Tests, puzzles, puzzles, puzzles
The riddle is a question in which a certain word is hidden under the "mask", and only a hint is made about the matter of making a guess. Logical riddles develop in a person ingenuity, ingenuity and intelligence. Solving puzzles will always do good.
On this site there are many different logical tasks, puzzles, puzzles, developing your intellect. Some of them need to be solved in a certain time.
When solving logical problems in the brain, the experience of an unconventional approach to solving various tasks is preserved, which automatically increases its ability to analyze and make the right decisions, incl. Creative, in everyday life (at work, when teaching, etc.).
Logical tasks contain puzzles: with a dirty trick, by ingenuity, ingenuity. We have puzzles, mathematical, physical, non-standard thinking, creativity, imaginative thinking, logic, with pictures, answers, solutions, for the time for adults, teenagers, schoolchildren, children.
To solve some puzzles and puzzles you need a notebook in a cage and a pencil or pen.
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