Russian Federation Patent RU2235057

METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYDROGEN AND ENERGY from the decomposition of water molecules and ITS A post-treatment and activation, including activation of water, part of the living organism BLOOD, AND DEVICE FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION

METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYDROGEN AND ENERGY from the decomposition of water molecules and ITS A post-treatment and activation, including activation of water, part of the living organism BLOOD, AND DEVICE FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION

Name of the inventor:
The name of the patentee: Rassadkin Yuri Pavlovich
Address for correspondence: 141420, Moscow region, Gangway, str.. New, 1 kv.18, Yu.P.Rassadkinu
Starting date of the patent: 2002.04.10

The invention is intended for the power, chemical, petrochemical, oil, food industry, medicine and agriculture. Water was irradiated in an apparatus comprising a reactor 1, the working chamber 2, 3. The water pump 4 is poured into the reactor 1 through the conduit 6. In the upper part of the reactor 1 situated conduit 5 for discharging the gaseous decomposition products, and at the bottom - the drain conduit 8 for removal of sludge . Between the double walls of the reactor coolant is pumped through one inlet 9 and outlet 10. In the wall of the working chamber 2 holds the window of a material that transmits radiation 11 with minimal loss. Working chamber 2 can be equipped with a navigation unit, consists of two coaxial pipe or pipe section filled wire. The water is irradiated with monochromatic infrared radiation, the spectral composition of which is close to the spectral composition of any of the three modes of oscillatory water: deformation symmetrical, asymmetrical. Length of infrared radiation 2,279-220,23 microns. And water may be irradiated with electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 10 12 -10 14 Hz or infrasound waves. The supplied with energy must exceed the relaxation and heat loss of the water molecules. The invention allows to increase productivity of the process water activation, change in its conductivity 2.3 times, to improve eating quality of products containing water, blood flow to the body, improve its protective properties.


The invention relates to the energy, chemical, petrochemical, petroleum, automotive, food industry, medicine, agriculture and, in particular, can be used:

- When creating hydrogen generators;

- To create power plants for heating buildings and industrial facilities;

- In the chemistry in the manufacture of various organic and inorganic compounds;

- Ecology in order to neutralize harmful impurities in the waste water;

- In the automotive industry for the production of hydrogen generators replacing hydrocarbon fuel;

- In the oil and gas industry for the regeneration of used wells to increase oil production and gas;

- In the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of medicines;

- In medicine for a wide range of medical devices;

- In medicine for the development of new methods of accelerated treatment of patients;

- In the food industry in the production of activated water and a variety of beverages;

- In the food industry for the production of beer, wine, vodka and other alcoholic beverages;

- In agriculture at cultivation of almost all agricultural products.

Known water purification method and its activation when subjected to a permanent magnet field [1]. It describes a lot of advantages of this method and tested repeatedly by numerous experiments the impact of devices in the form of wooden disks with integrated magnet into the water with a view to clean drinking water. But when it comes to explaining the physical processes that explain this "energy-exposure", and "information is recorded on the" sap "spring water", which is enhanced by a magnetic field. Many devices designed and magnetic treatment of water for technological needs [2] (with the exception of scale deposition, improved Performance Concrete, acceleration of chemical reactions, improved anticorrosive properties of brightening liquid cleaning capillary systems, activation of water to the processing plants, etc.) . At the same time the primary and main disadvantages of this method are:

- Total absence of any physical theory describing the process;

- The impossibility to predict the effect of the initial characteristics of the device, and water and parameters (temperature, degree of purification, the effect of external influences, etc.) in the design of devices for cleaning large amounts of it;

- A large amount of research work;

- A high risk investment in the development of devices.

Known methods of treating water with electromagnetic radiation [3, 4, 5]. With such a selective effect on the water it takes place and its cleaning and activation, such water is used for drinking, cooking food and for technical purposes described above.

The disadvantages similar to the above method include:

- Total absence of any physical theory describing the process;

- The inability to predict the impact of the initial parameters of electromagnetic fields and water features in the design of devices for the treatment of large volumes of it;

- A large amount of research work;

- A high risk investment in the development of devices.

Known method of irradiating water and biological objects, including humans, laser radiation with a wavelength of 0.63 to 1.3 mm [6, 7]. In these studies, the authors write directly what is not clear is not only the effect of the interaction of radiation with the water and the blood of biological objects, but what type of radiation affects the object.

The disadvantages of this method include:

- Total absence of any physical theory describing the interaction of a monochromatic radiation of water, blood and biological objects;

- The inability to predict the impact of the initial parameters of the laser radiation for the treatment of humans and the impact on biological objects;

- There is a serious danger in the treatment of human laser therapy;

- A large amount of research work;

- The high cost of equipment and treatment.

The closest to the present invention by the technical essence acoustic impact on water and achieved result is a technique used in [8], wherein water treated by the device creates infrasonic waves, and convincing results were obtained for hydrogen evolution and reaction.

The disadvantages of this work include:

- Total absence of any physical theory describing the process;

- The inability to predict the impact of the initial parameters of infrasonic waves in the design of devices for the large consumption of hydrogen;

- A large amount of research work;

- A great risk in carrying out experimental work in connection with possible high emissions of hydrogen (as the author himself says);

- A high risk investment in the development of devices.

A device for water treatment to post-treatment and activation [1, 2], which is a disk with built wooden inside flat magnet. On this disc put a container of water and for 1.5-2 hours and it doochischaetsya activated.

The disadvantages of this device include:

- Low productivity of purified water;

- Impossibility, in principle, to use such a device for processing large volumes of water;

- Sophisticated technology compilation of different types of wood;

- A purely experimental and only experimental research of characteristics of devices when they are scaling;

- The high cost of device development.

A device according to cavitation effects for the flow of water through its special turbulators device [9, 10], which is designed to heat and heating. It includes a closed water circulation system with a pump through the turbulator providing cavitation water flow mode, and heaters, heat giving to the surrounding atmosphere.

The disadvantages of the device include:

- Authors use to explain the processes taking place in the device, it is a wrong theory associated with obtaining energy from the gravitational field of the earth;

- Energy cost of obtaining this effect is large enough, in principle, they can be reduced by several times;

- During prolonged work on the inner walls of pipelines and the radiators are precipitated oxides and scale, but will accumulate in the system, a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, which can cause explosion or blockage system, particularly in radiators;

- Complex device baffle provides water flow cavitation mode.

The closest to the present invention is a device as described in [11], which is a container in which the side wall has a window covered with quartz glass, the upper portion of the vessel closed by an airtight lid with a hole for release of gaseous products. The water container is filled with fine powder substances GaR and TiO 2, which are p-type semiconductors and n-type agitator which is constantly mixed. After water slurry quartz window ultraviolet radiation is irradiated and due to photocatalytic decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The disadvantages of this device are:

- High energy costs in the direct photocatalysis of water molecules (E g = 41280 1 / cm [12]);

- Because the penetration ability of ultraviolet radiation to the water suspension is small, the mixer is used for mixing liquid, leading to a strong turbulence and high losses its vibrational energy of water molecules and, consequently, low efficiency of the process;

- In the water surrounded by dense solids hydration shell, the energy relations not less than 10-20 kJ / mol [13], and therefore at photocatalysis water molecules need more energy (due to the light quanta) on the destruction of these hydration shells that reduces the efficiency of the process;

- It is not clear, you can scale the device for some laws and characteristics;

- A large amount of research work.

The aim of the invention is:

- Acceleration of chemical reactions occurring in normal water when irradiated with radiation of a different nature or impact of other physical processes. This will allow for the decomposition of water molecules to produce hydrogen with small initial energy cost, but also further emitted during the reaction energy (the vibrational energy of the molecules, electromagnetic field, heat). Furthermore, water saturated radicals OH, O, becomes activated and significantly accelerates the biological processes at the cellular level.

- Creation of a hydrogen generator with a good efficiency ratio and high productivity.

- Create high performance devices for water purification from harmful impurities.

- Creating a device placed in the wells, which by irradiation (infrasonic waves) of oil and gas reservoirs reduce the viscosity of the oil and water and increase the production rate;

- Create high performance devices for water activation.

- Creating a device to accelerate the processes of coagulation and fermentation with high productivity for the food industry.

- Creating a reliable theory of the interaction of activated water with biological objects.

- Creation of the theory, significantly explaining the physiological processes taking place in the human body under the influence of different types of radiation and fields.

- Development of a large number of new devices for therapeutic treatment.

- Improved methods of therapeutic treatment with different types of radiation and fields.

The proposed method of producing hydrogen and energy by decomposition of water molecules, a, and its post-treatment and activation, including water activation, part of the blood of a living organism, based on the fact that due to the forces of short-range interactions (hydrogen bonds and electrostatic forces Van der -Vaalsa) between the water molecules in a liquid, it has the ability to create ordered molecules placement structure [13]. When the water molecules in the fluid act selectively in some way, for example an infrared monochromatic light, it is possible to significantly increase the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations of the atoms in a molecule of H 2 O. The water molecule has a large dipole moment while increasing the amplitude of atomic vibrations (mainly H) bond length increases H and O-H 2 O molecule "swell". For example, for the vibrational state of H 2 O (000,000,004) and H 2 O (001,000,003) molecular size, and hence the length of the O-H bonds and dipole moment 2.3-2.5 times increase in [12]. Due to the fact that the dipole interaction energy is proportional to 2a and increasing hydrogen bonding energy (increases the frequency of oscillation of the atoms in the molecules), in conformity with the second law of thermodynamics, a system of molecules tends to minimize the potential energy of the dipoles are arranged unidirectionally and in an ordered structure. The electric field vector of individual dipoles formed and estimated its strength increases by no less than 20 times. For dipole oscillation account with an ordered structure is formed its own electromagnetic field, hold the liquid crystal structure in a quasi-equilibrium state indefinitely (hours, days, months, years). The existence of these water structures confirmed by a large number of experiments and in no doubt [13].

On the other hand, in the literature there are no data, due to which such structures energy in quasi-equilibrium state may be indefinitely. The proposed method of release of hydrogen under the selective effect of water formed energy is partially consumed for the existence zhidkokristallichesih structures obtained through the following processes: as is known, the speed of chemical reactions depends not only on the translational temperature of the molecules, but also on the vibrational temperature (internal energy) entering between reaction in a molecule [14]. If the water molecules is irradiated by radiation, the spectral composition of which is close to the spectral composition of any of the three vibrational modes of the molecule H 2 O: deformation, symmetric and asymmetric, it is possible their vibrational excitation. When reacting a reactant vibrational excitation of the molecule, in this case, the speed of some of the reactions may increase by tens of orders of magnitude (at room temperature) as compared with the equilibrium conditions. For example, the speed of one of the main reactions for disintegration vibrationally excited molecules of water: H 2 O (000,000,004) H + -> OH + H 2 at room temperature for 15 increased 10-fold [15]. In this case, pure water begin to go chemical reactions ultimately leading to the collapse of the water molecules into components H 2 and O 2. In accordance with the fact that the chemical reaction rate is not always lower than the reaction rate in the liquid solution of the same components in the gaseous phase [16] can be calculated by the system of differential equations represented in [14], all vibrational nonequilibrium processes and quantum-chemical mechanical reactions to all possible component formed from elements of G and H, that is, O, H, OH, O 2, H 2, HO 2, H 2 O, H 2 O 2 (total 50 direct and reverse reactions). A large part of the energy released during the reaction is stored in the vibrational levels of molecules of water and relaxation in its translational degrees of freedom of the molecule as a whole (in the heat) is unlikely.

Little chance of relaxation of vibrational energy to clean water can be explained as follows: consider, for example, the possibility of relaxation of the first excited vibrational level of asymmetric fashion H 2 O molecule having energy E = 3759 QTY 1 / cm = 7.5 × 10 -20 J / molecule the energy, one of the hydrogen bond between the two molecules is calculated using the formula U VAR = -0,75h o 2 / r 6 = 5.5 × 10 -20 J / molekyla, respectively, for the four bonds is equal to 2.04 × 10 -19 J / molecule, and taking into account the electrostatic orientation and induction forces amount to 2.35 × 10 -19 J / molecule [16]. It can be seen that the binding energy of water molecules in the fluid exceeds the energy of the vibrational quantum of more than 3 times, so that such communication can not break the molecule. In addition, the molecule broke free from the liquid, its energy must exceed the energy bonds with the molecules not only inner circle (4.4 molecule), but also all of the following focal areas. Therefore, even for the fourth vibrational quantum asymmetric fashion with H 2 O (000,000,004), the energy of which is equal to 2.73 × 10 -19 J / molekyla, relaxation is unlikely. On the other hand, the typical kinetic energy of the molecule in water (at 20º C) is 2 × 10 -2l J / molekyla [17], and if the energy of a vibrational quantum relaxation pass through its kinetic energy (heat), then the equivalent temperature It should instead be 5413K 300K, and the speed 2,266 m / s instead of 370 m / s, which can not occur. To such a quantum of vibrational energy of the molecule E QTY = 7.5 × 10 -20 J / molekyly moved into thermal energy, it is necessary that the molecule at the same time faced with 37 other molecules that can not occur in the fluid as it is surrounded by only 4.4 molecules [17].

Thus, in pure water at selective action of a vibrational energy can be accumulated for vibrationally excited molecules * H 2 O in water (in liquid) begin to move in its decomposition reaction eventually into hydrogen and oxygen. Liquid saturated elements O, OH, H 2, O 2, and stored vibrational energy molecules by going chemical reactions leads to increased atomic vibrations in them increase dipole moment energy of interaction between dipoles and, ultimately, to enhance its own electromagnetic field , and which holds the liquid crystal structure in quasi-equilibrium water for a long time.

The physical nature of these processes is that for vibrationally excited molecules of water compressive forces between them are so large that there is overlap of the electron shells of molecules creates long-lived complex type (H-O-H-N-O-H) #, which also by intensifying the hydrogen bonds of neighboring molecules "swells", due to its elongated, ultimately, he falls apart and go kind of reaction: H 2 O (000,000,004) + H -> OH + H 2. The energy released in the reaction is in fact a binding energy of the water molecules themselves, which for such a self-sustaining process are the "fuel".

All this leads to the formation of a self-sustaining process of decomposition of water molecules, resulting in a solution of water saturated with elements of OH, O, H 2 O 2 stored vibrational energy which is partially converted into heat.

The degree of activation of water is determined by the stored vibrational energy and the concentrations of OH radicals, O, and that speed up chemical and biological processes occurring in biological objects at the cellular level.

When irradiated water monochromatic radiation with wavelengths of direct excitation of vibrational modes will be infrared molecules of H 2 O. Immediately increase the dipole moment of the molecule contribute only symmetric, asymmetric deformation and vibration modes. At the same time, there are transmitters, and composite modes libration vibrations of the molecule, and these modes within it can exchange energy quanta and one type of oscillation to move to another, so you can excite all the modes of vibration. Oscillation mode and the wavelength at which they are driven, are shown in the table, taken from [17], and continuous absorption spectrum (1-Q) of the radiation of H 2 O molecule in the fluid is shown in Figure 5, taken from [3] .

Also, vibration can excite a molecule of H 2 O by spectral absorption lines in its transition from one level to another vibrational whose number (63 pcs.) And the wavelength range (from 2.279 to 220.23 m) of monochromatic infrared radiation are listed in reference [18].

The irradiation of electromagnetic radiation of a given power and frequency in the range from 10 12 to 10 14 Hz that is in the range of microwave and resonance absorption of electromagnetic energy vibrational degrees of H 2 O molecule that translates it into an excited state.

Acoustic impact within a predetermined range of amplitude-frequency vibrations in the water causes the formation of standing waves in its compression and vacuum density of the medium. This means that there is an increase or decrease cyclically the distance between molecules, and due to the presence of hydrogen bonds and electrostatic forces which have high energy impact occurs cyclically per molecule as a whole. Thus, there is a "tap density" randomly distributed molecules under the influence of gravitational forces unfolding molecule so that a "heavy" bottom is an oxygen atom, hydrogen atoms and light - at the top. In this case, it appears that the dipole moments of the molecules are directed upwards, the electric field vector is composed of dipoles, forms an alternating electromagnetic field, extending to the entire volume of the dielectric, and the formation of liquid crystal structure in the whole volume of the liquid.

Solution of Evolution of the dipole in the presence of friction forces, inertial, gravitational forces leads to a result: the natural frequencies of oscillation of water molecules as a whole under the influence of gravitational forces lie in the infrasonic range of 0-20 Hz, and forced oscillations under the influence of gravitational forces - in the range of 10 4 -10 5 Hz, which is in good agreement with experimental data [4, 8, 13].

Exposure to water cavitational processes due to the fact that the collapse of gas bubbles in a liquid having spot area where the pressure can reach hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. Such multiple sources in the volume of the liquid appearance of the acoustic waves are compression and vacuum density, whose impact on the creation of the activated water is similar to that described above.

Impact infrasonic waves oil author studied in [8], and it was found that waxes decompose into simpler compounds in crude oil, hence, the viscosity decreases and it has it can flow out of the reservoir rock in the well, as evidenced by the patent [19]. The author of [8] correctly explains the physics of the phenomenon, assuming that the radiation acts directly on hydrocarbon oil compound that is completely checked. A more plausible explanation is related to the impact of this type of radiation on water that confirmed by the author of [8], which is always in the oil and transfers the vibrational energy of the hydrocarbon molecules, accelerating the decomposition reaction of paraffin. Moreover, it is known that infrasonic waves propagate over long distances with very low loss, so a generator in a well can cover a large area of ​​the field of oil.

Physics exposure to water, located in the formations in oil field and high frequency electromagnetic radiation is similar to that described above.

Ray irradiation wort young wine or beer results in acceleration processes of coagulation of organic substances are thousands of times, due to the relaxation of the vibrational energy of the water molecules, fluctuating in a solution for foreign inclusions, in this case the organic complex molecules to release about their energy (heat) . In addition, the collision of vibrational excitation of water molecules with a complex organic molecule surrounded by a hydrate shell resonance vibrational energy can be transmitted to the molecule and ruin hydration shell and solid elements will precipitate.


In the case of a total of all the above requirements, the conditions of self-sustaining process of decomposition of water molecules, its post-treatment, the activation of a saturated solution of the elements of H 2 O 2, OH, O, releasing hydrogen, oxygen and energy.


1-5 shows the construction scheme and apparatus for implementing the method are changed.

A device for water activation and obtaining therefrom the hydrogen, oxygen and energy includes basic elements: a reactor 1, the working chamber 2, the pump 3. In the reactor 4 is water, which is poured through conduit 7 6. At the top the reactor has a discharge conduit 5 for gaseous decomposition products at the bottom - the drain conduit 8 for removal of the solution, and a saturated salt precipitation. The reactor has a double wall between which a coolant is pumped 10 entering through the inlet opening in the outer wall of the reactor and exiting through the outlet 9. In the working chamber 2 acts on the flowing water 11 irradiation.

The second embodiment of the device for water activation and producing hydrogen using as a magnetic field emission device different from the main in that the working chamber is arranged between two permanent magnet poles 12.

A third embodiment of the device for water activation and hydrogen production source is provided with a high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and the working chamber is made of a dielectric material.

A fourth embodiment of the device for water activation and hydrogen production infrasound radiation source is provided.

A fifth embodiment of the device for water activation and provided with hydrogen production source of monochromatic infrared radiation wavelengths.

A sixth embodiment of the device for water activation and hydrogen production is characterized in that the working chamber is further provided with a node providing cavitation water flow regime.

In this embodiment one node of cavitation is formed as a tube segment 13, 14 filled wire.

Second Embodiment node cavitation water made in the form of two coaxially arranged pipes, wherein the inner tube wall 16 provided with openings for the outflow of water into the outer tube 15, with one end of the inner tube is muted, and the other end is designed to supply water to the working chamber.

Using the method and device for its implementation.

Using the method and device for its realization

- Create a hydrogen generator with good efficiency ratio and high productivity.

- Create high performance devices for water purification from harmful impurities.

- Create a device to activate the water in the oil fields located in the layers, and significantly (several times) to increase oil recovery wells through the oil, relating to the formation.

- Create a high performance device for water activation.

- Create a device to accelerate the processes of coagulation and fermentation with high productivity for the food industry.

- Create a reliable theory of the interaction of activated water with biological objects.

- Create a theory, significantly explaining the physiological processes in the human body under the influence of different types of radiation and fields.

- To develop a large number of new devices for therapeutic treatment.

- Improve methods of therapeutic treatment of humans using various types of radiation and fields.

Example 1. A method for producing hydrogen experiment was tested on a model installation in [8]. infrasound waves following results were obtained when exposed to water:

- Exposure to water resulted in a shift of the pH value of 7.85 (acid region) to 8.15 (alkaline region), wherein the processing time was about 1 hour.

- Of the treated water are precipitated on the vessel walls salts of heavy metals and other compounds.

- Of the treated water to release hydrogen, and treated water under a microscope and found sustained release of small gas bubbles. This effect was tested repeatedly for the same once the treated water portion and watched it in a week, a month, three months, six months, up to two years, and all this time held water decomposition reaction. The reaction was stopped when the water was frozen, and the ice was observed image, characteristic of the explosive process, with radial rays radiating from the center, consisting of tiny bubbles.

- Processing infrasound oil showed that it paraffins decompose into simpler compounds and electric power consumption of 10 kW / h and a power of 16 W infrasonic field performance of the process was 3000 m 3 / h.

The treated activated water used for human treatment, the following conclusions were:

- The water is disinfected, germs pathogenic and opportunistic kills and reduced their number in the dozens of times, and microbial culture of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus - the opposite picture - dramatically multiply.

- Infrasound therapy leads: to the suppression of inflammatory processes, resorption of fat compounds, the removal of the body of salt deposits in the joints, kidney stones, gall bladder, inhibits the growth of cancer three times.

On the other hand, the ignorance of the physical processes occurring in this device led to the facts: once observed phenomenon, but at other times it is not. By using the present invention can predict that both will process a frequency and amplitude necessary infrasonic effects depending on the input water parameters (temperature, pressure, the presence of dissolved salts, gases) and other external influences (the geomagnetic field of the earth, electromagnetic fields , solar radiation, etc.), whereby the device will be made with much greater efficiency.

Example 2. Water treatment using baffle creates cavitation water flow regime, carried out in a plant for generating heat for heating residential and industrial premises in the works [9, 10]. It was found that the most intense heat is generated in the radiator and the temperature increases toward the end of the radiator and reached 60º C, the ratio of thermal to electric energy released expended in pumping water from a pump was 1.8 and the yield was on the operating mode time 1.5-2 h. Observe and gassing of the water and its beneficial effects on human beings and on the plants when watering.

The release of energy in radiators due to the fact that the vibrational energy of the molecules relaxes intensely on the walls of blood vessels, as well as from radiators specially developed radiating surface with a flat narrow channels, the water molecules are more likely to frequent collisions with the walls.

It should be noted that these parameters are heat generators are low and do not meet the state standards heat engineering, is currently the author of the present invention developed a device that allows for a much higher parameters (excess heat released over the consumption of electricity by 2.5-3 times and the coolant temperature has risen to 110º C).

Example 3. In the patent [19] presented the radiation device is lowered into the well, the kind of which the author is not disclosed, and it is quite a strong impact on the oil reservoir, the return oil which rises to 85%. From geophysical exploration techniques well known that the creation of powerful electromagnetic radiation, covering large areas of the breed, it is necessary to install a lot of electrodes and spend a lot of power. Therefore, it can be assumed that the penetrating radiation infrasound waves are exerted on the water in the same way as in [8]. On the basis of reliable information available from the author of the patent [19] is very often the effect of increasing oil production at many wells do not receive, in connection with which he has not found wide practical application. The present inventors have understood the reasons why this happened: the process of reducing the viscosity of crude oil and associated water it very strongly influenced by many parameters (temperature, pressure in the formation, composition of oil and water, the composition of the oil-bearing rock, etc.). In connection with what is necessary for each well to select the frequency and intensity of acoustic effects, and the author of the present invention, knowing these parameters, can immediately identify the required optimum characteristics of the acoustic field.

Example 4. In Russia, one of the firms manufactured dryers, which are conventional electric heating elements, covered with the outside layer of ceramic, which is a filter that transmits infrared radiation wavelength range 1,8-50 mm. According to the advertisement, "activated water when exposed on the molecular level in the entire volume, which leads to the effect of cold boiling". At normal pressure, the process is at a temperature of 30-50º C. Practical application of this method showed that the drying of objects is reduced by several times, removing the water comes from the total volume of the material. In this device, the process is implemented as quickly as possible the direct decomposition of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen molecules due to the absorption of infrared radiation.

The effectiveness of these dryers is still low, because a lot of electricity is spent on heating heaters and heat radiation at infrared frequencies, which is poorly absorbed by water molecules. By this invention, knowing the required optimal frequencies of infrared radiation which is most effective ramshackle water molecule, can provide an apparatus for drying products with an efficiency ten times higher.

Example 5. Study characteristics of the water, vodka, lemonade, etc. when exposed to a pulse of electromagnetic radiation was carried out in [3]. So, for the water measured at the beginning pH 5.74 (without irradiation) after irradiation was observed the following: an increase in the pH of a day after exposure was 7.3; Six days - 8; eight days - 8.2 and beyond 12-25 days - 8.4. The dependence of the spectral absorption of water in the IR range when irradiated its pulsed electromagnetic field shown in Figure 5. Experiments on the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field on water show: firstly, that the spectral absorption range of composition and does not change depending on the irradiation dose, and the absorption of the sensed radiation fraction decreases with increasing exposure dose.

In this case, the treatment of water used for drinking and food products should be a big guarantee to ensure the safety of these foods when consumed by man. Ignorance of the processes occurring during the activation of water, up to the present time does not allow to widely implement these technologies in the food industry. Therefore, based on the present invention, it is possible to develop a water treatment technology and food products, which allows to realize intelligently occurring physical and biological processes and to ensure food safety.

Example 6. In this example, the combined results of the effect of laser radiation, electromagnetic field and infrasonic water, blood, therapeutic effect on humans, proven in [6, 7, 8]. These impacts give the following results:

1. Impacts on Water:

- Shift in acid composition towards alkali;

- Soften the water, thus precipitate on the walls or salt vessels coagulate organic compounds;

- Changes significantly at conductivity 3.2 times;

- Decreases the content of pathogenic microorganisms;

- Improved nutritional properties.

2. Impact on human blood:

- Change the state of chromatin structure and nucleic acids;

- Increasing the electrochemical potential of protons and ATP activity in mitochondria;

- Increased rate of protein synthesis rate and dividing tissue cells and microorganisms;

- Increasing the activity of calcium ions in the cells;

- The transformation of lymphocyte response to immunoindutsiruyuschie factors;

- There is vasodilation;

- There is a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect.

3. Effect on human blood, in turn, provides:

- Activation of biosynthesis, energizing cells; energization immunopotentsii;

- Improve blood circulation; accelerate healing of ulcers;

- Absorption of fat compounds pathological hearth;

- The suppression of inflammatory processes; removal of body tumors;

- Reduction of disease influenza, SARS; stabilizes blood pressure;

- Increases the protective properties of an organism;

- Reducing the impact of all kinds of harmful radiation.

All these phenomena are occurring in the human body can be explained as a result of activation of water contained in the blood, the saturation of its significant energy radicals OH, O which lead to increased rates of chemical and biological processes occurring at the cellular level. In this case the process becomes self-sustaining, takes a long time, and as the "fuel" used therein water molecules.

On the other hand, doctors use a laser, electrical, magnetic and akustoterapiyu, to date there is no fundamental theory that explains how and why these selective actions lead to the entire human body adjustment [6, 7]. Therapeutic treatment options are chosen empirically, and medical data analysis shows that such treatment is only 60% of patients have a positive effect, for the 20% has no effect, and 20% of patients health and well-being deteriorates. Therefore, knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological processes in the irradiation of blood and human tissue in different types of radiation is essential. Based on the present invention can be attributed almost all physical and chemical processes occurring in the water when it is irradiated, which is to help understand the physiological and biological processes occurring in the human body, and recommended for each patient the optimum radiation parameters (frequency, intensity, spectral content, ).

These examples substantiate and experimentally confirmed new method of producing energy and hydrogen by the decomposition of water molecules, and a post-treatment and its activation, including activation of the water entering into the bloodstream of a living organism, and improvement of characteristics of the device for implementing this method.


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19. Belonenko, US Patent №5628365.


1. A method for producing hydrogen by decomposing the energy of water molecules, and a post-treatment and its activation, including activation of the water entering into the bloodstream of a living organism, wherein the water is irradiated with a monochromatic infrared radiation, the spectral composition of which is close to the spectral composition of any three modes of vibration of the water molecule - the deformation is symmetric and antisymmetric with a wavelength in the range of 2.279 to 220.23 m or electromagnetic radiation with a frequency in the range from 10 12 to 10 14 Hz infrasound or acoustic waves creating a self-sustaining process flow conditions as a result of which there is a constant flow of vibrational energy to the ensemble of molecules of liquid to give the vibrational energy of all the molecules of the reaction products, and supplied to the ensemble of molecules of reactant exceeds all losses associated with reactions and relaxation it into heat, which leads to the acceleration of chemical reactions by the energy of the internal bonds of the water molecules; occurs posttreatment, activation and decomposition of water molecules with the release of hydrogen gas to the liquid oxygen, but also energy.

2. The method of claim 1, wherein the acoustic infrasound waves act on the water in the hydrocarbon-bearing earth formations from the borehole.

3. The method of claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the water is passed through a node, it provides cavitation flow regime.

4. A method according to claim 3, characterized in that the wort is irradiated young wine or beer.

5. The method of claim 1 or 2, wherein the water is irradiated blood biological objects, creating the conditions for self-sustaining process of excitation of the vibrational degrees of freedom of the water molecules and OH radicals blood saturation, O, accelerating chemical reactions in a biological object at a cellular level.

6. An apparatus for producing hydrogen and energy by decomposition of water molecules, but also its activation and the post-treatment, including a radiation source, a reactor with a conduit at the top for removal of gaseous decomposition products window made of a material that transmits light with minimal losses, characterized in that it is further provided with a working chamber, in the wall of which is set above the window, the working chamber communicates with the reactor through the inlet and outlet channels provided with a pump for pumping water and the reactor is made with double walls to remove heat from the reactor via the refrigerant and It is further provided with conduits with valves, one of which is intended for filling with fresh water, while the second, located at the bottom of the reactor for discharge of the water with a high concentration of salts and precipitate.

7. Apparatus according to claim 6, characterized in that it is provided with a high-frequency electromagnetic radiation source and the working chamber is made of a dielectric material.

8. Apparatus according to claim 6, characterized in that the radiation source comprises a permanent magnet is, the working chamber is installed between the magnet poles.

9. Apparatus according to claim 6, characterized in that it is provided with a radiation source of infrasound.

10. Apparatus according to claim 6, characterized in that it is provided with a source of monochromatic infrared radiation wavelengths.

11. An apparatus according to any one pp.5-9, characterized in that the working chamber is further provided with a node providing cavitation water flow regime.

12. The apparatus of claim 11, characterized in that the assembly made up of two coaxially arranged pipes, wherein the inner tube wall are provided with openings for the outflow of water into the outer tube, one end of the inner tube is muted, and the other end is designed to supply water the working chamber.

13. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein the node configured as a cavitation tubing segment filled wire.

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Publication date 27.02.2007gg