Checking the IMEI code of the phone

The database of the Vikradenih mobility phone numbers. Держане підприємство Український державний центр радіочастот

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Check out IMEI

What is IMEI?

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) ​​- a number consisting of 15 digits , is a unique number of each GSM mobile phone. It is installed in the factory during manufacture and serves for accurate and complete identification of the device in the GSM network.

  1. Reconsider the lack of telephones and radiodielectronic zakobi * , which can be serviced at the level of operators in Ukraine.
  2. For viznachenny IMEI code, written down pam'yatі phone, dial the combination * # 06 #. Mittę on the screen, IMEI code on your phone.
  3. Циффри кодів IMEI of the active models of telephones on the group with the help of symbols. # / (Nappriklad XXXXXX / XX / XXXXXX / X, abo XXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XX), yaki when translating (in the amazed code base of IMEI for the add-on SMS on the website), it is not obovyazyovo.
  4. Nayavnist aesthetic Ua-ucrf Pid krishkoju phone does not guarantee the phone number IMEI to the yo code IMEI to the code base of the IMEI but to delete it, the phone number is adapted for the delivery to Ukraine (not the phone number of the entries to the database) .
  5. Yak alternative to the IMEI code on the website can be downloaded from the IMEI code to the short number "307".
    Vartість відправки SMS повідомлення - за тарифы Operator як звичайне SMS повідомлення.
  6. Be respected when entering digits code!

* Радіоелектронні засоби, що містять у своєму складі GSM-модулі з codes IMEI (beside that number of pay for the repair of mobile phones, 3G-modems for laptops, USB-modems, auto-mobile signals with GSM-modules, horn-and-signaling signals, etc.).

IMEI database

Vіdpovіdno up "position about nadannya dozvolіv on imported s of the cordon up Ukraine in radіoelektronnih zasobіv that vipromіnyuvalnih pristroїv" (NCRP zatverdzhenim rіshennyam od 05.02.09 number 1338 Dali - position) for vikoristannya away on teritorії Ukraine termіnalіv trammel stіlnikovogo zv'yazku, SSMSC importing to Ukraine, zdіysnyuєtsya in Registration їh kodіv IMEI (mіzhnarodny іdentifіkator mobіlnogo obladnannya) in uzagalnenoї bazі danih kodіv IMEI termіnalіv (Dali - IMEI DB), yak Veda Reigning pіdpriєmstvo "Ukraїnskіy Reigning center radіochastot" (Dali - UDTSR).

Clause 1.7. "Order in realіzatsії Ukraїnі radіoelektronnih zasobіv that vipromіnyuvalnih pristroїv" (NCRP zatverdzhenogo rіshennyam od 05.02.2009 № 1339 p.), Not dozvolyaєtsya realіzatsіya termіnalіv, mіzhnarodnі Cody іdentifіkatsії (Dali - IMEI code) in yakih vіdsutnі IMEI database.

Recommended! Pid hour kupіvlі telefonіv obov'yazkovo perevіryayte nayavnіst kodіv IMEI IMEI in the database for the Relief Web site at UDTSR rozdіlі "Perevіrka IMEI code" abo Shlyakhov vіdpravlennya SMS Notification (Notification in tekstі vkazavshi IMEI code of the phone yaky vie maєte Namir perevіriti) to the short number " 307 "з be-якого мобільного оператор України. Відсутність code in БД ІМЕІ about the summertime dzherelo march to the telephone in Ukraine and in the mobile phone operator in the service of the mobile phone in the mobile operator's mobile phone numbers.

By the order of entering the code IMEI to the database ІМЕІ, it is imported in a special way, it is returned in the international post directories because of the cordon to Ukraine, that inserted form about the entry to the database of the IMEI codes can be understood, go to the "Zrazok stated " website.

At the rozdіlі "Питання та Відповіді" You can sign in to the Pittanns, but you can get involved with the Gromadyans when you redistribute the codes in the IMEI.

Oznayomitis z "Perelikom radioelektronnyh zasobliv ta vipromnjuvalnyh pristroїv, for vyvezennya yakih, in that number peremischennya from the international posthovyh vidpravlennya, mizhinarnyh ekspres-vidpravlenney, not potrybny dozvoly" (stiffenings to the settlements of the NCRP as of 04.02.2010, p. 51) is possible, yakshchoo nasisnuti here .

Відповідно п.3 ст.25 Law of Ukraine "About радіочастотний ресурс України" Реєстр радіоелектронних засобів, випромінювальних пристроїв, що мууть застосовуватись на території України в смугах радіочастот загального корстусняня, веде Національна комісія, що здійснює державне нормалювання у областиі зв'язку та інформатизації і not rіdshe nіzh two Razi on Year publіkuє Tsey perelіk in ofіtsіynomu byuletenі NKRZІ.

By designating the Registrar from the electronic vizglada you can get to know here .

Poshuk sertifіkatu vіdpovіdnostі mozhna zdіysniti here .

Detailed information of the Čodo code of the ІІІІ to the узагальненої basis is given, it is possible to get acquainted with the telephone to the UDCR (044) 422-85-85