Analysis of site pages

After designing a unified page, a careful analysis is carried out . The fact is that when a developer finds inaccuracy or plans to make any improvement at a later stage of creating a site, then the process rolls back to the very beginning.

To perfect the perfection of this stage of development, still a lot of practice is needed, but you will need these very basic methods of analysis :

  • Check the page on different browsers . Although the statistics of many search sites indicate that about 90% of visitors prefer the browser MSIE, still do not write off the remaining 10% - this is a very large audience.
  • Check on different screen expansion modes.
  • Source code analysis.
  • Analysis of references.

Let's now dwell on each of them in more detail.

Browsers and the HTML standards proposed by the W3C consortium are relevant today. The fact is that developers of browsers trying to make their contribution to the development of the HTML language often create their own elements (tags, attributes) that are incompatible with other browsers. This is more often referred to as the DHTML language. Therefore, if you are developing navigation menus based on this language, then take it very seriously, otherwise your site in another browser will be paralyzed.

In other cases, the losses look less tangible. In popular browsers MSIE 6 , Opera 7.x / 8.x, Mozilla 1.7 and Netscape 7.1 (which you are asked to test ), the attitude to the HTML language is not so fundamental. Common HTML-editors , for example, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX or Microsoft Front Page have built-in tools for solving such problems (all errors will be highlighted) even at the stage of compiling the first page.

As for cascading style sheets , Netscape browser developers have proposed many new CSS elements that are not supported by other browsers.

Checking the pages in different screen resolution modes is done in order to establish errors in the compilation of tables (indicating the width and height). If the positioning method was applied, the result will be seen in different ways . Do not neglect such a test. Although most use the extension 800x600, but with the growth of modern equipment, the number of users with a higher resolution is constantly increasing.

Source code analysis

The HTML source code refers to everything that is in the <HEAD> container. This is a vital part of the site. It is she who is searched by search engines , ignoring beautiful drawings, an excellent navigation bar and all the other cleverly designed elements of the web page itself. Let's seriously investigate the source code .

At the very beginning of the document, its type is indicated. Example:

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 document_type // EN"

They are of the type:

  • Strict (exact) - do not contain tags and attributes that are considered by the W3C consortium as undesirable.
  • Transitional - can contain unwanted tags and attributes.
  • Frameset (frame) - can contain both undesirable elements and frames.

This information will be provided by any HTML editor . You only need to make an adjustment if necessary.

It is desirable to exclude the <TITLE> tag from the template. It carries the name of the page, which is most often unique for each of them. On the other hand, it will not interfere . Only after the completion of the revision it should include the title of the page, which will look like simple , attractive and at the same time understandable for reading phrases or words.

The <META> tag has a universal use. It serves to provide search engines with keywords or phrases, page encoding, copyright information , reload and page redirection . Also in the HTML 4.01 specification, you can specify the date the document was created.

In case you have to make a few tens or hundreds of pages, then obviously it's better to unify everything in the source code, except redirecting the pages. The latter is used at will .

The NAME attribute in the <META> tag indicates the reduction of information character for search engines. The value "keywords" indicates that keywords will be used, and the CONTENT attribute lists the last ones. It is for these words that visitors will find your site through "search engines". You must make the keywords separated by commas and they must correspond to the subject matter of the site. In doing so, you will need to learn how to put the selected keywords in your Web pages. It may be necessary to adjust words in different pages, depending on their content.

By the same principle, a code is compiled with the values:

  • Description - a summary of the site. It will be indicated in the search results window of "search engines"
  • Author - the name of the author.
  • Generator - the index of the name of the HTML-editor, with which the page was compiled.
  • Copyright - information about the copyright.

Example of source code:

<! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional // EN"
<META NAME = "Generator" CONTENT = "Ace HTML 6 Pro">
<TITLE> Videos </ TITLE>
<META http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text / html; charset = windows-1251">
<META NAME = "Author" CONTENT = "VideoService LLC">
<META NAME = "Keywords" CONTENT = "CD, DVD, videotapes, mail, action movies, comedies, mysticism>
<META NAME = "Description" CONTENT = "The widest selection of movies., The lowest prices.>

Link Analysis

Check again how you placed the links . They should somehow stand out from the main content and be at your control all the time . When creating pages, avoid "dead" links. Broken links create impressions for your visitors that the site is served casually and seldom.

Use links more often , because they serve as the basis of Web-surfing. But they should be in reasonable quantity .

When you implement links in the text, they must be inextricably linked in meaning with the text itself. Different appeals "And look here" or "Click here!" Distract from reading any information.

Well, the most important thing is that the link should be transparent , that is, the visitor of the site understood where he would go.