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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2065548



The name of the inventor: Uskov NN; Ostashchenko BA; Bezgachev E.L.
The name of the patent owner: Uskov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Address for correspondence:
Date of commencement of the patent: 1994.05.10

The invention relates to the field of changing the properties of a substance. The technical result is a substantial increase in the relaxation time of the low pour point of highly paraffinic oil. The essence of the invention consists in the fact that during the heating of oil by ultrasound water is introduced into it, the heating of the oil is performed by ultrasound in the temperature range 40-140 ° C.


At present, the problems of improving the technological characteristics of high-viscosity oils, in particular the reduction of the pour point t 3 and the increase in the relaxation time of the lowered temperature t , are solved in various ways: mechanically and vibroprocessing, heat treatment, the use of additives, etc.

However, these methods have certain drawbacks associated with the environmental factor (production of chemicals), inadequate efficiency (at relatively high energy costs, the relaxation period of the parameters is limited to 6 hours).

It is known that one of the factors complicating the transportation of highly paraffinic oils is the high pour point of oil t3. For the Kharyaga oil it is an average of 24 o C [1]

Known is a method for heat treatment of oils, consisting in the fact that the oil is heated to the dissolution temperature of paraffins: 363-368 K (90-95 o C). As a result of this treatment, t3 decreases to 286-287 K (13-14 ° C) [2] The relaxation time of this (reaching the initial value) parameter is 4-6 hours.

The shortcomings of this method include a short relaxation time t 3 (4-6 hours).

It is an object of the present invention to provide a more efficient method for decreasing t 3 and increasing t ..

This is a new technical result, which is in a causal relationship with significant features.

Significant features include oil processing by ultrasound, addition to oil during water treatment.

The essence of the method is as follows. High-paraffin oil is treated with an ultrasonic disperser of the type UZDN. During ultrasonic treatment, the oil is heated to a certain temperature (tn), then water is added to the oil tank. After this, the ultrasonic action is removed and the t and the relaxation time of this parameter are measured.

The experiments were carried out on the high-viscosity high-paraffin oil of the Kharyaga field, characterized by high paraffin content (on average 24%) with t 24 o C.

Example 1. Oil is treated with ultrasonic sound at a frequency of n = 22 kHz, its temperature is measured: t 40 ° C, then water is added in a water / oil ratio of 1/60 and processing is stopped. After that, measure t 3 and t :: t 20 o C, t = 6.5 hours.

EXAMPLE 2 The oil is treated to . C., then water is added in a ratio of 1/60, the treatment is stopped, and t.sub.s and t.sub.t are measured at . C., t = 7 hours.

EXAMPLE 3 Oil is treated at the same frequency to . C., the same water ratio is added; T 18 o C, t = 8 hours.

In subsequent experiments under constant conditions: n = 22 kHz, water / oil 1/60, the oil is heated to a temperature of 100, 120, 140 ° C (see table).

The results of oil treatment to temperatures of 70, 80, 100, 120 ° C and the addition of water in a water / oil ratio of 1/50, 1/30, 1/20 are shown in the table.

A significant effect of ultrasound frequency on the results of treatment is observed.

The resulting effect is explained by the fact that during the heating by ultrasound of oil, the supramolecular structures of paraffin are destroyed, and the water introduced during the treatment dissociates and fills the bonds formed during the destruction of paraffin. As a result, the process of structuring paraffins in oil is slowing down.

Thus, the proposed method of treatment allows a significant increase in the relaxation time of the low pour point of highly paraffinic oil, which allows it to be transported over long distances.


1. L.P. Karmanova, L.L. Frolov. The process of the formation of solid paraffin-solvent-depressant in Kharyaga oil. Syktyvkar. Proceedings of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Academy of Sciences USSR No. 121, p. 20.

2. A.M. Lobkov. Collection and processing of oil and gas in the fishery. 1968, p. 158.


A method for treating a highly paraffinic oil, including heating, characterized in that heating of the oil is carried out by ultrasound to 40-140 ° C and water is introduced during the heating process.

print version
Date of publication 07.04.2007gg