rescue and diving service of the Kiev region. 4168121
Veterinary Hospital 2897744 2788803
Urgent veterinary assistance 2720123
Animal Animal Health Service 2437246

Lost and Found Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2297844
Metro Lost & Found 2263809
Information about forgotten things in trams, trolleybuses 089 291031 2910406
KyivAutoTrans 2634250
Office of Metro Kiev 2289021 2270719
"KievElectroTrans" 4163333

Central Bus Station 5279986
Bus station "Darnitsa" 5594618
Bus station "Dachnaya" 4441503
Bus station "Podol" 4173215
Bus station "Polesie" 4303554
Autostation "South" 2634004

"Autolux" 4430623
"Sheriff tour" 2509330/51
"Gunsel" 2580438/39
"Nova Posta" 3230222

Air Traffic Information Service 056
Cost of air tickets
Booking and delivery of tickets 2956701
Search for lost luggage 2967498 2697539
Information about international flights "Kyi-Avia" 2253217
"Aero-Svit" 2300068 5375600
"UIA Airline" 5815050
Airport Kiev - Borispol 4904777
Airport Kiev - Zhuliany 2422308

Railway Station Information 005
Ordering and delivery of railway tickets 050
Center of passenger service in railway transport 2967498 2697539
Reservation of railway tickets 4651917
River Station 4251268

Help with products, services, and pricing 053
Help about addresses, products and services 059

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