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Dudyshev Valery Dmitrievich, Russia, Samara
Samara Technical University

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The article discusses a new promising scientific and technical direction of hydrogen energy - the newest electrocapillary technology for obtaining n 2 and fuel gases . It is based on experimentally tested a new electrophysical effect of intense "cold" evaporation and dissociation of water-organic solutions into fuel gases in a strong electric field. The open effect is the physical basis of many new "breakthrough" technologies in fuel and hydrogen energy. The technology has been tested ...

Effective production of hydrogen from water is a long-standing dream of civilization. A pressing and urgent energy problem is in the gasification of solid and liquid hydrocarbon fuels, more specifically in the creation and implementation of energy-saving technologies for the production of combustible fuel gases from any hydrocarbons, including coal. The prospect of turning any liquid organic waste into a cheap fuel gas is tempting.

Various methods of obtaining hydrogen are known for the decomposition of water: thermal, electrolytic, catalytic, thermochemical, thermogravitational, electropulse, and others. Significant energy costs in obtaining fuel gas from water in known technologies are spent on overcoming intermolecular water bonds in its liquid aggregate state. Biomethods of gasification of organic matter do not possess universality, high productivity and are critical to many parameters. A new proven technology for obtaining fuel gas from organic solutions using an electric field is proposed. The simplest operating device for the experimental realization of the effect of high-voltage capillary electroosmosis for the "cold" evaporation and dissociation of water molecules is shown in Fig.

The simplest device for capillary electroosmosis of liquids

The simplest device ( Fig. 1 ) for implementing the proposed method for producing a combustible gas from aqueous solutions consists of a dielectric tank 1 with a liquid 2 (water-fuel emulsion or ordinary water) poured into it, from a fine-porous capillary material, for example, a fibrous wick 3 , immersed in this liquid and pre-wetted in it, from the upper evaporator 4 , in the form of a capillary evaporative surface with a variable area in the form of an impermeable screen (not shown in Fig. 1 ). This device also includes high-voltage electrodes 5, 5-1 electrically connected in opposite ends of a high-voltage controlled source of a constant electric field 6 , one of the electrodes 5 being made in the form of a hole-needle plate and positioned movably above the evaporator 4 , for example, in parallel At a distance sufficient to prevent electrical breakdown of the wet wick 3 mechanically connected to the evaporator 4 .

Another high-voltage electrode ( 5-1 ) electrically connected to the input, for example to the "+" terminal of the field source 6 , is mechanically and electrically connected to the lower end of the porous material, wick 3 , almost at the bottom of the container 1 , by its output. For reliable electrical insulation, the electrode is protected from the body of the tank 1 by a walk-through electrical insulator 5-2. The device is supplemented with a gas collector 7 . As such, the device comprising the units 3, 4, 5, 6 is a combined device of an electroosmotic pump and an electrostatic liquid evaporator 2 from the container 1 .

Block 6 allows you to adjust the tension of a constant ( "+", "-" ) electric field from 0 to 20 kV / cm . The electrode 5 is made to be perforated or porous to allow the generated vapor to flow through itself. In the device (Fig. 1), the technical possibility of changing the distance and position of the electrode 5 relative to the surface of the evaporator 4 is provided. In principle, ceramic mono-electric devices can be used instead of the electric block 6 and electrode 5 to create the required electric field strength .. First experiments of "cold evaporation" and Electrocapillary dissociation of liquids was carried out using water-fuel emulsions and faecal solutions of various concentrations as liquids. Fuel gases were very different in composition and heat capacity. Under the action of the electrostatic forces of the longitudinal electric field, the dipole polarized molecules of the liquid move along the capillaries from the vessel towards the opposite electric potential of the electrode 5 ( electroosmosis ), are torn off by these electric field forces from the surface of the evaporator 4 and transform first into visible fog, and then dissociate in the electric field With the minimum energy consumption of the source of the electric field ( 6 ). Partial electroradialysis, thermokinetic and electric-field dissociation of liquid molecules evaporated by the field occurs by colliding with one another and with molecules of air and ozone, electrons in the ionization zone between the evaporator 4 and the upper electrode. As experiments show, these occur with the formation of a combustible gas. Further, this fuel gas flows through the gas collector 7 into the accumulator, for example, into the combustion chambers of the motor vehicle.

The composition of this combustible fuel gas includes hydrogen molecules ( H 2 ), % oxygen, water molecules, methane and other complex organic molecules of fuel, etc. It has been experimentally shown that the intensity of the process of evaporation and dissociation of its vapor molecules and the composition of fuel gases essentially depend on the change Parameters of aqueous solutions, installation and electric field. The calorific value of the fuel gas was estimated by burning it to heat the reference volume of water.

The experiments showed the high productivity of this capillary technology of cold evaporation of aqueous solutions and gas formation. So, for 10 minutes with the diameter of the capillary harness and working cylinder 10 cm . The capillary electrosphere evaporated a sufficiently large volume of the fuel-water emulsion ( 1 liter) with virtually no energy consumption. At a concentration of fuel gas from 10 to 30% of the volume of the vaporized solution. The experiments show that in almost all capillaries with an electrified liquid, the electrostatic field Ion pump, which raise the column by a polarized and partially ionized field in the capillary of a micron diameter column of liquid (water) from one potential of the electric field fed to the liquid itself and the lower end of the capillary to the opposite electrical potential placed with a gap at the opposite end of this capillary. As a result, such an ion-electrostatic pump intensively breaks the intermolecular bonds of water, actively moves with polarized water molecules and their radicals through the capillary, and then injects these molecules together with torn electrically charged radicals of water molecules beyond the capillary to the opposite potential of the electric field. Experiments show that the partial dissociation (rupture) of solvated molecules of aqueous organic solutions increases the higher the electric field strength. In all these complicated and simultaneous processes of capillary electro- osmosis of the liquid, the potential energy of the electric field is used. Simultaneously, at the outlet from the capillaries, gaseous molecules of water and solvates are ruptured by electrostatic forces of the electric field to methane, H 2 and O 2 . Since this process of the phase transition of a liquid of water into water fog (gas) and the dissociation of water molecules proceeds in the experiment in general without any apparent expenditure of energy (heat and trivial electric power), then it is probably the potential energy of the electric field that is used in some way. Thus, the high-voltage capillary electroosmosis of an aqueous liquid provides, through the use of the potential energy of the electric field, a really intense and energetically non-volatile evaporation and splitting of water molecules into a fuel gas ( H 2 , O 2 , H 2 O ). Despite the relative simplicity of the technical implementation of the technology itself, the real physics and energy of the processes in the realization of this effect is very complex and is fully understood until the end.

Since many electrochemical, electrophysical, electromechanical and other processes take place simultaneously and alternately in the course of capillary electroosmotic "cold" evaporation and dissociation of liquids, especially when the aqueous solution moves through the capillary of the injection of molecules from the edge of the capillary in the direction of the electric field.

Simply put, the physical essence of the new effect and the new technology consists in transforming the potential energy of the electric field into the kinetic energy of the motion of fluid molecules and structures along and outside the capillary. In this process, during the evaporation and dissociation of a liquid, an electric current is practically not consumed, because the potential energy of the electric field is expended. It is the electric field in the capillary electroosmosis that triggers and maintains the emergence and simultaneous flow in the liquid during the conversion of its fractions and aggregate states to the device of many beneficial effects of the transformation of molecular structures and molecules of liquid into combustible gas. Namely: high-voltage capillary electroosmosis provides simultaneously powerful polarization of water molecules and its structures with a simultaneous partial rupture of intermolecular water bonds in the electrified capillary, fragmentation of polarized water molecules and clusters into charged radicals in the capillary itself through the potential energy of the electric field.

Adjustment of the intensity of formation of water mist (the intensity of cold evaporation) is achieved by changing the parameters of the electric field directed along the capillary evaporator and (or) changing the distance between the outer surface of the capillary material and the accelerating electrode, with which an electric field is created in the capillaries.

The regulation of the production of hydrogen from water is carried out by changing (regulating) the magnitude and shape of the electric field, the area and diameter of the capillaries, the composition and properties of water. These conditions for optimal dissociation of the liquid are different depending on the type of liquid, the properties of the capillaries, and the field parameters. And are dictated by the required productivity of the process of dissociation of a specific liquid. Experiments show that the most efficient production of H 2 from water is achieved by splitting the molecules of the water mist obtained by electroosmosis with a second electric field, the rational parameters of which have been chosen predominantly experimentally ( Fig . 2 ). In particular, the expediency of the final splitting of water mist molecules was determined precisely by a pulsed sign-constant electric field with a field vector perpendicular to the vector of the first field used in the electroosmosis of water. The effect of electric field on the liquid during its transformation into fog and further during the splitting of the liquid molecules can be carried out simultaneously or alternately.

Owing to these described mechanisms, combined electroosmosis and the action of two electric fields on the liquid (water) in the capillary make it possible to achieve the maximum productivity of the process of producing combustible gas and practically eliminate the electric and thermal energy costs when this gas is extracted from water from any water-fuel fluids.

This technology in principle is applicable for the production of fuel gas from any liquid fuel or its aqueous emulsions.

The resulting fuel gas, depending on the concentration of water-fuel fog and H 2 in it, had a different heat capacity. It was estimated by burning it and heating the reference volume of water. This gas was most effective in an electric field (4) .

Other general aspects of the practical implementation of the new technology

We will also consider some practical aspects of the implementation of the proposed new revolutionary electro technology for the decomposition of hydrocarbon water solutions, its other possible effective options for the development of a basic scheme for the implementation of the new technology, and some additional explanations, technological recommendations and technological "tricks" useful in its practical implementation.

Some other approved versions of electroosmotic fuel generators are presented in a simplified form in Fig . 2-3 . One of the simple variants of the combined method for producing combustible gas from a water-fuel mixture or water can be realized in a device ( Fig. 2 )

It consists essentially of a combination of the device ( Fig. 1 ) by an additional device comprising flat transverse electrodes 8, 8-1 connected to a second source of a strong electric field 9 .

The fuel gasifier is provided with a thermal heater 10 located, for example, under the bottom of the container 1 . On vehicles this can be a hot exhaust exhaust manifold, side walls of the engine body itself. Blocks 3, 4, 5, 6 constitute in aggregate a combined device of an electroosmotic pump and an electrostatic liquid evaporator. Block 6 allows you to adjust the intensity of the electric field from 1 kV / cm to 30 kV / cm . The device ( Fig. 2 ) provides for the technical possibility of changing the distance and position of the plate grid or porous electrode 5 relative to the evaporator 4 , a and the distance between the planar electrodes 8 and 8-1 .

To increase the intensity of fuel gas production, it is advisable to first activate the liquid (water) (preheating, preliminary separation into acid and alkaline fractions, electrification and polarization, etc.). Preliminary electroactivation of water (and any aqueous emulsion), dividing it into acid and alkaline fractions, is carried out by partial electrolysis through additional electrodes placed in special semipermeable diaphragms for their subsequent separate evaporation ( Fig . 3 ).

Electro-osmotic fuel generator

Fig. 2

Electro-osmotic fuel generator

Fig. 3

In the case of preliminary separation of initially chemically neutral water into chemical active (acidic and alkaline) fractions, the realization of the technology of obtaining combustible gas from water becomes possible even at sub-zero temperatures (up to -30 ° C ), which is very important and useful in winter for motor vehicles. Because such a "factional" electroactivated water does not freeze at all in the cold. Hence, such an installation for the production of fuel gas and H 2 from such activated water will also be able to work at sub-zero temperatures of the environment and in frosts. This device, in contrast to the above, is supplemented with an electrochemical fluid activator, two pairs of electrodes 5, 5-1 . The device ( Fig. 3 ) contains a container 1 with a liquid 2 , for example, water, two porous capillary wicks 3 with evaporators 4 , two pairs of electrodes 5, 5-1 . The source of the electric field 6 , whose electrical potentials are connected to the electrodes 5, 5-1 . The device also includes a gas gathering pipe 7, a separating filter barrier-diaphragm 19 separating the container 1 in two. An additional block of a regulated sign-in voltage 17 , whose outputs through the electrodes 18 are introduced into the liquid 2 inside the container 1 on both sides of the semipermeable diaphragm 19 .

It is quite possible to use this method for dissociation and production of fuel gases from virtually any water-organic emulsion. Our experiments show that this technology makes it possible to effectively use any liquid organic solutions (for example, liquid fecal waste of human and animal life) as a raw material for the production of fuel gas. Such a hybrid fuel gas derived from organic waste is less explosive than H 2 . Thus, the present fuel technology is effectively applicable both for the gasification of water-fuel emulsions and for the useful gasification of liquid organic wastes. The graphs of the dependence of the fuel gas production on the process parameters are shown in Fig. 4

Графики зависимости производительности топливного газа от параметров процесса электроосмоса


Открыт и экспериментально исследован новый электрофизический эффект интенсивного высоковольтного капиллярного -“холодного” испарения и диссоциации молекул любых жидкостей в сильных электрических полях определенных параметров.

Сущность нового метода получения топливных газов путем диссоциации практически любой жидкости состоит в разрыве ее межмолекулярных и молекулярных связей высоковольтным капиллярным электроосмосом .

Предлагаемая энергосберегающая технология получения топливных газов из любых слабопроводящих водных растворов применима для эффективного получения топливного газа из любых жидких топлив и водотопливных эмульсий, включая жидкие органические отходы.


  1. Dudyshev V.D. “Новый эффект холодного испарения и диссоциации жидкостей на основе капиллярного электроосмотического эффекта “ в ж-ле ”Новая энергетика” “№1/2003 г.
  2. VDDudyshev New Effekt of gold Evaporation- New Energy Technologies –Januar 2003
  4. Dudyshev V.D. “Электроогневая технология-эффективный путь решения энергетических и экологических проблем-“Экология и промышленность России”, №3/97
  5. Стэнли Мейер Патент США 4.936,961 Метод производства топливного газа

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Авторы: Доктор техн. наук, профессор Н.Дудышев
Дата публикации 12.10.2006гг