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(Experience in building a modern physical picture of the world)

Physics. Discoveries in physics.

V.M. Myasnikov

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
them. VIUlyanov (Lenin) (LETI)
Ul. Prof. Popova, Building 5, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia

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In the article original ideas ("beginnings") of construction of quaternary spaces, space-mass, gravitation, Newtonian physics are offered and realized. A model is constructed and the laws of expansion of the universe are formulated. The program "Expansion of the Universe => local physics" is offered and partially realized.

Miasnikov VM The article introduces and proves the original ideas ("principia") of the constructing quater-spaces, space-mass, gravitation, newtonian physics. A model is built and laws of Expanding the Universe are presented. A programm of "Expanding the Universe => local physics" is also introduced and partially realized.


The unquestionably successful geometric interpretation of the special theory of relativity ( SRT ) by G. Minkowski ( 1908 ) and, mainly, the geometric interpretation of gravitation in the general theory of relativity ( GR ) by A. Einstein ( 1916 ) gave rise to the belief in a broader and even complete geometrization of physics. Numerous attempts are being made in this direction by major physicists and mathematicians, beginning with the creator of the theory of relativity. In general, all these attempts today are considered unsatisfactory. It seems to us that this is not accidental and there are principal reasons for this.

Two philosophical principles are put by us in the basis of a critical analysis of this situation:

1) All physical objects, quantities, etc. Are divided into two fundamentally independent types: scalars and others ;

2) The mathematical apparatus used in this or that physical theory must be adequate to the physical representations of this theory. Adequacy means that only by means of the applied mathematical apparatus, as strictly as possible, mathematical objects, quantities, their transformations, etc. should be determined. , Which are then interpreted (used) as corresponding physical objects, quantities, transformations, and the like. In physical theory.

The first principle is introduced by us as an alternative to the possibility of complete geometrization of physics, i.e. Physical objects (quantities) are determined, which excludes this possibility in principle. We formulate this in the form of a postulate, which we called the " non-geometricizability postulate ":

Scalar physical quantity is not geometrizable in any sense.

And which can be regarded as a definition of a physical scalar , given that not only in physics, but also in mathematics, there is no strict definition of a scalar. The postulate of non-geometricizability, strictly speaking, is not a definition of a physical scalar, but it indicates that the property of a physical object (a physical quantity) - "being a scalar" - is an absolute property in the sense that for any transformations, in any frames Point of view) the physical scalar remains a scalar and can not become a spatial object. However, what has been said also applies to spatial objects, which, under any transformations, can not become scalars. For more details, see [ 6 ], Ch. I ).

The second principle leads us to the conclusion that the basic mathematical objects of the theory of relativity, the so-called. 4- Vectors, in the light of the postulate of non-geometrizability , are not adequate to the physical representations of this theory and are subject to replacement. (As an example, let us cite the well-known assertion that in the Schwarzschild solution, when crossing the Schwarzschild sphere, "time and space change places," which simply does not make sense in the light of the postulate of non-geometrization.) Adequate mathematical objects must exclude the very possibility of formulating such statements.

Ideal mathematical objects, from our point of view (that is, taking into account the non-geometricizability postulate), we assume quaternions [1], which are a natural generalization of complex numbers and which can be "geometrically" interpreted as "the sum of a scalar and a vector". Moreover, we introduce one particular kind of quaternions, which we call "quaters" (from the Latin quater - four times, four times) . Here - the scalar part of the quater , The asterisk here and below means multiplying by an imaginary unit, i.e. Is a purely imaginary scalar, and Is a real vector in the orthonormal basis i , j , k.

Quarter space-time we call diversity


Where - Radius-vector from a fixed point of space (reference point), - the speed of light (with an asterisk, i.e., multiplied by an imaginary unit), t is the time counted from a certain origin at the reference point. Linear quaternions in such spaces form a group of rotations (the Lorentz group), circular and hyperbolic, each of which consists of two half-rotations of the spinor type (in the sense of Pauli spinors). Quaternary linear field theory is naturally obtained as a property of space. If the space-time is given a quaternary electric charge density (analog of the 4- vector current density, see [ 2 ]). The field equations give Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field. If the mass density is given, the field equations give Maxwell's equations for the gravitational field, which are a linear approximation of the equations of general relativity.


  1. WRHamilton, Lectures on quaternions, Dublin, 1853

  2. LD Landau, EM Lifshits . Theory of the field, "Science", Moscow, 1973.

  3. Ya.B. Zeldovich , I.D. Novikov . The structure and evolution of the universe. "Nauka", Moscow, 1975
  4. Cosmology. Theory and observation. "Peace". M., 1978

  5. Problems of physics: classic and modern. Mir, Moscow, 1983

  6. V. M. Myasnikov. Natural philosophy. (The book, about 400 pages. Unpublished)
  7. V.Myasnikov. Expansion of the universe => local physics. Proceedings of Congress-98 "Fundamental Problems of Natural Science." Volume II. Series "Problems of the Universe" vol. 22. St. Petersburg, 2000
  8. See also the site of the author, where the full text of the author's book "Natural Philosophy", this article and other articles of the author are given.

print version
Author: V. M. Myasnikov
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 19.01.2005гг