Collection methods of manufacturing and technology secrets for all occasions


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Disappearing Ink

The main method. Tool manufacturing secret ink that can "bind" the solemn persuasion: to take a sprig of willow, to burn it in the coal, then finely grind a pound of water on the stove, where artists rub their colors. Then diluted with water so that the inks were able to scribble on a piece of paper.

Written in ink such letters and words through six days disappear.

Another method. It should be mixed with 50 ml of alcohol tincture of iodine with a teaspoon of dextrin also filter out sediment. Such blue ink completely lose color after 1-2 days due to the evaporation of iodine.

A black

The recipe of this ink is simple, like all brilliant. Invisible ink is a saturated solution of ordinary baking soda in water. They are extremely cheap and can be stored very long, does not spoil. This is their advantage over the method, which is known to many - the message of the milk. for the convenience of those messages are best ink refill pen. Together for the same pen the water evaporates, and on paper seems to be nothing there. Manifested as a secret message is very simple: heat resistance. When heated emerges dark brown text. You can gently show the text over the fire or stove-top, but it is better will also be safer to use an iron. A variation of the fittest - small marching utyuzhok.