W3C REC-html40-971218

HTML 4.0 specification

Recommendation W3C December 18, 1997

  1. About the HTML 4.0 specification
    1. Organization of the BOM
    2. The agreements adopted in the document
      1. Elements and attributes
      2. Remarks and examples
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. Copyright Information
  2. Introduction to HTML 4.0
    1. What is the World Wide Web?
      1. Introduction to the URI
      2. Fragment identifiers
      3. Relative URIs
    2. What is HTML?
      1. A Brief History of HTML
    3. HTML 4.0
      1. Internationalization
      2. Availability
      3. Tables
      4. Compound documents
      5. Style Sheets
      6. Scripts
      7. Print this page
    4. Creating documents in HTML 4.0 format
      1. Separation of structure and representation
      2. Universal access to the Web
      3. Help to user agents in sequential imaging
  3. About SGML and HTML
    1. Introduction to SGML
    2. SGML constructs used in HTML
      1. Elements
      2. Attributes
      3. References to symbols
    3. How to read HTML DTD
      1. DTD Comments
      2. Defining parameter combinations
      3. Element declarations
      4. Attribute declarations
  4. Compliance: requirements and recommendations
    1. Definitions
    2. SGML
    3. Content type text / html
  5. HTML document representation - Character sets, character encodings, and entities
    1. Document character set
    2. Character encodings
      1. Choosing an encoding
      2. Specifying a character set
    3. References to symbols
      1. Numerical character references
      2. Combinations of references to symbols
    4. Unexpected symbols
  6. Basic HTML data types - Information about symbols, colors, lengths, URIs, types of content, etc.
    1. Information about the register
    2. The basic types of SGML
    3. Text strings
    4. URI
    5. Colors
      1. Notes on using colors
    6. Lengths
    7. Content types (MIME types)
    8. Language Codes
    9. Encodings
    10. Single characters
    11. date and time
    12. Reference types
    13. Device Descriptors
    14. Scenario data
    15. Data of style sheets
    16. Targeted personnel names
  7. Global document structure in HTML format - HEAD and BODY sections of the document
    1. Introduction to the structure of an HTML document
    2. Information about the HTML version
    3. The HTML element
    4. Document header
      1. HEAD element
      2. The TITLE element
      3. Attribute title
      4. Metadata
    5. Body of the document
      1. BODY element
      2. Element IDs: id and class attributes
      3. Elements of the block's frost and built-in elements
      4. Grouping of elements: elements DIV and SPAN
      5. Headings: elements H1 , H2 , H3 , H4 , H5 , H6
      6. Element ADDRESS
  8. Information about the language and the direction of the text - Texts in different languages
    1. Specifying the Content Language: The lang attribute
      1. Language Codes
      2. Inheritance of language codes
      3. Interpretation of language codes
    2. Specifying the direction of text and tables: the dir attribute
      1. Introduction to the bidirectional algorithm
      2. Inheritance of information about the direction of the text
      3. Setting the direction of the embedded text
      4. Priority over bidirectional algorithm: BDO element
      5. Symbol references for direction and union control
      6. Style Sheets and Bidirectionality
  9. Text - Paragraphs, lines and phrases
    1. Unexpected symbols
    2. Structured Text
      1. Elements of phrases: EM , STRONG , DFN , CODE , SAMP , KBD , VAR , CITE , ABBR and ACRONYM
      2. Quotes: BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements
      3. Upper and lower indexes: SUB and SUP elements
    3. Lines and paragraphs
      1. Paragraphs: P elements
      2. Managing the transition to the next line
      3. Transfers
      4. Formatted text: PRE element
      5. Visual presentation of paragraphs
    4. Marking changes in the document: INS and DEL elements
  10. Lists - Unordered, ordered lists and definition lists
    1. Introduction to Lists
    2. Unordered lists ( UL ), ordered lists ( OL ), and list items ( LI )
    3. Definition lists : DL , DT, and DD elements
      1. Visual representation of lists
    4. DIR and MENU elements
  11. Tables
    1. Introduction to Tables
    2. Elements of the construction of tables
      1. The TABLE element
      2. Captions of tables: CAPTION element
      3. GRtsppy lines: elements THEAD , TFOOT and TBODY
      4. Column groups: COLGROUP and COL elements
      5. Table rows: TR element
      6. Table cells: TH and TD elements
    3. Formatting tables with visual user agents
      1. Borders and rules
      2. Horizontal and vertical alignment
      3. Cell Fields
    4. Presentation of tables by non-visual user agents
      1. Link header information to data cells
      2. Categorization of cells
      3. Algorithm for searching header information
    5. Example table
  12. References - Hypertext and device-independent links
    1. Introduction to references and anchors
      1. Go to the resource referenced by the link
      2. Other reference relationships
      3. Assigning anchors and links
      4. Headers of links
      5. Internationalization and Links
    2. Element A
      1. Syntax of the names of anchors
      2. Nested links are not allowed
      3. Anchors with id attribute
      4. Unreachable and undetectable resources
    3. Relationship of documents: LINK element
      1. Direct and Backlinks
      2. Links and external style sheets
      3. Links and search engines
    4. Path information: BASE element
      1. Resolution of Relative URIs
  13. Objects, Images and Applets
    1. Introduction to objects, images and applets
    2. Image inclusion: IMG element
    3. General inclusion: OBJECT element
      1. Rules for the presentation of objects
      2. Object initialization: PARAM element
      3. Global naming schemes for objects
      4. Announcing and initializing an object
    4. Enable applet: APPLET element
    5. Comments on the implemented documents
    6. Navigation maps
      1. Client navigation maps: MAP and AREA elements
      2. Server-side navigation maps
    7. Visual representation of images, objects and applets
      1. Width and height
      2. Space around images and objects
      3. Borders
      4. Alignment
    8. How to specify an alternate text
  14. Style Sheets - Style in HTML documents
    1. Introduction to style sheets
    2. How to add style to HTML
      1. Set the default style sheet language
      2. Built-in style info
      3. Style information in title: STYLE element
      4. Types of devices
    3. External Style Sheets
      1. Preferred and alternative style sheets
      2. Specifying external style sheets
    4. Cascading Style Sheets
      1. Cascades that are device independent
      2. Inheritance and cascades
    5. How to hide style information from user agents
    6. Linking style sheets using HTTP headers
  15. Alignment, font styles and horizontal separators
    1. Formatting
      1. Background color
      2. Alignment
      3. Attached objects
    2. Fonts
      1. Elements defining the font style: elements TT , I , B , BIG , SMALL , STRIKE , S and U
      2. Font control elements: FONT and BASEFONT
    3. Separators: an element of HR
  16. Frames - A document in several windows
    1. Introduction to Frames
    2. Frame Location
      1. FRAMESET element
      2. Element FRAME
    3. Defining the purpose of the frame
      1. Set the default target for links
      2. Semantics of goals
    4. Alternate Content
      1. Element NOFRAMES
      2. Long descriptions of frames
    5. Built-in frames: the IFRAME element
  17. Forms - User-filled forms: text boxes, buttons, menus, etc.
    1. Introduction to Forms
    2. Control elements
      1. Types of control elements
    3. FORM element
    4. INPUT element
      1. Types of control elements created with the INPUT element
      2. Examples of forms with control elements such as INPUT
    5. BUTTON element
    6. Elements SELECT , OPTGROUP and OPTION
      1. Pre-selected options
    7. Element TEXTAREA
    8. ISINDEX element
    9. Labels
      1. LABEL element
    10. Adding structures to the forms: FIELDSET and LEGEND elements
    11. Transition of focus to an element
      1. Navigate using the Tab key
      2. Access keys
    12. Disconnected controls and read-only elements
      1. Disconnected controls
      2. Read-only controls
    13. Sending a form
      1. Form submission method
      2. Successful controls
      3. Form data processing
      4. Form content types
  18. Scripts - Animated documents and smart forms
    1. Introduction to scripts
    2. Development of documents for user agents that support scripts
      1. SCRIPT element
      2. Specifying the language of the script
      3. Internal events
      4. Dynamic change of documents
    3. Development of documents for user agents that do not support scripts
      1. NOSCRIPT element
      2. How to hide the script from user agents
  19. Background information SGML for HTML - Formal HTML definition and validation
    1. Verifying the correctness of the document
    2. Example of the SGML directory
  20. SGML-HTML 4.0 Announcement
    1. SGML declaration
  21. Document Type Definition
  22. Transitional Document Type Definition
  23. Frameset Document Type Definition
  24. Character entity references in HTML 4.0
    1. Introduction to character
    2. Character entity references for ISO 8859-1 characters
      1. The list of characters
    3. Character entity references for symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters
      1. The list of characters
    4. Character entity references for markup-significant and internationalization characters
      1. The list of characters
  1. Differences between HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0
    1. Differences in elements
      1. New items
      2. Unwanted elements
      3. Obsolete items
    2. Differences in attributes
    3. Differences in availability
    4. Differences in metadata
    5. Differences in the text
    6. Differences in references
    7. Differences in tables
    8. Differences in images, objects and navigation maps
    9. Differences in forms
    10. Differences in stylesheets
    11. Differences in frames
    12. Differences in scripts
    13. Differences in internationalization
  2. Performance, Implementation, and Design Notes
    1. Notes on invalid documents
    2. Special characters in URI attribute values
      1. Non-ASCII characters in URI attribute values
      2. Ampersands in URI attribute values
    3. SGML implementation notes
      1. Line breaks
      2. Specifying non-HTML data
      3. SGML features with limited support
      4. Boolean attributes
      5. Marked Sections
      6. Processing Instructions
      7. Shorthand markup
    4. Notes on the search engines engines index your Web site
      1. Search robots
    5. Notes on tables
      1. Design rationale
      2. Recommended Layout Algorithms
    6. Notes on forms
      1. Incremental display
      2. Future projects
    7. Notes on scripting
      1. Reserved syntax for future script macros
    8. Notes on frames
    9. Notes on accessibility
    10. Notes on security
      1. Security issues for forms

Copyright © 1997 W3C ( MIT , INRIA , Keio )