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Patent of the Russian Federation RU2198691



The name of the inventor: Matveev Valery Anatolyevich
The name of the patent holder: Matveev Valery Anatolyevich
Address for correspondence: 410069, Saratov, ul. Gusel'skaya, 6a, ap. 90, to VA Matveevu
The effective date of the patent: 2001.03.22

The invention relates to the field of medicine, namely, to psychotherapy. The patient is conditioned by a demonstration with a reproduction speed of 24 to 30 frames per second of video material, in which one of the frames is assembled in a text compiled in accordance with the patient's personality characteristics, which is repeated throughout the video sequence once a second. Time of repetition of video material with the text mounted in the frame is selected depending on the disease to the formation of a stable conditioned reflex. In this case, the auditory analyzer is affected by a low-frequency resonant signal with a frequency in the range 2-12 Hz. The method makes it possible to form a new stable conditioned reflex and a stereotype of behavior that prevents the intake of alcohol or the use of narcotic substances.


The present invention relates to the field of medicine, in particular to a method for getting rid of psychosomatic diseases, functional and organic disorders, mental dependence as a result of drinking or taking drugs, correcting behavior and reactions to get rid of inferiority complexes, phobias, frigidity, excess weight, nicotine Dependence, any other bad habits, nervous and mental disorders. There is a known method for treating alcohol dependence, including the creation of a positive psycho-physiological device for a long-term withdrawal from mental dependence by means of computer technology or apparatus of light and sound fixation (abstract of the application for invention 95121679/14 of 10.02.98). Disadvantages of this method is that this method covers a limited field of application, i. E. Treatment of alcohol dependence, and does not allow to affect the pathology in the field of psychosomatic, nervous and mental diseases.

The object of the present invention is to form a stable conditioned reflex to get rid of psychosomatic, nervous and mental diseases, functional and organic disorders, mental dependence as a result of drinking or taking drugs, correcting behavior and reactions to get rid of inferiority complexes, phobias, frigidity, excess weight , Nicotine addiction and any other bad habits.

This goal is achieved by the fact that in the method of treatment of psychosomatic diseases, including the creation of a positive psycho-physiological device for long-term abandonment of mental dependence, psychosomatic diseases, nervous and mental disorders in a patient using computer hardware or light-sound fixation devices, the patient is conditioned by a demonstration with The speed of playback of 24-30 frames per second of video material, in which one composed in accordance with the characteristics of the patient's personality, color, background and size, the text that is repeated throughout the entire video sequence once a second is mounted, thereby affecting through the visual and Auditory analyzers on the patient's body, avoiding criticism of consciousness, while the repetition time of viewing the video with the text mounted in the frame is selected depending on the disease and psychophysiological reaction to the formation of a stable conditioned reflex, while the auditory analyzer is affected by a low-frequency resonance signal with a frequency in the range 2 - 12 Hz. This method allows for a short period of time to develop a new stable conditioned reflex and a stereotype of behavior in relation to the former pathological irritants, ingrained in the mind of a person, preventing the intake of alcohol or the use of narcotic substances, and the destruction of existing pathological anatomical connections developed by chronic alcohol use or the use of narcotic drugs Substances, and tobacco smoking or any other harmful habits, nervous and mental disorders.

This method is implemented as follows: in the selected video material (by theme and duration) with a playback speed of 24-30 frames per second, a specially compiled text is mounted, taking into account the personality of the patient with a choice of the background color of the text, the color of the text itself, the size of the text, brightness. Specially compiled text in the form of a frame is repeated throughout the entire video or film once a second by 13 frames, which is the bearer of a broadly directed impact through the visual analyzer on the human body, bypassing the criticism of consciousness, since the text itself is not visually read but perceived as a defect Films or as picture disturbances when you perceive the video material with the 13th frame effect through the monitor or the TV screen, while viewing and perceiving the video sequence with the 13 frame effect from the screen of the film projector 13, the frame is not visible to the eye, even as picture interference or film defect due to the lack of inertia of the luminescent layer, Which is in the monitors and screens of TVs. The special text put in this way creates a positive dominant that can favorably change the physiology with a tendency to recover and a gradual refusal to drink or take drugs, removing the psychic dependence counteracted by the conditioned reflex, changing the physiological response to the previous pathological stimuli, while informally changing Attitude towards the past (drug addiction, alcoholism), over time, the dominant euphoria loses its significance, thus opening access to sober critical thinking that helps restore the former "healthy values."

The preparatory period for the creation of a ready-to-watch video does not require much finance and time, but at the same time it is striking for its simplicity and effectiveness of impact on the human body.

The creation of the text, which in the future will be mounted in every 13 frames of the video sequence once a second for a duration of 0.04 to 0.1 seconds and above, depending on the source on which the video material will be reproduced, takes into account the individual psychological characteristics of the person , Specificity of the disease and perception. For example, in order to form a conditioned reflex in a person under threshold stimuli in order to get rid of mental dependence (drug addiction, alcoholism), a text is written along with a potential patient, or the text is created without his presence, taking into account the features of the person's personality, the nature of dependence and the nuances of perception Subconscious, and afterwards the patient gets acquainted with the finished version of the text, and if necessary, the text is adjusted taking into account the wishes: the text size, the text color, the background color on which the text is located, brightness. The fact that the patient is familiar with the text of frame 13 does not have hypnosis elements, but if necessary, indirect impressions may increase the perception effect by forming a verbal dominant in consciousness. Then the text is mounted in the video material chosen at the request of the patient, but from the films, well-known (comedy) from the category not bothering. The length of the film is 60-120 minutes. The sample text 13 of the frame is recorded line by line:

No desire to drink alcohol

The smell of alcohol causes vomiting

I'm happy without alcohol

My body is recovering

Memories of drunkenness are disgusting

Consciousness rejects alcohol

The next stage is the impact on the patient's body through the visual analyzer (eye), bypassing the criticism of consciousness, with a video film with the effect of frame 13, in which the text with a frequency of one frame (with text) per second (1 Hz) is sealed, regardless of the source of reproduction. The number of engrams (repetitions) prior to the appearance of a visible reaction of rejection of the former pathological stimuli varies depending on the physiology of the person and empirically represents the figures from 14 to 21 hours of the time of the 13 frame reps (repetitions), which in the future form a conditioned reflex rejection of the former pathological stimuli and thus relieve From the source of the disease. Psychophysiological reaction over time reveals a dominant positive factor contributing to the rapid formation of a new worldview. In parallel with the model, a low-frequency, resonant musical fragment with a frequency in the range of 2-12 Hz of low amplitude is reproduced, which contributes to the formation of a new anatomical arc. The conditioned reflex formed by subliminal stimuli, like the Pavlovsky reflex, is capable of damping. Proceeding from this, in order to prevent relapse, it is desirable to periodically watch video material with the effect of 13 frames before the emergence of a complete reaction of rejection of the previous pathological stereotypes and the emergence of a new healthy lifestyle. Regular repetitions of video material views with a frame effect of 13 to the establishment of an adequate response described in the text of frame 13 range from 2.5 months to one year. The process of forming a conditioned reflex and a healthy world view with special texts sealed in frame 13 does not have hidden pathological factors not described in the patient's anamnesis. The new psychophysiological reaction to the previous pathological stimuli has externally visible characteristics subjectively evaluated by the patient as natural and favorable. Changing the number of the frame in which the special text forming the conditioned reflex is sealed does not affect the efficiency and is subjective in nature, due to rapid memorization and associative links to the number 13, especially since the title "25 frames" completely discredited itself as the name of the technique or process Getting rid of various kinds of diseases, is not suitable, since it has a negative character capable of forming a prejudiced attitude and thereby blocking and increasing the time for the appearance of a positive reaction of rejection of a painful factor.

The very fact of the impact of the text 13 frames does not contain elements of hypnosis and violence, as the word is not pronounced by the second person and is not read by the patient himself in the form of autosuggestion or suggestion from the outside. The mode of influence presupposes a voluntary, conscious approach of the patient from the desire to get rid of the previous negative, morbid qualities, to acquire new positive, healthy qualities of the organism or to return the long-lost, forgotten extrasensory features of consciousness, like self-confidence and one's own strength. Virtually any disease, even a viral infection, can be characterized as a psychosomatic disease as a result of the transferred stress and weakening of the body's immune system. Texts of 13 frames, compiled taking into account the characteristics of the disease and periodically repeated, literally affect the body and thereby not only create a stereotype of behavior, but also affect the physiology of man, shifting the biochemistry indicators from pathology to normal. Criticism of consciousness does not interfere with the literary perception of the texts of the 13th frame, since the consciousness does not have time to read the text and subject it to awareness, and therefore criticism, acceptance or rejection of the meaning of the text. The mechanism works regardless of the degree of suggestibility and attitude to the process itself, the subconscious perceives everything in reality, that is, how the text is written, so it is perceived and the process spreads according to the scheme: from the general to the particular. First, the dominant should be formed in general, and then the mechanism of action extends to individual organs and systems of the organism, correcting existing or forming new reflex acts. Due to the fact that the approach to the method of forming a reflex and getting rid of something or gaining some quality conscious, there is no suppression of the will of one person (PFG) by the force of suggestion of another person, there is no dependence on the opinion and will of other people. The mechanism of action of the 13th frame is directed solely at rehabilitation and recovery of a person having ailments. The transition of the quantity (viewing of 13 frames) to quality (the appearance of visible or registered changes) is quite complex in terms of explaining this phenomenon, the question remains: "Where do the frames of the 13th picture come from, and how does the physiology change, although The fact of impact is obvious and does not cause doubts? " In a number of cases it was possible to develop a persistent gag reflex to specific taste stimuli, to save a person from an unjustified fear and insomnia, to abandon a bad habit, to stabilize the weight, to restore sexual functions, to normalize the metabolism and smooth out the allergic reaction. Thus, acting on the unconscious area, on those thinking processes, decision-making methods and physiology in general, which are unconsciously crucial in the life of each person, the causes and motives in the figurative expression are displaced to the surface of consciousness, which give a rich material for understanding the reasons for the appearance Neuroses, thereby opening up the possibility of complete disposal of the underlying causes, which served as the beginning of nervous and mental diseases. In this case, the reaction as a form of expression of personal emotions, experiences depends more on the texts of the 13th frame, first revealing and then smoothing the pathological states of the individual. It is possible that the area of ​​the unconscious and those pathological processes that occur at the level of the subconscious cause the consciousness of man to function as an appendage of the unconscious and act as the executor of obsessive thoughts and states, passing them off as a personal, deliberate, painful state of conviction ready for decision. In this case, it becomes possible both to control the fact of decision making and the ways of its implementation, removing the emphasis from painful perception and reaction in a timely manner, reducing the process to transforming accumulated experiences into personal experience. It is highly doubtful that, perhaps, the very fact of viewing the video as an installation initially plays a decisive factor and has suggestion, thereby affecting various systems of the body, changing physiology and biochemistry, since the very fact of suggestion during communication was minimized, and often And communication with the patient itself was impossible, for this reason it is impossible to assign large values ​​to mediated suggestion, and therefore there is a mechanism for the formation of conditioned reflexes and effects on the human body not described in the existing theories of perception and ways of responding.

The formation of conditioned reflexes under threshold stimuli has a calm, almost imperceptible character, coupled with positive emotions and pleasant associations that appear during the viewing of fascinating films from the "healthy past." At the time of viewing, a soft and strong effect occurs, which becomes noticeable after a certain period of time, in the form of a rejection reaction not only of the previous pathological stimuli, but also of the motives that lead to it. In this connection, this method of forming conditioned reflexes is much more effective, cheaper and easier to use.


A method for treating psychotic diseases by creating a light and sound fixation of a positive psychophysiological device for a long-term withdrawal from mental dependence by means of computer equipment or apparatus, characterized in that the patient is conditioned by a reflex by demonstrating at a playback speed of 24-30 frames per second of video material, in which One of the frames is assembled according to the patient's personality, color, background and size, the text that is repeated throughout the entire video sequence once a second, thereby affecting the visual and auditory analyzers on the patient's body, avoiding criticism of consciousness, while the time Repetitions of viewing video with a text mounted in the frame are selected depending on the disease and psychophysiological reaction to the formation of a stable conditioned reflex, while the auditory analyzer is affected by a low-frequency resonance signal with a frequency in the range of 2-12 Hz.

print version
Date of publication 06.01.2007gg