Russian Federation Patent RU2142905

Cheap way to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water

Name of the inventor: Ermakov Victor G.
The name of the patentee: Ermakov Victor G.
Address for correspondence: 614037, Perm, ul.Mozyrskaya, 5, kv.70 Ermakov Victor G.
Starting date of the patent: 1998.04.27

The invention is intended for energy and can be used in the preparation of cheap and economical source of energy. Prepared in an open space of superheated steam with a temperature of 500-550 o C. Superheated steam is passed through a constant electric field of high voltage (6000 V) to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The method is simple in hardware design, economical, fire and explosion-proof, high-efficiency.


Hydrogen when combined with oxygen, oxidation, ranked first in calories per 1 kg of fuel to all fuel used for the teaching of electricity and heat. But high calorie hydrogen has not yet been used to obtain electricity and heat, and can not compete with the hydrocarbon fuel.

An obstacle to the use of hydrogen energy is an expensive method of its production, which is not economically justified. For hydrogen is mainly used electrolysis plants, which are inefficient and energy spent on the production of hydrogen, equal to the energy produced from the burning of hydrogen.

A method of obtaining hydrogen and oxygen from the superheated steam with a temperature of 1800-2500 o C, as described in the application UK 1489054 N (Cl. The C 01 B 1/03, 1977). This method is complicated and energy-consuming trudnoosuschestvim.

The closest to the proposed method is the production of hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor to the catalyst by passing through the pair of electric field, as described in UK Application 1585527 N (Cl. C 01 B 3/04, 1981).

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • inability to obtain large quantities of hydrogen;
  • energy consumption;
  • complexity of the device and utilization of expensive materials;
  • .. Inability of this method, using industrial water, that is, saturated steam at a temperature of the device walls and are formed on the catalyst and deposition of scale, which will lead to its rapid failure;
  • to collect the obtained hydrogen and oxygen using special prefabricated containers, which makes the process of fire and explosion hazard.

The object on which the invention is directed, is to eliminate the above drawbacks, and obtaining a cheaper source of energy and heat.

This is achieved by a method for producing hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor comprising passing the steam through this electric field, according to the invention using superheated steam with a temperature of 500-550 o C and it was passed through an electric field of constant high voltage, thereby causing dissociation steam and its separation into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

The proposed method based on the following

  1. Electronic communication between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms is weakened in proportion to increasing water temperature. This is confirmed by the practice of the burning of the dry coal. Before you burn the dry coal, it watered. Wet coal produces more heat, better off. This stems from the fact that the high temperature combustion of coal decomposes water into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen burns calories and provide additional coal, oxygen and air increases the amount of oxygen in the furnace to facilitate a better and complete coal combustion.

  2. Hydrogen ignition temperature of from 580 to 590 o C, the decomposition of water should be below the ignition threshold of hydrogen.

  3. Electronic communication between the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen at a temperature of 550 o C is still sufficient for the formation of water molecules, but the orbits of the electrons already distorted communication with the hydrogen and oxygen atoms is weakened. To have gone electrons from their orbits and nuclear relationship between them broke up, you need to add more energy to electrons, but no heat and energy of the electric field of high voltage. The potential energy of an electric field is converted into the kinetic energy of the electron. The speed of electrons in an electric field of direct current increases proportionally to the square root of the voltage applied to the electrodes.

  4. Decomposition of the superheated steam in the electric field can occur at a low vapor velocity, and the velocity of such steam at 550 o C can be obtained only in an open space.

  5. For the production of hydrogen and oxygen in large quantities need to use the law of conservation of matter. From this follows the law: how much water was decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen, the same amount of water in the oxidation obtain these gases.

The ability of the invention is confirmed by the examples carried out in three different settings.

All three units are made of the same, uniform cylindrically shaped articles of steel pipes.

First option
Working and setting device of the first embodiment (Figure 1).

Method for producing hydrogen and oxygen from water

All three versions work units begins with the preparation of superheated steam in an open space with a steam temperature of 550 o C. Non-closed space provides speed loop steam expansion up to 2 m / sec.

Preparation of superheated steam occurs in a steel pipe of heat resistant steel / starter / diameter and length of which depends on the power setting. The plant capacity determines the number of degradable water, liters / sec.

One liter of water containing 124 liters of hydrogen and 622 liters of oxygen, based on 329 kcal of calories.

Before starting the installation of the starter is heated from 800 to 1000 o C / heating produced by any method /.

One starter end plugged flange through which the dosed water to decompose on the calculated power. The water in the starter is heated to 550 o C, exits freely from the other end of the starter and enters the expansion chamber, which is connected to the starter flanges.

The superheated steam expansion chamber is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric field generated by the positive and negative electrodes, to which a DC voltage of 6,000. Itself serves as the positive electrode chamber body / tube / and the negative electrode is a thin-walled steel pipe, mounted on the center housing, over the entire surface of which has openings with a diameter of 20 mm.

The pipe - electrode is a grid that does not create resistance to the entrance of the hydrogen electrode. The electrode is attached to the casing pipe at the bushings and mounting the same high voltage is applied. The end of the tube ends of the negative electrode and a heat-resistant insulating pipe for hydrogen release via the camera's flange. Oxygen Out of the camera body through a steel pipe expansions. Positive electrode / chamber body / must be grounded and grounded at the positive pole of the DC power.

The yield of hydrogen to oxygen of 1: 5.

second embodiment
Working and setting device of the second embodiment (Scheme 2).

DEVICE production of hydrogen and oxygen from water

Installation of the second embodiment is designed to produce large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen due to parallel decomposition of large amounts of water and oxidation gas in boilers to produce high-pressure steam for operating power plants that run on hydrogen / hereinafter WPP /.

The installation operates as in the first embodiment, it begins with the preparation of superheated steam in the starter. But this differs from the starter motor starter in the 1st embodiment. The difference is that at the end of the starter tap is welded, wherein a pair of switch is mounted having two positions - the "start" and "work".

Resulting in a starter steam enters the heat exchanger, which is intended for adjusting the temperature of the recovered water in the boiler, after oxidation / K1 / 550 o C. The heat exchanger / To / - tube as well as all products with the same diameter. Mounted between pipe flanges of heat-resistant steel pipe, which extends superheated steam. The tubes are streamlined with water from the closed cooling system.

From the heat exchanger, superheated steam enters the expansion chamber, exactly the same as in the first embodiment of the installation.

Hydrogen and oxygen coming from the decomposition chamber to the burner of the boiler 1, in which hydrogen is ignited by a cigarette lighter, - formed torch. Torch, flowing around the boiler 1, it creates a working high-pressure steam. Torch Tail of boiler 1 is supplied to the boiler 2 and its heat in the boiler 2 prepare steam for the boiler 1. Starts the continuous oxidation of gases around the boiler circuit from the known formula:

2H 2 + O 2 = 2H 2 O + heat

As a result of the oxidation gas is recovered water and generates heat. This heat is collected in installing boilers boilers 1 and 2, turning it into heat in the work of high pressure steam. A reduced water flows to high temperature heat exchanger to the next, from it to the next chamber decomposition. This funnel water from one state to another continues as many times as you want to get away from this heat energy collected in the form of a pair of working for WPP capacity.

After the first portion of the superheated steam bypass all products will outline the calculated energy and leaves the latter in the boiler circuit 2, the superheated steam is sent through a pipe into steam switch mounted to the starter. Switch pair from the "start-up" is translated to "work", after which it falls into the starter. The starter is disabled / water heating /. From a starter superheated steam enters the first heat exchanger and from there to the expansion chamber. It starts a new round of superheated steam along the contour. From this point on contour decomposition and plasma is closed on itself.

Water installation costs only on the formation of a high-pressure working vapor, which is taken from the return loop exhaust steam after the turbine.

Lack of power plants to VES - is their bulkiness. For example, for a 250 MW windfarm must be expanded at the same time 455 liters of water per second, and this will require the expansion chambers 227, 227 heat exchangers, boilers 227 / K1 / 227 boilers / K2 /. But this awkwardness will be a hundred times already justified only by the fact that the fuel for the windfarm will be only water, not to mention the environmental performance of WPP, cheap electricity and heat.

third embodiment
3rd version of the power unit (diagram 3).

Producing hydrogen and oxygen from water

It is the same power plant, as well as the second.

The difference between them is that this system works continuously from the starter, the expansion circuit of steam and hydrogen combustion in oxygen is not closed on itself. The end product is to install a heat exchanger to the expansion chamber. This arrangement allows to obtain products other than electrical energy and heat, more hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and ozone. The power plant of 250 MW when working on the starter will use energy for heating the starter, water 7.2 m 3 / h and the water on the formation of a working pair of 1620 m 3 / h / water using exhaust steam from / return loop. The propulsion system for the WEC 550 o C water temperature. The vapor pressure of 250 atm. Energy consumption in the creation of an electric field on the same cell expansion will be approximately 3600 kW / h.

The power plant of 250 MW when placing products on four floors will occupy an area 114 mx 20 m and a height of 10 m. Not taking into account the area under the turbine, generator and transformer for 250 kVA - 380 x 6000.

Invention has the following advantages

  1. The heat produced during the oxidation gas can be used directly on site, and the hydrogen and oxygen obtained by recycling waste steam and process water.

  2. A small flow of water in the preparation of electricity and heat.

  3. The simplicity of the method.

  4. Significant energy savings, as She spent only a warm-up before the starter steady thermal regime.

  5. A high process performance, since dissociation of water molecules lasts a few tenths of a second.

  6. Explosion and fire method, because when it is not necessary in implementing the containers for collecting the hydrogen and oxygen.

  7. In the process of installing the water repeatedly cleaned, transformed into distilled. This eliminates sludge and scum, which increases the life of the appliance.

  8. Installation is made of ordinary steel; except boilers manufactured from refractory lined steel and shielding of their walls. That is, do not require special expensive materials.

The invention may find application in the industry by replacing the hydrocarbon fuel and nuclear power plants for a cheap, environmentally friendly and common - water retaining capacity at these facilities.


A method for producing hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor comprising passing of steam through the electric field, characterized in that the superheated water vapor having a temperature of 500 - 550 o C, flowing through the electric field of high voltage DC for the dissociation of steam and its separation into hydrogen atoms and oxygen.

print version
Publication date 02.11.2006gg