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"SPECIAL" Relativity Theory
(STR * - the new edition, and quaternium SOTO Universe)

On the 100th anniversary of the theory of relativity

Physics. The discoveries in physics.

VM Myasnikov

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A new ideology (paradigm) of construction and interpretation of the theory of relativity, which allowed to build the special theory of relativity (STR * - Revised), excellent in many ways and possibilities of Einstein's theory, and - unparalleled, "the special general" theory of relativity (SOTO ) and quaternium universe (model of the universe as "samostoyatelnuyu theory of relativity").

The "hierarchy theory of relativity" STO * SOTO and quaternium universe should be placed between Einstein's special and general theories of relativity.

The article is a statement of the main ideas of the heads of XII, XIII, XIV and XV unpublished author [1]. In [3] published a very detailed summary of the book. References to books should understand the head (until the book was published) as references to the corresponding annotation space [3], see. And [2], which sets out the basic concepts (quater, quaternium space model of a material point, and others.), A model of the universe and based on it formulated the program "Expansion of the universe => local physics", among the many consequences of which there is a need for a new formulation of the theory of relativity, and others.

The new version of the special theory of relativity (STR *) involves something new as compared to the traditional theory of Einstein's relativity (STR). Despite the fact that some of the findings of a new theory of relativity is different, and very significantly, from Einstein, we believe it is only the new version of Einstein's theory, its further development. The novelty of our theory is just that we have to redefine the concept of the reference system and the concept of simultaneity of spatially separated events. In the main, we continue to fully support and Einstein.

We believe that the main merit of Einstein (we are talking here only about the range of problems associated with the theory of relativity) is that he was the first (1905) introduced the language of physics as an internal topology of the Minkowski space-time property. We refer to the topology of the Minkowski - the topology of spaces with signature (- + +) in contrast to the Euclidean topology (+ +), which is based entirely classical physics (see [3], [1], Appendix A (A-I. )). In this work we have shown that there is a topologically continuous transition from Euclidean to Minkowski topology topology, which means that there is no "smooth" transition from classical physics to the relativistic (and back! Ie classical physics, strictly speaking , is not a limit for the relativistic at low speeds), ie This is the case when "the amount is not transformed into quality" and need a qualitative leap. It was such a jerk, and Einstein did, creating the theory of relativity. (Of course, in 1905, it all seemed quite different. Minkowski only in 1908, showed the possibility of geometrical description of the special theory of relativity and introduced the Minkowski space. Let's not forget that the first steps in this direction have been made before 1905 (I. Vogt, D. Fitzgerald, G. Lorenz, Poincare), but the introduction of the topology of the Minkowski - it is a merit of Einstein)..

We offer the following (new) interpretation of the transformations (formulas) Lorentz covariance assuming the Lorentz transformation of primary properties (invariance of Maxwell's equations under transformations, named after the name of Lorentz, was first established by W. Vogt in 1887 formally, without regard to the principle of relativity, see . and our Ch. III of, where the Lorentz transformations are defined as spinor hyperbolic rotation, ensuring the invariance of Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic, and for gravitational fields, and Annex A (A-I), where the Lorentz transformations are defined as orthogonal transformation in Minkowski space, orthogonalization procedure derived from any of linear transformation, in particular, from the Galileo transformation).:

Formula (conversion) Lorentz be interpreted as rules to determine (in the sense, first - to define, and only secondly - to measure, calculate, according to the definition) "moving" and time coordinates from a fixed coordinate system using "fixed" standards. Covariance thus takes place by definition.

Thus, the Lorentz transformation, on the one hand, define the new coordinates, covariant old, on the other hand - themselves independently determined by a single parameter - the "corner" (spinor) hyperbolic rotation is uniquely determined from the definition of a new frame of reference with respect to the old one. In addition, such an interpretation of the Lorentz transformation allows you to extend the range of use of inertial systems (STO *) to the centrally symmetric gravitational fields (SOTO and quaternium Universe), and possibly others.
Schematic diagram of the construction of the special theory of relativity is the following:

1. In the real 3-dimensional space Minkowski choose a frame of reference, ie, physical reference point (the real body, the size of which can be ignored) and the chosen direction (fixed beam from the reference point). In this frame of reference define quaternium (unprimed) event space ( "fixed" position and time).

2. At the selected beam choose a new physical point, which moves the selected beam at a constant speed (approaching or receding relative to a fixed point of reference), and define a new Minkowski frame of reference for this mobile starting point to the same selected direction.

3. Lorentz Transformations in quaternium spaces are spinor hyperbolic rotation and to determine it is necessary to define a spinor rotation. Spinor rotation is determined (see. Chap. III) valuation quater of events coinciding with the reference point of the movable frame.

4. With the help of formulas (transformations) Lorentz define quaternium (shaded) in the mobile event space Minkowski reference system ( "moving" coordinates and time. It should be reminded once again that we are considering converting Lo Lorentz is not as binding two coordinate systems, but as the definition of one on another coordinate system.).

5. To make the "mobile" (shaded) values make sense "own" values of the moving frame of reference, which should take place in accordance with the principle of relativity, it is necessary to give the moving frame of reference status of the physical system, which is necessary to determine their own standards in the mobile system used from fixed, by means of which a stationary observer can make measurements in the mobile frame. Lorentz transformation, by themselves, to solve this problem may not need some independent concept. As such, we consider the concept of simultaneity, or the concept of simultaneity.

6. Ability to compare physical values measured from a fixed reference system, using fixed and mobile standards, ie the same values, physically belonging to different frames of reference, is the main content of the special theory of relativity.

7. quaternium space "special general" theory of relativity only differ from the above that as a physical reference point taken is now a material point, ie, real body having mass, which defines a new reference system - the space-weight. The latter allows for gravity interpretation. (Chap. XIV). The same techniques applied to the space of the universe, regarded as the "inner space of the mass of the gravitational sphere of the Universe", allow us to construct a model of the universe (the universe quaternium), consistent with modern observational data (Ch. XV).

The proposed scheme is implemented on, maintaining the workflow and their numbering scheme, to the special theory of relativity (STR * - Revised), "the special general" theory of relativity (SOTO) and quaternium universe.


Frame of reference, we refer to the starting point and its neighborhood, all of whose points are determined (radius vectors) from a reference point.

Physical counting system is called the system of reference to the physical reference point (the real body, which dimensions, if necessary, can be ignored). And it assumed that the physical system has the necessary set of standards (and devices) to measure the coordinates, time, and other physical quantities.

Reference system called Minkowski frame of reference, which is allocated (fixed) direction (beam) from a reference point.

Inertial reference system is called a frame of reference, which the space is homogeneous and isotropic.

Quater we call the quaternions with a special kind of scalar imaginary part and the real part of the vector, or - with the real and imaginary part of the scalar vector (see [2] and [1], Chapter II..).

In this paper we consider only isotropic space, ie, space center (radial) symmetry with respect to any points of reference that allows you to restrict the use of Minkowski frames with one fixed ( "working") direction, "keeping in mind", we can always extend the results obtained in any direction.

Moreover, in the Minkowski frame of reference, we have built a 4-dimensional (yes, four-dimensional!) Real Minkowski space Where the fourth dimension plays the role of the chosen direction, and showed that Minkowski space is the simplest "true" physical space (see. [1], Appendix A-II). This explains the name and the important role that we attach systems Minkowski frame.


VM. Myasnikov. Natural philosophy. (book, 400 pp., Unpublished).

V.M.Myasnikov. Expansion of the Universe => local physics. Proceedings of the Congress-98 "Fundamental problems of natural science." Volume II. Series "Problems of Research of the Universe" Vol. 22. Saint-Petersburg., 2000, p. 353-370

V.M.Myasnikov. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy today. Proceedings of the Congress-2002 "Fundamental Problems of Science and Technology." Part II. Series "Problems of Research of the Universe" Vol. 25. Saint-Petersburg., 2002, p. 135-167.

V.M.Myasnikov. Mathematical Principles of modern Natu-General philosophy. Abstracts. Fundamental problems of natural science and technology. Program and abstracts of the Congress-2002 reports. SPb. 2002, p.74

This article uses only the author's original ideas that do not require third-party information, so the list only includes the work of the author.

See., And the author's website

print version
Author: VM Myasnikov
PS material is protected.
Publication date 13.01.2005gg