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(Experience in building a modern physical picture of the world)

Physics. Discoveries in physics.

V.M. Myasnikov

Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
them. VIUlyanov (Lenin) (LETI)
Ul. Prof. Popova, Building 5, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia

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In the article original ideas ("beginnings") of construction of quaternary spaces, space-mass, gravitation, Newtonian physics are offered and realized. A model is constructed and the laws of expansion of the universe are formulated. The program "Expansion of the Universe => local physics" is offered and partially implemented.

Miasnikov VM The article introduces and proves the original ideas ("principia") of the constructing quater-spaces, space-mass, gravitation, newtonian physics. A model is built and laws of Expanding the Universe are presented. A programm of "Expanding the Universe => local physics" is also introduced and partially realized.


Local physics, ie the totality of physical laws, principles, physical objects, etc. Is determined by the laws of expansion (evolution) of the universe.

Of course, we are far from the idea to prove this statement. Our goal is to show that this is possible in principle, and even to outline a certain concrete path. To do this, we formulate the expansion laws that follow from our model, in the form of postulates, hereinafter referred to as expansion postulates.

Postulate 1 . The universe is homogeneous and isotropic.

Postulate 2 . (Cosmological postulate) All local laws of physics are the same in any era of the evolution of the universe and anywhere in the universe.

Postulate 3. In the expanding universe, there is a limiting velocity of motion of one material particle relative to another material particle. The limiting value of speed is called the speed of expansion of the universe or, more commonly, the speed of light. The statement that this speed does not change with evolution is considered a consequence of postulate 2. Note that postulate 3 does not state that there are no velocities at all, which are large velocities of light.

Postulate 4. Time, length and mass expand

Here - pieces of time, length and mass at the present moment (the era ), - the corresponding lengths, lengths and masses in the era , H is the Hubble constant at the present time (the index "zero" and the dash for simplicity is omitted) and t is the local time from the present moment to the moment corresponding to the epoch .

Finally, we formulate one more postulate, which, generally speaking, does not follow from our model, but it seems natural and necessary from the most general philosophical considerations:

Postulate 5. (law of inertia of the expanding universe). The universe expands according to the postulate 4 (laws ( 3 )), while and as some reasons do not induce it to deviate from these laws. And if such causes appear, the universe seeks to eliminate these causes, or at least to minimize their effect.

Two necessary remarks on postulate 5:

1. On the term "universe". The statement that the universe is expanding means here that any object or any set of objects that is allocated in the universe is expanding, including the totality of all conceivable objects, which is usually called today the term "Universe".

2. If the universe is any object or any combination of them, and there are no objects that do not belong to the universe in principle, and if the universe expands in accordance with postulates 1 through 4, then why can the reasons for the Universe deviate from the laws of expansion? We believe that the interaction of objects is the reason for the deviation of the aggregate of these objects from expansion, but not in the sense of cause-effect relations, but in the sense that interaction and deviation from expansion are simply different names for the same phenomenon in local physics and model, respectively Expanding universe. And only following our scheme "extension => local physics", we consider the expansion, more precisely, the deviation from the expansion, as primary, and accordingly apply the law of inertia of the expanding universe.

If the universe expanded in strict accordance with postulates 1 - 4, then in the Universe there would literally be nothing, at least, what we call the word "physics", i.e. Physical objects, physical laws, and of course those who could formulate and study such laws, that is, Us with you. It is the deviation from expansion that generates that fantastic variety of physical objects and phenomena that we observe and study.

As we have shown, the cosmological redshift is a consequence of the evolution of the universe. Since with evolution all distances are increasing, including the distances to the observed galaxies, which is natural to interpret as the removal from us of these galaxies, i. E. Redshift can also be interpreted as a Doppler effect, including the Doppler effect as an energy effect. In addition, we have shown that remote galaxies are in a state of free fall on the gravitational sphere of the Universe, i.e. The cosmological redshift can also be interpreted as gravitational. Thus, all the causes of redshift known to modern science can equally explain the cosmological redshift. We believe that this is not an accident, and the reason is actually one. And if you recall the principle of Mach. The identity of the inertial and gravitational masses, etc., then, apparently, there is a general principle of nature (or philosophy of nature), a certain limiting version of the "Occam's razor", which can be formulated approximately like this: the same phenomena of nature should have the same explanation (One reason) (William Ockham, 1289-1349: " entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem - essences should not be multiplied beyond necessity "). In other words, the Universe can not afford the "luxury" of having more than one instance of mass, several different causes of red (violet) displacement, and so on.

The latter principle is philosophical, and we naturally do not include it in the number of postulates of expansion, but this principle, along with postulates, is the basis for all further reasoning.

Inertial systems. Suppose that the universe expands in strict accordance with postulates 1 - 4 (giving an account that this is only an extreme idealization). The universe is homogeneous and isotropic (postulate 1), therefore, any point can be chosen as a reference point. For the convenience of speech, choose the Earth. The frame of reference associated with the Earth, if necessary, is inertial (it is simply about the Earth as a point in the space of the universe, and not as a rotating massive body). Let further we from the Earth observe a distant galaxy with a redshift Z (Z << 1) . The light we record today on Earth was emitted by the galaxy at the time Our earthly time, a minus sign - tk. The countdown is in the past. Substituting t for the Hubble law In ( 3 ), we obtain

On the other hand, the only source of information from the galaxy is an electromagnetic wave whose parameters

- frequency, wavelength, energy - the quantities measured today on the Earth (in the spectrum of the galaxy), we are considering in the Earth's reference frame now.

The corresponding quantities

Measured on the Earth and now (in the reference spectrum), in accordance with postulate 2 can be considered in the reference frame of the galaxy at the time of earth time . A direct comparison of the quantities (5) and (6) gives precisely the relations (4) (precisely as a result of such a comparison, a cosmological redshift was detected), more precisely, the first two relations (4). The third relation (4) is introduced here for the first time, it was not known in this form, since It was not known that Planck's constant was expanding. (If we assume that Planck's constant does not expand, then the ratio for energy has exactly the opposite meaning.) So it is considered today and is known as the "aging" of a photon.). To go to the reference frame of the galaxy, it is not necessary to "fly" to this galaxy, you can stay on Earth, but necessarily "be transported" in time in an epoch corresponding to earth time .

Let's make the first preliminary conclusion: insofar as the Universe can be considered homogeneous and isotropic, distant galaxies move away from us at a speed of , The relations (4) take place, and the transition to the reference system associated with the galaxy (it is necessary to have an inertial one) can be interpreted as transferring to the past to a time determined for a given speed (of a given galaxy).

Let us now imagine that we are in a real fixed frame of reference. Another, moving system moves from us along the line of sight at a speed V , and in this system there is a source, the light from which we observe in a stationary system. Then there is a Doppler redshift, i.e. The relations (for V << c )

Comparing (7) and (4), we see that the first two relations (4) coincide with (7). Bearing in mind that red blending should have the same cause ("Occam's razor"), we believe that the coincidence must be complete. Thus, we can now determine the conditions under which the mobile reference system can be considered inertial under real conditions and at the same time indicate some properties of inertial systems (so far, for the case of removal).

A reference system moving at a constant speed V from a (stationary) reference point along the line of sight can be considered inertial in some physical conditions to the extent that under these conditions it can be assumed that the space is homogeneous and isotropic. In this case, the relations (4) hold (for V << c ), i.e. In the moving reference frame, in comparison with the fixed frame, the length (in the direction of motion) is shortened, the time is accelerated (the second becomes shorter, i.e., shortens) and the mass decreases (shrinks). The transition from a fixed frame of reference to a moving reference frame can be interpreted as a transfer (in time) to the past for some time-dependent, depending on the speed.

The obtained conclusions do not coincide with the conclusions of the special theory of relativity of Einstein. The reason is as follows. If we consider the motion of material particles with respect to a fixed reference point, then all the motions are divided into three types that are essentially irreducible to each other: the motion from the reference point (the distance from the reference point increases), the motion to the reference point (the distance decreases) and the motion along the constant-radius sphere with Center at the reference point (the distance does not change). The conclusions of SRT, generally correct , refer to different movements, and the three effects formulated by Einstein (shortening of length, slowing down of time, increase in mass) are not Have places, all Three simultaneously in one And the same movement.

If the mobile reference frame approaches a fixed reference point at a constant speed, the transition to the mobile reference system can be interpreted as a transition in time to the future, while the length increases, the time slows down, the mass increases.

As for the third type of motion, motion along a constant-radius sphere centered at the reference point, we believe that such a motion is not physical (relative to the center of the sphere), and no effects are observed with such motion. In particular, Einstein's conclusion about the so-called. The lateral effect of Doppler is erroneous, there is no such effect. (It seems reasonable and, again, to discuss the planetary model of the Rutherford atom, Bohr's postulates, the stationary orbits of an electron in an atom, etc.)

Special theory of relativity. The properties of inertial systems considered above in the Universe naturally (the Occam razor) lead to the formulation of the local special theory of relativity, which is different from Einstein's SRT. "New SRT" is not an opposition (and certainly not a "refutation"!) Of Einstein's SRT, but its further development, its "new redaction". "Novelty" consists in a new definition of a reference frame and a new definition of the simultaneity of spatially separated events in such frames of reference.

We define the reference system as a reference point and the surrounding space, all points of which are determined relative to the reference point ("are considered solely from the reference point"). In this case, the choice of a new reference point and / or another definition of points of the system relative to the reference point should be interpreted as a transition to a new reference frame.

A qualitative description of SRT effects (three types of uniform motions in a fixed frame of reference, increase / decrease of physical quantities for such motions and some others) follows from the properties of inertial systems in the expanding universe (plus the "Occam razor"). Quantitative description requires additional concepts. One of these concepts is the concept of simultaneity of spatially separated events.

In the quaternary space-time (see the section Quaternaries , Quaternary Space.) Two events Are simultaneous in the given frame of reference, if , or , Where , a Is the length of the radial component of the vector . This definition of simultaneity together with the existence of a group of Lorentz-invariant transformations in the spaces X uniquely leads to the special theory of relativity with all the properties indicated above, in particular, when the transition to the reference frame moves away from the fixed reference point, the length decreases, Increases.

We argue that the latter, with respect to the wavelength of the radiation of a moving light source, known as the Doppler effect-the red shift of the spectral lines for the retreating source and the violet shift for the approaching source-shows that the Doppler effect is a DIRECT and DIRECT experimental confirmation (or, if desired , - consequence) of the special theory of relativity.

Quantum relativism. Planck's constant h expands with the expansion of the Universe (see section Expansion of the Universe), and very quickly - proportionally to the second power of the expansion coefficient. At the beginning of the evolution the Planck constant is zero (more precisely, ), Which indicates that at the beginning of the evolution there were no "bottom" constraints (we mean the Heisenberg inequalities, the so-called uncertainty relation ), therefore, the energy could enter our Universe (from the outer space of the Metaverse)! In the form of radiation with an arbitrarily low energy and wavelength at each point of the space. It is this radiation, expanded during the time of evolution and heated to a temperature of 2.7 ° K, that we register today as a relict.

Another aspect of the expansion of Planck's constant can lead to completely unexpected results in quantum physics. Indeed, all the properties of inertial systems in the expanding universe are transferred to the local special theory of relativity ("Occam's razor"), including, apparently, the dependence of Planck's constant on velocity. And this means that when moving to a moving reference system, the Planck constant is practically zero in the case of an inertial system moving away from the relativistic velocity, or its value multiplies many times in comparison with the table "rest value" in the case of an approaching frame of reference. Such a symbiosis of the theory of relativity and expansion of the Planck constant, if this hypothesis is confirmed, will inevitably lead to new ideas and possibilities, taking into account especially that the collision of particles is one of the main "tools" in the study of elementary particles.

Noninertial systems. Forces of inertia. Newton's law. Consider again the inertial system, and let in this system some particle move with acceleration. We will not discuss the question of what is causing the acceleration.

How does acceleration affect space? The particle and the reason causing it to move with acceleration are external to the inertial system, and consequently, they do not affect its space. those. Do not violate its inertiality. (This is a free particle, a different situation would arise if the particle were bound in an inertial system, and if the cause of the acceleration is regarded as "internal" for the reference frame, then this system can not be called inertial).

But in the frame of reference associated with the particle (mobile), acceleration leads to a violation, at least, of isotropy. Indeed, denoting Is a constant component of velocity, we have , And substituting this speed, for example, in the second relation (4)

We see that when moving into a moving reference frame, the space "deforms" in comparison with the "inertial background" (an additional term appears To the "inertial" term ) In the direction of velocity increment, i.e. Acceleration.

The latter we interpret as a deviation from the expansion. And then, in accordance with postulate 5, something appears in the moving frame of reference that seeks to eliminate this deviation and, obviously, this something must act in the direction opposite to acceleration.

Thus, if a material particle moves with acceleration With respect to any inertial system, then in the frame of reference associated with this particle, there is something called inertia force . The coefficient m is called the inertial mass of a particle. We interpret the mass m as a measure of the interaction of a particle with all objects of the universe.

Now we are able to answer the question, what is the cause of the particle acceleration relative to the inertial system? And what, in fact, changed when posing this new question in comparison with the previous one? We have the same particle, the same interaction of this particle with the Universe, characterized by the same mass m . Consequently, the physical quantity that is the cause of the acceleration must also be a force ("Occam's razor"), with the only difference being that this force is external with respect to the particle. In other words, in the inertial frame of reference, Newton's law holds

Gravity. We want to further elucidate what should be the interaction between particles that have the only property of "having a mass". We assume that the mass of each particle is completely determined by its interaction with the rest of the matter of the universe.

In constructing our model of the ideal universe, one of the most important conditions was the so-called " Equations of state of matter and gravitational vacuum, which ultimately reduce to the condition , or

Where - the kinetic energy of matter in an arbitrary volume V , and - potential energy.

Condition (8) can be regarded as the formulation of the virial theorem for an ideal universe. (And apparently should be added to the postulates of the expansion), and then the ideal expansion condition is formulated as the condition for the fulfillment of the virial theorem (8) in any volume allocated in the universe. Further, applying the standard averaging procedure, the virial theorem and the ideal expansion condition (8) can be extended to real bodies with real kinetic and potential energies.

We draw attention to the fact that the kinetic and potential energies in the formulation of the virial theorem (8) are not Newtonian, they are relativistic kinetic energy including the rest energy of particles, and the potential energy including the "own" potential energy of particles in the universe. The "own" potential energy of a particle of mass m is called (negative) energy


Where Is the gravitational radius of mass m . The potential energy of a particle can also be interpreted as a potential energy of interaction of a particle with the entire substance of the universe (its gravitational sphere)


Where M is the mass of the universe, and R is the gravitational radius of the universe. And then the mass of the material particle can be defined as


It is in this sense that we affirm that the mass of a material particle can be interpreted as a measure of the interaction of a particle with the entire substance of the universe, while we believe that there is no need to divide such an interpretation of the mass into "subspecies" (inert, gravitational active and passive, electromagnetic, P.).

We select in the universe a finite volume V in which there are only two material particles. A system of two particles expands ideally if E + V = 0 , where E and V are Kinetic and potential energy of a system of two particles. But the particles making up the system expand, their masses expand, hence their kinetic energy, and with it the kinetic energy of the system E, also increases . On the other hand, the distance between the particles also expands; Their potential energy decreases in absolute value, while the potential energy of the system V , being negative, increases.

Thus, in the condition of an ideal extension of the system E + V = 0 , both the first and second terms on the left side increase, which naturally leads to a violation of this condition. We interpret this as a deviation from the expansion . And then, according to the postulate 5, something appears in the Universe , seeking to eliminate or, at least, to reduce the deviation from the expansion, i.e. The deviation from zero of the sum of the kinetic and potential energies. The latter is possible only when the distance between particles decreases.

So, the universe tends to reduce the distance between the material particles, while something that tends to reduce the distance between the particles or, what is the same, increase in absolute magnitude the potential energy, obviously, should act in the direction of the largest increase in the potential energy module, i.e. In the frame of reference of one particle


This is something that tends to reduce the distance between material particles, has long been well known and since the days of I. Newton is called the force of mutual attraction of material bodies.

Note that the consideration of gravitational interaction as an attempt to reduce the distances between material particles can be interpreted geometrically, i.e. As the desire to change the properties of space ("curved" space, change geometry), which not only does not exclude Einstein's approach to gravity, but even emphasizes its naturalness. And finally, this interpretation of gravity naturally and naturally explains why gravitationally bound objects "do not participate" in the observed cosmological expansion of the universe: the gravitational connection is their participation in the expansion of the universe.

(On the other hand, the " non- participation" of gravitationally bound material bodies in the observed cosmological expansion, in turn, can be interpreted as a deviation from expansion, and then the Universe, in accordance with postulate 5, seeks to increase the distances between material bodies. (In the frame of reference of any material body, to the appearance of repulsive forces of all other material bodies.) We called these forces Hubble (see section Universe, Dynamics of the Universe ...) We also noted there that the presence of Hubble repulsive forces Interpreted as the existence of a negative pressure, which in turn can be interpreted as the presence of a "substance" with a negative mass.We called this " substance " a gravitational vacuum.The gravitational vacuum repels from ordinary matter, but does not interact with itself gravitationally. Ordinary matter and gravitational vacuum naturally leads to inertia forces that are only "slightly masked" gravitational forces, therefore, there is no need to distinguish between inertial and gravitational masses or, equivalently, Einstein's principle of equivalence, the Mach principle, etc. . )

On quantum gravity. Perhaps the expansion of the universe gives some considerations in favor of the quantum theory of gravity. These considerations are as follows. Suppose that there is an absolutely small , but not equal to zero portion of energy or mass. For definiteness, we will speak about mass. Denote it . Then the known relations for energy give

We set , I.e. Let's take, the frequency equal to the lowest value in the expanding universe. Then

Thus, if the absolutely smallest mass exists in principle, then it can not be less than . Let's name the mass " Massively ". It is possible, apparently only conditionally, to speak of a particle with a mass . (Some authors call the particle of mass Graviton , from our point of view - unsuccessfully ).

Let us further consider a particle with mass . The mass expands according to postulate 4 (see (3)), i.e.


Or the mass increment in time t -

If the smallest increment of the mass is a mass (9), then


From where the least increment in time


Where - the so-called. Compton wavelength of a particle . And this already leads to certain considerations. So the expansion of mass can be interpreted as the emission of quanta of gravity with frequency Any particle that has mass. And hence the corresponding construction of the theory of gravitation is possible. Of the known to us, the most developed and closest to the foregoing, the theory of gravitation of KP Stanyukovich ( KP Stanyukovich , Gravitational field and elementary particles, Atomizdat, 1965. See K.Stanyukovich, V. P.Gurovich, Evolution of Matter and the Gravitational Field (in the Metagalaxy), in: "Philosophical Problems of the Theory of Einstein's Gravitation and Relativistic Cosmology", "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, 1966. In the latter authors point out that for the first time the mass (9) was calculated from Hydrodynamic considerations Soviet astronomer KP Savchenko in 1949).

The assumption of the existence of a fundamentally small mass "massively" allows us to consider the Compton length and time As essentially the smallest for a particle of mass m , i.e. As a principal "resolving power of interaction," both in length and in time, particles of mass m with the outside world. If this is so, then it is completely different to look at many phenomena, such as ionization, photoelectric effect and even Planck's radiation theory and the resulting problem of energy quantization ("wave-particle", particles with zero rest mass, Heisenberg uncertainty ratios and Other).

Indeed, if the wavelength of the light incident on the electron is much greater than the Compton wavelength of the electron (that is, its resolving power is much higher), then the electron behaves like a charged particle in the variable (as the wave passes) the electromagnetic field of the wave. If the wavelength of light is comparable or less than the resolving power of an electron, the electron "accumulates" the energy that the wave (or waves) transmits to it for the entire time And then "instantly" reacts to all this energy in accordance with its quantity and quality. We, explaining the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect, attribute this whole accumulated electron to time A portion of energy as "instantaneously" transmitted to him by a wave, and thus forced to believe that this portion of energy already existed near the wave in the finished form, i.e. The wave is the flow of quanta of energy.

Thus, the wave-particle dualism is not a light (electromagnetic wave) property, but a property of the "wave + electron" system, and the electron in this system is not necessarily the one to which the wave falls (as in the photoelectric effect), but it can There must be an electron that generated this wave. The electromagnetic wave itself, as such, is an abstraction that exists only in our theories. A real electromagnetic wave is always either an "electron + wave" (meaning the electron that generated the wave), or "wave + electron" (the electron with which the wave interacts), and the question "wave or particle?" Refers, To an extent to the electron, than to the wave itself. We still continue to ask in astonishment: what is light, a wave or a particle?

Gravitation and the theory of Lesage. Expansion of the universe, interpreted as an expansion of the space itself of the universe, i.e. Ubiquitous increase in the volume of any element of space, requires an answer to the question "where does this additional space go?"

It is clear that on the border (horizon) of the Metagalaxy, the expansion of space leads to "flow of space beyond the horizon", i.e. Increase the radius of the universe, what we, in fact, call the expansion of the universe. And locally?

We believe that in the "inner" space of the universe "(locally) there is, more or less everywhere, a discrete set of compact special regions (" singular points ") into which an additional expanded space" flows "with an intensity proportional to the" size "of the regions . Such "singular points" are naturally identified with material particles , whose "size" is estimated by a parameter called the mass of a material particle .

Thus, the space, expanding, "flows" into "special points" - material particles, including "infinitely distant singular point r = R " - a sphere coinciding with the horizon of the Metagalaxy (like an infinitely distant "point" On the complex plane, which can be special, for more details, see [6]) with the corresponding "intensity", naturally captivating all that is contained in this space, in particular, other "singular points" - material particles (note - independently From the mass of these material particles - a fact established by Galileo and confirmed later by Newtonian theory and the general theory of relativity!). The possibility of describing such a "dragging" of a test material particle by "flowing" into a singular point by space is one of the merits of a quaternary space-mass and leads to the law of gravitation (1) with all the consequences that follow from it. (In order to obtain such a dynamically expanding space it is enough to introduce time into a static space-mass in some way. The theory of space-mass, including "space-mass + time," we call, for lack of a better name, "special general" theory of relativity.) .

The proposed interpretation of gravity resonates with the hypothesis of Georges Louis Lesage (1724-1803) on the nature of gravitation, according to which in the space of the universe there exists a homogeneous and isotropic background of moving cosmic particles, which, due to mutual shielding of bodies from the flow of these particles in the space between bodies, "push" Bodies to each other. Similar ideas were expressed also before Lesage by R. Decart, H. Huygens, M. Lomonosov, and others.

The hypothesis of J. Lesage had serious contradictions with observations, which were pointed out by many scientists (Laplace, Poincare, etc.). The main objections were that to ensure the observed gravity, the intensity of the background particle flux should be so significant that under their impacts all the bodies should quickly warm up. The earth, for example, according to Poincaré's calculations, should shine more brightly than the Sun. In addition, the background should resist the movement of bodies. Braked planets must fall on the Sun, electrons - on the nuclei of atoms, etc.

We, for our part, add one more argument against Lesage's hypothesis. Let us assume that, for example, the Earth and the Moon contracted to their gravitational spheres. The diameter of the Earth became 9 millimeters, the Moon - 81 times less, i.e. Approximately one-tenth of a millimeter, while their masses remained the same. The attraction of the Moon to the Earth and the motion of the Moon under the influence of the forces of attraction remained unchanged both from the point of view of the Newtonian theory and the theory of relativity. As for Lesage's hypothesis, can we seriously talk about mutual screening for two bodies 9 mm in diameter and one tenth of a millimeter, respectively, 384 thousand kilometers distant from each other?

The contradictions noted led to the rejection of Lesage's hypothesis, but still, with enviable persistence, more and more modifications of this hypothesis are offered, indicating that there is "something there" in it.

Stanyukovich's hypothesis (theory of gravitation) mentioned above is formally and in sync with Lesage's hypothesis, but fundamentally differs from it in that the streams of particles (or gravitational wave-particles, KP Stanyukovich calls them relativistic gas ) are radiated by the material bodies themselves evenly in all directions With an intensity proportional to their masses. In the space between the bodies, the opposing flows of the relativistic gas are mutually weakened, while "in the outer" space remain unchanged, resulting in reactive forces that push the bodies to each other. Quantitative estimates of such forces lead to an inversely proportional dependence on the square of the distance between the bodies. Stanyukovich's theory does not have the drawbacks inherent in Lesage's hypothesis, but Stanyukovich's theory and Lesage's hypothesis, in our opinion, have another very serious drawback: they can not explain the independence of the acceleration of gravity from the mass of the test body for the simple reason that The very concept of a test body is meaningless in these theories.

The interpretation of gravity proposed by us, while preserving the clarity and "simplicity" of Lesage's hypothesis, does not have its drawbacks and explains practically everything (and even more, for example, black holes) within the framework of the Newtonian theory of gravitation.

Gravitational energy . Is the gravitational energy consumed by gravitational interaction? And if it is spent, where does it come from and how is it replenished?

Consider for example the Sun-Earth system. Every moment the Sun must spend a certain amount of work to keep the Earth in an elliptical orbit. Obviously, the energy is consumed. (If we interpret the motion of the Earth in the orbit as a motion in inertia in curved space-time, according to Einstein, then to maintain the curvature of space-time, the Sun still has to expend energy, since space obviously possesses the property of "elasticity." Otherwise You can imagine the situation when "removing" the sun, the curvature remains.).

How much energy is expended by the Sun to maintain order in the solar system during its existence? And the electromagnetic radiation of the sun, and the solar wind, etc.? It is easy to calculate that only electromagnetic radiation is equivalent to the loss of the Sun in one second by a mass of approximately . Of course, this is very slightly compared with the mass of the Sun, but who counted the total energy radiated by the Sun into the world space?

Is the expansion of its mass not a source of solar energy? Indeed, the mass of the Sun expands

From where the mass increment is

That gives in one second , I.e. The value is only 850 times greater than the mass lost by the Sun only due to electromagnetic radiation. It's hard to believe that such a "coincidence" is accidental!

The development of the above ideas, and many others in the framework of the "new" special (quaternary space-time) and "special general" (quaternion space-mass and quaternary space-radius of curvature of the universe) relativity theory, we call the program "Expansion of the Universe Yu local physics ".

The ideas and results of applying these ideas to the construction of the physical picture of the world are far from a complete sample of the author's unpublished book "Natural Philosophy" (with a hint of the Newtonian "Principles"). This article can be considered as advertising for those who would like to help the author in the publication of the book and the possibility of continuing work on the program "Expansion of the Universe Yu local physics".

A shortened version of this article was published (October 2000) in [7].


  1. WRHamilton, Lectures on quaternions, Dublin, 1853

  2. LD Landau, EM Lifshits . Theory of the field, "Science", Moscow, 1973.

  3. Ya.B. Zeldovich , I.D. Novikov . The structure and evolution of the universe. "Nauka", Moscow, 1975
  4. Cosmology. Theory and observation. "Peace". M., 1978

  5. Problems of physics: classic and modern. Mir, Moscow, 1983

  6. V. M. Myasnikov. Natural philosophy. (The book, about 400 pages. Unpublished)
  7. V.Myasnikov. Expansion of the universe => local physics. Proceedings of Congress-98 "Fundamental Problems of Natural Science". Volume II. Series "Problems of the Universe" vol. 22. St. Petersburg, 2000
  8. See also the site of the author, where the full text of the author's book "Natural Philosophy", this article and other articles of the author are given.

print version
Author: V. M. Myasnikov
PS The material is protected.
Date of publication 19.01.2005гг