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TEMPERATURE too large or too

Etiology and Symptoms
If the temperature is lowered by 3-4 degrees and more than optimal, the fish comes a state of shock, there is sluggishness in movements, loss of appetite, "rocking" the whole body, slowing or stopping the movement of the gill covers. Fish lying on the bottom, sometimes on the side or standing in one place, rocking the entire body. An even greater decrease in temperature can lead to fish kills. Lowering the temperature can cause colds eggs or milk, the eggs and milt are converted into slurry, and the fish often die themselves.
If the temperature is too high, the fish are extremely active, rushing up the aquarium and is in them and try to jump out of it.

You must set the appropriate temperature. When excessive temperature in winter is necessary to turn off the heater, replace it with the less powerful. During the summer, add cold water, ice cubes, improve aeration, enhance water flow, open the aquarium lid.

In aquariums arranged in tiers, the lowest temperature will be lower, with winter temperature difference can reach 4-6 degrees. In this regard, the Aquarium of the lower tier should be placed at least thermophilic fish (telescopes, guppies, the Sword, the Cardinals), in the upper tier of the aquarium - a heat-loving (discus, gourami, mollies). To determine the temperature of the water in the aquarium should have checked the thermometer, and for its increase to the optimum - heater with thermostat. If the fish must be kept at an elevated temperature, for example, for destroying parasites, it is necessary to aerate the water well. If there is no water thermometer, the temperature in the tank can be determined by the indoor thermometer, taking into account discounts of 1-2 degrees, because the aquarium goes evaporation (if it is not tightly closed lid), and thus the cooling water. The temperature in large aquariums sleuet measured in mid-water. Each species of fish in the aquarium must live with it for optimal water temperature. In this regard, one must live aquarium fish, taking into account acceptable to all of them the temperature. Raising the temperature to the optimum should be gradual, because a sharp temperature drop negatively affects the state of the fish.

Obesity ago viscera forward Poisoning iron hydroxide