How to save gas and heat?

First of all, gas is certainly the heating of our houses and apartments. How can you save it?

You need to take care of the heat!

To do this, it is necessary to carry out quite simple, and sometimes quite simple and inexpensive in the implementation of the event:

1. Between the battery and the wall of the house to arrange special boards of fiberboard, plywood or plain cardboard pasted with a substrate under the laminate and wrapped aluminum foil on the battery side so that precious heat does not go into the wall of the house. And the shield bending preferably should go to the front edge of the window sill directly above the battery that would also not leave the heat in it.

2. It is necessary to ensure free heat dissipation from the heating batteries (to move the curtains if they interfere with the heat flows, check whether the decorative grilles on the batteries interfere with the removal of heat, etc.) It must be remembered that the heat first rises upwards. Increase the efficiency of the radiators can be provided by their easy blowing, for example, a low-power fan. You can buy it at any computer store (37-75 rubles, but in this case the fan will be 12 volts and you will need another power supply unit, another 50-70 rubles, to which several fans can be connected in parallel). They practically do not create noise if they are well fixed.

3. For the winter, tightly seal the windows and seal all the cracks in them. Slots are scored with cotton wool, silicone. And it is desirable to install plastic windows and doors. But do not forget! It should not be completely sealed! Ventilation is just as necessary.

4. The most "cold" (perhaps they are thinner) walls, even if the most inexpensive flexible cardboard can be sewn, by placing from one to three layers of a substrate under the laminate or other good heat-moisture-insulating material. In addition, the wall can be insulated with any other insulation.

5. If in one of the rooms it is much hotter than in others to not open the window for heat dissipation, but either wrap the battery in a blanket or substrate under the laminate, or install a thermoregulatory mechanism on the battery. Thermoregulatory mechanisms are both automatic and manual. Automatic installation is desirable after consultation with a good heating system specialist. For two-pipe heating systems, it will be necessary to arrange a bypass to organize the thermostat. Details about this can be found in the store, which sells accessories for heating.

6. If the heating boiler, expansion tank or boiler is located in the basement, loggia or other cool room without additional heating, they must be additionally thermally insulated. In any case, the boiler must be thermally insulated and it is very desirable to use foil, in addition to heat-insulating materials, that is, to create a thermos effect. It is also necessary at least two meters to insulate all the metal pipes that drain from the boiler (in the case that polypropylene pipes will be enough to insulate 50-70 centimeters of the pipe).

7. An important factor is the correct operation of the automation in the boiler.

The application of these simple rules will allow you to save 10-50% of the cost of heating. We recommend that you pay attention to this!