Shop Clasno

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The Clasno store is represented on the Ukrainian Internet market since 2008.

We offer a wide range of products for women (shoes, clothing, underwear, accessories), as well as for men and children. When filling the catalog, the advantage is given to Polish producers and Ukrainian brands with consistently high quality products.

The prevailing products are middle and more affordable price range.

The assortment is stable, the goods remain on sale for a long time. Customers have the opportunity to plan purchases.

Regular seasonal sales are held, as well as special price offers for the holidays.

Updating the directory occurs daily.

A convenient menu, the ability to sort the goods allow you to segment the catalog. We have an opportunity to create both very narrow links and view large groups of goods.

Our team employs experienced programmers.


  • Daily replenishment of assortment
  • Large selection of goods
  • Permanent shares
  • fast delivery
  • Reasonable prices