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Anoxia (lack of oxygen) occurs in the following cases:
- Overpopulation at the aquarium, despite the presence of a large quantitative plants and aeration;
- At too high temperatures (higher than the water temperature, the less the oxygen contained in it);
- As a result of putrefaction of food residues and dead fish, no remote from the tank (rotting process consumes a large amount of oxygen is allocated humic acid, which reduces PH and water hardness, the formation of hydrogen sulfide, nitrate and nitrite).

Fish raised to the water surface and the active ingest air. Ingestion of air, lasting for 1-2 hours, leads to ottopyrivaniyu, then to "burn" the gills of fish with air and - in a few days - to their death. Long-term maintenance of fish in a lack of oxygen leads to poor appetite, stunted growth, loss of the ability to reproduce.

You need to replace some of the water and to carry out aeration. If aeration is impossible due to failure of the compressor or power failure, adding to the aquarium 15% solution of hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 1 g / l or not more than one tablet per 100 liters gidropirita, crushed into pieces and placed in different parts of the aquarium. Repeated use of the last two methods may lead to the death of fish. Be careful.

When overpopulation aquarium does not need to turn off the compressor during the night, because the plants do not emit oxygen at night, but on the contrary, absorb it and release carbon dioxide. When overpopulation anoxia occurs just at night. It is necessary to adhere to the correct ratio between the number of animals, plants and the volume of the tank, promptly remove uneaten food and excrement.

Anemia ago forward Acidosis