Russian Federation Patent RU2062261



Name of the inventor: Voznyakovskaya YM .; Popov ZH.P .; Avrova NP
The name of the patentee: All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology
Address for correspondence:
Starting date of the patent: 1991.11.26

The invention relates to agriculture and can be used to improve soil fertility. The method consists in the fact that the chopped straw is moistened with a solution of mineral salts and blended with 8-12 wt.% Of green mass of green manure crops, such as oilseed radish, lupine.


The invention relates to the field of agriculture. It can be used to improve the efficiency and potential of soil fertility.

When you make high doses of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of intensive agriculture is a decrease of humus content in the soil (Mineev VG belt EH agricultural chemistry, biology and ecology of the soil, M. Gosagropromizdat, 1990, p.6).

Special straw value as organic fertilizer is its inherent high coefficient of humification, resulting from 1 tonne of straw can be synthesized about 180 kg of humus, while from 1 ton of straw manure produced only 50-60 kg of humus. (K.I.Dovban. Green manures, M. Agropromizdat, 1990, p.169).

However, straw decomposition in the soil is hampered due to the low content of the available carbon source for microorganisms. Therefore, pre-composting straw before making it into the soil improves its fertilizing value (Dr.fabakbau, 1986 66, 8:11).

We have adopted as a way to prototype straw composting manure (PCT application N 88/06148, ICI SOF9 / 02) has the following disadvantages:

1. Manure contains an insufficient number of available carbon sources for microorganisms to promote their livelihoods, from which the straw decomposition process depends.

2. For the use of manure as a stimulating additives in composting straw to be transported manure from livestock buildings location to the point of sowing crops or bring up the straw to manure storage, due to the additional economic costs.

The purpose of this invention to provide a method for composting straw devoid of these disadvantages.

This object is achieved in that the composting straw added thereto, as a stimulant occurring microbiological processes hydrolyzable organic substance as a green mass green manure crops in an amount of 80-120 kg (wet weight) per 1 tonne of straw.

Green manure introduced into the straw, moistened with a solution of mineral salts - ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride is generally used as NPK fertilizers. The amount of water to a straw weight otnoshenish 1: 4 - 1: 5.

The concentration of the mineral additives straw 100 kg 2.8 kg ammonium nitrate (nitrogen 1 kg of active substance); 5.0 kg superphosphate (1.09 kg of P 2 O 5); 4.0 kg of potassium chloride (2.4 kg K 2 O).

Example of the invention

For composting straw used enameled bucket capacity of 10 liters. The straw of spring barley varieties Belogorsky crushed into pieces of 3-5 cm, moistened with a solution of NRK in the above concentration and mixed with the green mass of green manure crops. It can profit used green mass of various green manure crops. It is proved that during their decomposition in the soil there is an active reproduction of microorganisms. Thus, the concentration of bacteria in the soil (in thousands / g soil) was: without green manure 6400, with the introduction of lupine 25000, 24600 colza, oil radish 19800, 20300. clover green manure is added in an amount of 0.2 0.3 dry weight, which corresponds to 80 120 kg fresh weight per 1 ton of straw. Composting was carried out without stirring at room temperature for 18-20 o C.

The results of using the proposed method of activating straw composting process are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

These results confirm that the enrichment of straw plant material, microorganisms readily hydrolysed significantly stimulates the multiplication of the basic physiological groups of microorganisms, as a result of vital activity which activates the mineralization processes trudnogidrolizuemyh components that make up the straw.

Straw contains (%): lignin 18-22; 33-35 pulp; hemicellulose 21-22; protein 05.03; mineral nitrogen 4-6.

Compared with straw siderate enriched fractions soluble and hydrolyzable carbonaceous substances used by microorganisms as sources of power and energy (Table 3).

Activation of the microbiological processes in compost made from straw at its enrichment green manure lasts up to 7 months without reducing the quality of the compost (Table 4).

As shown in Table 4, with the registration in the straw composted green manure together with mineral supplements achieved the goal faster straw mineralization, ie, reduced period of composting, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in it (C: N) is optimized, and hydrolyzable additive to increase the value of the straw cues biologically active compost fertilizer.

This is confirmed when testing the effect of compost on the growth of oat and barley plants in precisely controlled conditions (humidity, lighting, temperature) (tab. 5).

To implement the proposed method does not require expensive equipment, materials and reagents. The process environmentally friendly.

Economic efficiency is determined by the positive effects on plants and soil.


Straw composting method comprising introducing into it a preliminary organic additives and mineral salts, characterized in that the organic additive used sidereal herbage crops such as radish and oilseed lupine, in an amount of 8 to 12% of the straw weight.

print version
Publication date 08.03.2007gg