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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2199197



The name of the inventor: Tikhonova LV; Bessonov AS; Marianovskaya MV; A. Korshunov; Simakov EA; Masyuk Yu.A. Zeyruk VN; Chernikov VI; Yashina I.M. Kulik IP; Safonov AN; Gundartsev Yu.A.
The name of the patent holder: All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Helminthology named after. K.I. Scriabin
Address for correspondence: 117259, Moscow, ul. B. Cheryomushkinskaya, 28, WIGIS, the patent department
Date of commencement of the patent: 2000.10.17

The method of cultivation of potatoes includes carrying out during the period of budding in the aisles the planting of potatoes an additional replanting of an equivalent number of tubers of early or middle-class varieties. Next, a series of successive (once per decade) pre-emergence hilling of planted tubers, which provides the formation of a powerful root system and elongated underground stems, forming a large number of stolons, which are subsequently converted into a large number of large tubers. In this case, the harvest of potatoes is removed twice in the conditions of Russia. The first harvest (the main crop) is received in the last decade of June-early July (early-ripening varieties) and in the second-third decade of July (mid-ripening varieties), and the second harvest is taken in the last ten days of September, early October (early varieties) or in the first-second Decade of October (medium-ripening varieties). The removal of the tops together with the root system from the field is carried out after each potato harvesting with subsequent destruction. The method allows to increase the potato yield, improve the consumer qualities of agricultural products.


The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to the technology of potato cultivation in the open ground.

The aim of the invention is to increase the yield of potatoes - increase the yield of tubers from a unit of exploited area during one growing season with the collection of two crops, improve the consumer qualities of agricultural products against exclusion of pesticides and reduce the consumption of mineral fertilizers, using environmentally safe technologies, bioecological methods of plant protection And means of suppressing weeds that prevent contamination of planting potatoes, the environment and crop yields with toxic substances while preserving the complex of beneficial organisms that play a huge role in soil-forming processes and increase soil fertility.

The set goal is achieved by the fact that the complex of scientifically based mutually-reinforcing methods, methods and methods for increasing yields and improving the quality of the ecologically clean products and protection products (agrotechnical, biological, preventive, selection and biosecurity measures) against weeds , Diseases and pests set forth in the present application.

A method of besspecific cultivation of potatoes is known, including the placement of potatoes by the best predecessors, stubbling, application of organic fertilizers (reparted manure), autumn plowing of soil, harrowing or cultivation followed by non-rooting plowing, cutting of the crests before planting, preplanting tubers, planting in ridges, Processing, weed control, protection against diseases and pests using biologics, as well as pre-harvesting of the tops and harvesting of tubers, with organic fertilizers being applied at a dose of 60-120 t / ha.

The application of fertilizers is carried out against the background of liming with lime or dolomite flour - 130 kg / ha, harrowing, loosening, cultivation and inter-rowing are carried out while the weeds are at the "white thread" stage, and the planting is carried out with warm seed tubers with nested disease resistant potato varieties Constant growth of ridges with a layer of soil 3-4 cm with simultaneous loosening of the bottom of the furrow and slopes of the ridges, and subsequent 2-3 interrow treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days before the potato tops are closed, and microbiological and entomopathogenic preparations are used to protect plants from diseases and pests .

As microbiological and entomopathogenic preparations for the treatment of seed tubers, TRICHODERMIN, or RIZOPLAN, or a mixture thereof, or a mixture of TRICHODERMIN and Pristionhus, or a mixture of TRICHODERMIN, RIZOPLANA and Pristionhaus. To protect the potato from diseases, in particular from late blight, microbiological biological preparations use RIZOPLAN or TRICHODERMIN, or a mixture thereof, which treats the tops during the growing season of potatoes; For the protection of potatoes from pests, in particular from the Colorado beetle, as the entomopathogenic biopreparation, BITOXIBACILLINE, or VIRIN-KZH, or a mixture thereof, or a mixture of VIRIN-KZH and RIZOPLANA, or a mixture of VIRIN-QL, BITOXIBACILLINE and RIZOPLANA, which treats the tops in Potato vegetation period, pre-harvesting of the foliage is carried out by mechanical means, Pristionhus or its mixture with TRIHODERMIN is introduced into the soil in autumn after harvesting potatoes under the plowland along with organic fertilizers {description of RF patent 2041585, cl. A 01 V 79/02, A 01 G 1/00, A 01 C 1/00, A 01 M 21/04, published. 20.08.95 - [1]).

However, the above method of solution leaves open the issue of more rational use of land, associated with a further increase in the yield of potatoes. The purpose of the present invention is to more rationally use the exploited areas occupied by potatoes, while increasing yields both in areas free from the dangerous quarantine object - the golden potato cyst nematode (ZKKN) and in the fields populated by this species, which is the causative agent of a dangerous disease - Globodeosis, which in some cases destroys more than half of the potato crop.

As a result of the introduction of the claimed technology, there is an accelerated and effective decrease in the number of ZKKN in the soil due to a purposeful rupture of the parasite development cycle to the formation of cysts (resting stage with highly viable contents). For this purpose, when planting, pre-grown tubers of early and middle-ripening varieties of potatoes are stimulated with biopreparations, which greatly accelerates the process of plant growing and provides early harvesting of potatoes. At the same time during the budding phase, an equivalent amount of potatoes is sprouted and pre-germinated and activated with bio-preparations of potatoes in the inter-row spacing, which provides an additional sharp increase in the soil volume of the mass of the root system of plants, which in turn leads to an increase in the soil content of the plant-derived root diffusates , Stimulating the release of invasive larvae of the ZKAP from cysts in the arable layer of the soil. The newly born infective larvae migrate in the soil in search of a nutrient substrate, i.e. Roots of the host plant, in our case potatoes. 5-10% of them are introduced into the roots of plants, the rest - 90-95% live a short time at the expense of their own supply of nutrients, especially embryonic fat in their body, and soon everyone dies from exhaustion and hunger. At the same time, the nematode larvae reaching the goal because of the shortened vegetative period of the host plant do not reach sexual maturity and die in the mass during the removal of both the first and second potato crops. This is the uniqueness of the proposed new technology developed by us for potato cultivation, which can be used in poorly and medium-populated ZKKN territories.

Thus, effective biological decontamination of soil in the globodeosis foci is achieved with the help of double planting of potatoes, which were previously sprouted and activated with biological preparations, with artificially created accelerated growth periods for both susceptible and resistant varieties of potatoes, in the latter case, invasive larvae of the ZKCN, which were infiltrated by root diffusates and embedded in the root The system completely die before reaching puberty.

The purpose of the invention is achieved by the fact that in order to use land resources more rationally for planting, pre-germinated and activated with biopreparations tubers of early or medium-ripened potato varieties are used, and the first (main) turnover of potatoes is planted at the earliest possible time on heating pads from heat-releasing mixtures of plant residues. In the holes before planting, biopreparations are introduced that stimulate the growth and development of plants, and biological means of combating insects and pests, and before the disappearance of the possibility of frost, pre-emergent soil hilling and periodic plant treatments with biological preparations are carried out.

During the period of budding in the aisle, the planting of potatoes is planted with an equivalent number of tubers of early ripening or medium-ripening varieties of potatoes, and in order to prevent the growth of the inadequately hauled potatoes in the shaded tops of the first turn and to eliminate its damage during periodic cultivation and during the destruction of the tops, before harvesting the first crop, Conduct a series of successive (once per decade) pre-emergence hills. This ensures the formation of a powerful root system and elongated underground stems, forming a large number of stolons, which later are transformed into a large number of large tubers. During the harvesting period of both crops, the potato tops, together with the root system with the larvae and cysts introduced into them, are removed from the field and buried in pre-prepared pits with a depth of at least 1.5 m or burned, thus effecting the second stage of effective biological soil disinfection in the globodeosis foci. Potatoes are harvested twice, the first crop is harvested in the last decade of June and the first ten days of July, depending on the weather conditions (early ripening varieties) and in the second and third decades of July (mid-ripening varieties), and the second harvest is taken in the last decade of September (early ripening Grade) and in the first decade of October (medium-ripening varieties). The scheme for potato growing using the new technology is shown in FIG. 1, which shows the period of biological warming of the soil 1, the vegetative period of the first planting of potatoes 2, the period of pre-emergence germination of potato tubers 3, 6, pre-emergence hills 4, 7, post-emergence hummocking 5, 8 , The vegetation period of the second planting of potatoes 9, the months - III March, IV April, V May, VI June, VII July, VIII August, IX September, XII October. When observing the technology offered by us, the average yield of each component of the crop rises on average by 9-32%, and the total yield increases by 2.41 times (Table 1).

High rates of biological efficiency (a decrease in the invasion reserve in the soil is on average 74% or more in relation to the initial quantity) and high economic efficiency of the measures (inclusion in the rotation of summer potato replanting during one growing season with the second potato harvest) yields The total yield of potatoes, 2.4 and more times higher than the basic one. A positive result is achieved already in the first year of the introduction of the proposed new technology, which is the basis for a wide and immediate introduction of the proposed new technology in the production of potatoes, primarily in smallholder farms and in household plots as a means of increasing the yield of potatoes and as an effective way to reduce the stock Invasive onset of the ZKKN in the soil, prevention and prevention of the possibility of the emergence and development of globodeosis foci in the event of a mechanical drift of the invasive onset of the potato.

Intensive - first open, then strictly underground and, finally, the usual growth of potato plants entail a sharp acceleration of the onset of budding, flowering, tuber formation and ripening of tubers, which primarily depends on the creation of a powerful root system with a large number of stolons formed, providing more intensive The introduction of moisture into the plants and nutrient solutions from the soil. In addition, the shortening of the development and standing periods (for 2-3 weeks) contributes to the fact that the timing of the primary manifestation of phytophthora, timed to the beginning of the flowering of the potato, significantly changes. As a result, the pathogenic fungus does not have time to undergo a full development cycle, and in connection with this, the potato tubers obtained earlier do not suffer from late blight. Left in the spring from the soil of the imago Colorado potato beetle and during the first two or three warm spring weeks do not find the tops of the fodder plant and drastically reduce fertility and resistance to pathogens.

In order to accelerate vegetation in the technological regulations for potato cultivation, we envisage the presowing treatment of the planting material of tubers as susceptible to the ZKCN, and resistant varieties and hybrids of potatoes, the bioimmunostimulator SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL in combination with copper sulfate (CuSO 4 ) 0.2 g (1 tablet)) And preparation MICRA-7 (a specific set of trace elements) - 0.2 g of the drug (1 tablet) - per 1 ml of the biologics SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL (1 ampoule).

SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL - domestic biopreparation, obtained from the roots of medicinal plant ginseng by biotechnology methods. The prepared biostimulant working solution belongs to the ecologically safe preparations of the new generation, contains a unique complex of biohormones, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, pigments, lipids and other valuable components contained in the root system of ginseng. When applied, the biomediment SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL promotes the formation of a potent root system in potatoes with a significant increase in its volumes and mass, increases potential plant protective reactions, their field endurance, tolerance to parasitic and weather stresses, stimulates growth processes throughout the vegetative period of plants.

ACTIVATOR-A - domestic biopreparation, developed by VIGIS them. Scriabin, All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP), which is a supernatant of the nematode PRISTIONCHUS UNIFORMIS var. COR. With the addition of an extract from berries of a lily of the valley. The biopreparation is used in the same way as the SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL, and for the same purposes.

Preparation of potato tubers for planting is carried out in three stages - pre-plant treatment of potato tubers with a working aqueous solution of the biomedical preparation SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A (stage 1), pre-plant germination of potato tubers with preliminary spraying with the biopreparation SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A followed by periodic 1 time per day) by moistening the substrate to germinate the potatoes and / or individual tubers of potatoes with finely dispersed water, repeated preplanting treatment of already sprouted potato tubers with a working aqueous solution of SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A (stage 3).

The first stage is carried out as follows: in the beginning or in the middle of March (the tubers of the first planting) and in the beginning or in the middle of May (tubers of the second planting) are taken out from the storage or from the collars, transferred to a special room for treatment and placed in special baths or tanks filled with Prepared at the day of treatment with a working aqueous solution of SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL (concentration 0.001% of the initial selling solution at the rate of the initial biopreparation - 1 ml per 1 ton of potatoes being processed) or ACTIVATOR-A (concentration 0.0001% of the initial solution) at the rate of 100 liters of the working solution Per 1 ton of processed potatoes. In a solution, the potato tubers are held for 30 minutes (30 minutes exposure). For planting and potting, potatoes are selected with high conditioning values.

Stage 2 - pre-planting of potato tubers. It is carried out in March-April (tubers of the first planting) and in May-June (tubers of the second planting). The potato tubers processed with biological preparations are dried and heated at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. for 6 hours. Then the tubers are laid out on racks or in special boxes filled with peat crumb (low peat). Before immersion in peat chips, the tubers are re-treated (sprayed) with 0.001% aqueous solution of SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A, then the substrate for germination of potatoes and / or tubers of potatoes is daily moistened with finely dispersed water.

In order to obtain a powerful root system and short strong shoots, the roots of individually germinated plants are germinated in total darkness (darkening is performed with a perforated black polyethylene film or other non-transmissive material, while sprouting germs is carried out under bright illumination with incandescent lamps or daytime fluorescent lamps Light with an exposure of 16-18 hours per day with periodic (5-7 minutes a day) illumination by ultraviolet rays (UV lamps) To facilitate removal from the substrate and move the tubers and prevent injury, each tuber is placed on a strip of polyethylene film with a width of 5 -6 cm and a length of 15-20 cm, the ends of which protrude from the substrate for 4-5 cm.

By the time the tubers are planted in the soil (a month after the germination begins), the length of the roots formed reaches 10-15 cm, the number of roots reaches 60-100 per 1 tuber, the roots have a system of well developed root hairs and 60-70% of the developed roots have 2 Or several branches, which increases their overall resistance to the attack of the EOC. Developing from the eyes, young shoots reach the length of 5-8 cm, the thickness is 5-8 mm, with an average number of stems - 4-6 per tuber, and many of them have two or more branches, which subsequently positively affects The early formation and development of the tops. Sprouted sprouts have a bright green, bluish-green or dark violet color depending on the variety and a dense consistency.

Stage 3. Before planting the sprouted tubers into the soil, tubers are sprayed with a working solution of simbiont-universal (0.001%) or ACTIVATOR-A (0.0001%). In this case, the black film is first removed. Spraying of roots and seedlings of potatoes with biological preparations leads to further rapid growth of the foliage and the formation of a powerful root system with numerous stools. Sprouted tubers are removed together with root paste adhering to the roots behind the tips of polyethylene plates sticking out of the soil and are planted manually. The technology of mechanical planting of sprouted tubers has not yet been developed and therefore the proposed technology is most applicable for small farm, individual farms and household plots. When planting, it is desirable to orient the tubers roots downward.

Depending on weather conditions, the first early spring planting of the germinated roots of potatoes intended for the first harvest is carried out in the mid-zone conditions in the second-third decade of April and in the conditions of exceptionally early spring in the first decade of April. The reference period is the complete thawing of the soil. In connection with a sharp rise in price of mineral fertilizers and a sharp deficit of organic fertilizers - manure for obtaining stably high yields of potatoes and other crops, we recommend using a relatively inexpensive complex chlorine-free ecologically safe organomineral fertilizer of prolonged action - ROOT MIXTURE and (or) a similar action CORNER KP-100 , Biological ecologically safe plant growth immunostimulators - working aqueous solutions of SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A in the same concentrations as in the treatment of tubers. A mixture of fertilizers and biopreparations is added to the wells before potato planting, and later on, once in a decade, vegetative plants are watered with a suitable suspension of the listed biopreparations and fertilizers (based on 500 liters of a working solution prepared in the norms recommended by the developers, per 1 ha). If there are livestock farms in the farm, instead of the above fertilizers, organic fertilizers can be added to the fields - the overgrazing cow manure at a rate of 60-120 tons / ha (N-90, P-90, K-120 kg / ha) against liming of the soil with lime or Dolomite flour in a dose of 150 kg / ha. To accelerate the melting of snow, it can be covered with a black film or sprinkled with a mixture of peat and charcoal.

Fertilizer ROOT MIXTURE ensures the supply of plants with a complete set of food during the whole growing season. ROOT MIX is produced on the basis of decontaminated chicken manure containing all the necessary elements for the full development of plants, organic instructing substances, a set of macro- and microelements. ROOT MIXTURE can be brought in the spring for digging at a rate of 700 kg / ha, creating a supply of nutrients for the entire period of vegetation. When applying biofertilizer ROOT MIXTURE in the soil arable horizon accumulation of organic substances, increasing fertility, and improving the structure of the soil, which contributes to the growth of the humus layer and the improvement of soil structure.

Considering that potato, like no other culture, is severely affected along with nematode diseases by viral, fungal and bacterial diseases and is attacked by pests, in the technology of potato cultivation, along with the processing of the preplant material with a working aqueous solution of the biomediment SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A to strengthen the mechanism Protective reactions of plants to concomitant parasitic diseases, pests, and weather stresses, it is planned to introduce as a prophylaxis when planting in the wells and / or to water and (or) sprinkle vegetative potato plants with mixtures of a wide range of new generation biologics (NARCISS, DIPRIN, NEMATOL, NEMATOFAGIN, NEMATOPHAGIN-A) in the norms recommended by the developers.

Biological product NARCISS is a new highly effective biological preparation of complex action, it is safe for human, agricultural animals and the environment. The active principle is the natural polysaccharide chitosan (after the name of another similar biological product extracted from the shells of crustaceans). Narcissus has an anthelmintic effect, increases the resistance of plants to all types of rot, to fusariosis and other diseases. The rate of consumption is 25 liters of concentrate per hectare, which is dissolved with constant stirring in 1000 liters of water (working solution - 250 ml of concentrate per 100 sq. M of planting potatoes). In our technology, in the globodeosis foci, the working solution of the NARCIS biopreparation at the same concentrations is introduced into the furrows before planting the germinated tubers at a rate of 1 liter of working solution per each meter of furrow or in 50-ml wells per well.

In areas (farms) unfavorable for potato late blight, when planting potato tubers (both susceptible and unreceptive potato varieties), add 50 ml of the working solution of the ecologically safe biopreparation FETYL, and (or) DIPRIN, and ( Or) NEMATOL in the norms recommended by the developers.

Biopreparation FETYL is issued in the form of water-soluble tablets containing 0.05 g of active substance - KRASNODAR-1. The working solution is prepared as follows. One tablet is first moistened with ethyl alcohol diluted to 48 degrees and then dissolved in one liter of tap water. The consumption of the formulation and working solution is 1 tablet in 1 liter of working solution, this is enough for an area of ​​25 square meters. In one package - 10 tablets of the drug, from which a working solution of 10 liters is enough for an area of ​​125 square meters. M. Beginning with the budding period, a biopreparation of FETYL against phytophthora is carried out periodically (once per decade) spraying and / or watering at the concentrations indicated above. Biopreparations DIPRIN and NEMATOL are developed on the basis of antagonistic entomopathogenic nematodes by the specialists of the VIGIS them. Scriabin, All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation and the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation are highly effective against gall and cyst-forming nematodes and many species of latent and leaf-eating pests. The same scientific organizations in the creative community with the RAS Archive (LN Nalepin) and the All-Russian Research Institute for Nature Protection of the State Committee for Ecology and Ecology (TV Teplyakova) created a new improved biopreparation NEMATAPHAGIN ACTIVATED, which showed high efficiency against cyst-forming potato nematodes.

On planting potatoes, in places with slow growth and development of plants, supplement feeding with biopreparations BIOHUMUS (product of chicken manure processing) in the recommended norms. Biohumus is also used for top dressing of individual diseased plants in well-to-do areas, in this case the biopreparation is spread around diseased plants.

The proposed method of cultivating potatoes is that, in order to use land resources more rationally, the first planting in the mid-zone conditions is carried out at the earliest possible time (April) by the pre-activated for a month period activated biopreparations SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A by tubers of early or medium-ripened potato varieties , Planting of which is carried out in the soil heated with the help of biological mortar with a mixture of biological preparations (SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL or ACTIVATOR-A and (or) NARCISS, or DIPRIN, or NEMATOL, against cyst-forming nematodes, Colorado beetle, wireworms, larvae May fissures and FETYL - against late blight, in half the doses recommended by the developers, and in the future, if necessary, by carrying out preventive (once a decade) treatments (spraying and / or watering) with a mixture of these biological preparations of vegetating plants in the same doses. In case of an attack of the corresponding pests, the dose of the biological control agent against it is doubled. These measures stimulate the growth and development of the roots of potatoes that supply plants with nutrients, in conjunction with the extermination of harmful microorganisms and pests. The vegetative period of potato development is prolonged for two to three weeks due to pre-planting, biological warming of the soil and periodic (once per decade) pre-emergence hilling, which takes place before the time that precludes the threat of frosts and freezing of the tops. During the period of budding, the planting of potatoes is planted with an equivalent number of early-germinated or medium-ripened potato varieties pre-germinated and biologically active before harvesting the main (first) potato crop in order to prevent the growth of the inadequate hauling shrub in the shaded conditions and to eliminate its damage in the period of periodic (not Less than once a decade) cultivation and removal of the tops, together with the root system, when collecting the first crop, a series of successive (once per decade) pre-emergence hilling of the planted plants is carried out, which ensures the formation of a powerful root system and elongated underground stems forming a large number of stolons, which later Are converted into a large number of large tubers. Potatoes are harvested twice, the first crop is harvested in the last decade of June (early maturing varieties) and in the second decade of July (mid-ripening varieties), and the second crop is harvested in the last 10 days of September (early maturing varieties) and in the first ten days of October (mid-ripening varieties).

When observing the technology of cultivation proposed by us, the average yield of potato tubers of each component of the crop rises on average by 9 to 32%, and the total yield increases by 2.4 times (Table 2).

The advanced method of potato cultivation offered by us provides:

- obtaining environmentally friendly agricultural products; Removal of two crops both in free and in the occupied by dangerous quarantine pests of the ZKKN, causing a serious disease of potato - globederoz (heterorode) territories, with an increase in yield by 2.4 times, while reducing the population of the soil by invasive initiation by 70-75 or more percent;

- when potatoes are cultivated in the ZKKN foci, the proposed technology provides enhanced effective disinfection of soil from pathogens in a shorter time than in the control; The proposed technology excludes the use of herbicides, chemical pesticides, insectoacaricides and insecto-fungicides. The soil loosening at the "white thread" stage provides reliable protection of the planting of potatoes from developing weeds that obscure the crop plants and take away moisture and nutrients from the soil, and in some cases are a reservoir of pests of invasive and infectious origin, in particular, the ZKCN, which is suppressed by the proposed Us agropriemami;

- the proposed technology eliminates the overdose of mineral fertilizers, which prevents the poisoning of agricultural products with excess quantities of nitrates and nitrites and makes potato tubers more quality;

- the proposed technology is recommended for wide introduction in small potato producing farms as a preventive measure preventing the emergence and development of primary centers of potato globberosis in the event of a mechanical drift of the causative agent of this dangerous disease into planting potatoes;

- the proposed technology serves the interests of environmental protection due to the replacement of applied pesticides with ecologically safe plant protection products (entomophages, new generation biologics);

- the proposed technology provides preservation and creates favorable ecological conditions for the activity of a complex of beneficial soil microorganisms that play a huge role in the soil-forming process in the formation of humus, which improves the structure of the soil and improves its fertility, creates favorable conditions for the life of other useful accompanying organisms - natural natural regulators The number of pests and pathogens significantly inhibiting the multiplication and increase in the number of pests and other natural natural antagonists that inhibit progressive reproduction and increase in the density of pests and pathogens of diseases of agricultural plants.

Example 1

Variety Zhukovsky early. The bushes are semi-sporadic of medium height, small-stalked, the leaves are dark green with a sharp venation. Flowering abundant short-term, red-violet flowers with white tips. Berries do not form. The average weight of tubers is from 90 to 120, the number of tubers is 8-10. The form is short-oval with blunt apex, the color of the peel is slightly pink to red, smooth, the flesh is white, the depth of the eyes is small, the eyes are small, small. The usual yield is 1.5 - 2.0 tons per hectare. Starch content is 10-13%, shelf life is good, weakly resistant to late blight, medium-resistant to viral diseases, above average resistant to scab, resistant to potato and potato nematode. The taste is good. The variety was created by the specialists of VNIIKhH. It is possible to cultivate on all types of soils, usually accumulates a crop until the appearance of an open form of late blight or before the onset of cold weather.

Method of cultivation: Preplant processing for 1 month before potato planting is carried out with the biomediment SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL (concentration 0.001% -1 ml concentrated biopreparation in 10 liters of water per 1 ton of processed potatoes). After drying at a temperature of 18-20 ° C for 6 hours, the tubers are subjected to monthly germination, and in order to obtain a powerful root system and, respectively, strong and short shoots, the tubers are germinated in complete darkness, and the shoots - at high illumination of plants. Germination is carried out on reticulated pits. Shading of tubers is carried out with perforated black polyethylene film. Humidification is carried out automatically periodically periodically for one to three days. As a result, the length of the roots formed reaches 14-15 cm, the number of roots is 60-100, and the roots have a system of well developed root hairs and 60-70% of the roots obtained have two or more branches. The resulting sprouts have a length of 6-8 cm, an average thickness of 5-8 mm. The average number of stems is 5-6. Individual sprouts have branching. Grown in the light they have a bright green or bluish-green color.

In order to accelerate the melting of snow, the places of future planting of potatoes are covered with black polyethylene film or sprinkled with peat mixed with charcoal.

In order to carry out the biological warming up of the soil, a trench is pulled out at the site of future rows of potatoes, where they lay 1/3 of the spent green mass from the nearby greenhouses mixed with straw, naturally fallen pine needles and naturally fallen leaves in a 4: 4: 1: 1 ratio. Then trenches fall asleep dug or in case of technogenic or biological contamination specially brought clean earth. The temperature of the embedded thermomembrane reaches 60-80 o C, so the layer of soil used for growing is heated at 10-15 o C above the surrounding soil, as a result of which even the late snow falls quickly with clearly visible bands. Biological heating of the soil is valid for three to four weeks. Depending on the weather conditions, the first planting of sprouted potato tubers takes place in the second or third decade of April, in an exceptionally warm spring - in the first decade of April. When planting in the wells, pour in 0.5 liters of a solution of the biomediment SIMBIONT-UNIVERSAL in the same concentration as for the treatment of tubers, or similarly the active biologic ACTIVATOR-A in the same amount of working solution. At the same time, an aqueous solution of biological preparations is added to the wells, the quantity and quality of which is determined by the agronomist for plant protection, depending on the spectrum of pests characteristic of the locality. In order to increase the yield in the wells and the biofertilizer ROOT MIXTURE is applied, in the norms recommended by the developers of the preparation. In order to prevent damage to the potato tops from the coming frosts, a series of successive pre-emergence hills (1 time per decade) is carried out, with an increase in the soil layer by 6-8 cm. The completion of periodic pre-emergence hills in the European part of Russia follows, depending on the forecasts in the last decade of May - the first The decade of June. During this period, a powerful root system is formed in the soil and numerous stolons are laid, while the stems, extending by 25-30 cm, have a thickness of up to one centimeter. During this period, the overwintered adults of the Colorado potato beetle left the soil in late April-May are depleted and mostly die from lack of food, as they can not find potato shoots. In this way, one of the bioecological methods of combating this type of pest is carried out.

In the beginning of June, there are amicable powerful shoots of the planted potatoes, which blossom already in the middle of June and end the vegetation in late July, when the harvest of the first potato harvest is carried out.

To obtain a second potato crop during the budding period, an equivalent number of tubers of early maturing or medium-ripened potato varieties is planted in the inter-row between planting potatoes, before harvesting the main (first) potato crop in order to prevent the growth of the inadequate hauling shrub in the shaded conditions and to eliminate its damage during periodic cultivation A series of successive (once per decade) pre-emergence hummocking, which ensures the formation of a powerful root system and elongated underground stems, forming a large number of stolons, which are subsequently converted into a large number of large tubers.

Potatoes are harvested twice, the first crop is harvested in the last decade of June (early maturing varieties) and in the second decade of July (mid-ripening varieties), and the second crop is harvested in the last 10 days of September (early maturing varieties) and in the first ten days of October (mid-ripening varieties). Treatment with biological products from pests and diseases, and the release of entomophages (predatory insects and parasites) is carried out as usual. The obtained crop is ecologically clean, has no excess of nitrates and nitrites, there are no residues of pesticides and fungicides.

Example 2

Sort of Nevsky. Middle-aged. Bushes are low, strongly branched. Flowering is average, the flowers are white. The average mass of tubers from 80 to 130 grams, the number of tubers - 6-10. The shape is round-oval, the color of the skin is white, the color of the pulp is white, the eyes are of medium depth, small. The usual yield is 1.5-2.0 tons per hectare. The starch content is 11-17%, the storage capacity is good, relatively resistant to late blight and to viral diseases, resistant to potato cancer, unstable to potato nematode. The taste is good. The variety was created by specialists of the North-Western NIISH. You can cultivate in the Non-Black Earth and Ukraine. Usually accumulates the crop until the appearance of an open form of late blight or before the onset of cold weather. It does not tolerate preplanting breakage of germs.

Potatoes are grown according to the technology described in Example 1, with the difference that the second planting is carried out after in connection with the later budding characteristic of the studied variety. Good results were obtained (Table 2).


1. Patent of the Russian Federation 2041585, publ. 20.08.95.


Method of potato cultivation, including the placement of potatoes by the best predecessors, pre-planting, biological soil heating, stubbling, organic fertilization, autumn plowing, harrowing or cultivation, followed by uncontaminated plowing, cutting of the combs before planting, pre-planting of early-ripening or mid-ripe varieties of tubers, Planting them in ridges, interrow cultivation, weed control, protection against diseases and pests with the help of biological preparations, and pre-harvesting of the tops and harvesting of tubers, organic fertilizers are applied in a dose of 60-120 t / ha, harrowing, loosening, cultivation and interrowing Processing is carried out with the weeds at the "white thread" stage, and the planting is carried out with warmed-up seed tubers with nested eyelets resistant to disease varieties of potatoes, with constant growth of ridges with a layer of soil 3-4 cm with simultaneous loosening of the bottom of the furrow and slopes of the ridges, 3 inter-row treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-12 days before the potato tops are closed, using microbiological and entomopathogenic preparations for the protection of plants against diseases and pests, while in the period of budding in the aisle rows of potatoes additional equivalent amount of tubers of the early or mid- , Then successively once in a decade, pre-emergence hilling of the planted tubers is carried out, and the first (main) harvesting of potatoes under Russian conditions is carried out in the last decade of June - early July (early varieties) or in the second - third decade of July (mid-ripening varieties), and the second harvesting of potatoes Produce in the last ten days of September - early October (early varieties) or in the first - second decade of October (mid-ripening varieties), and the removal of the tops together with the root system from the field is carried out after each potato harvesting followed by its destruction.

print version
Date of publication 08.03.2007gg