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parasitic diseases


Copepods rachaok Argulus.

Argulus pierce the skin and suck blood, releasing a poisonous secret. On the body of fish in the field of attachment appear edema and hemorrhage, the affected areas become red. Small ulcers formed passes inflammation which is characterized by profuse slizeotdeleniem that leads to necrosis of the muscle tissue. Fish are restless, they hide in the plants, rub against underwater objects lose weight. Violating the integrity covers fish Argulus infection opens the door for a variety of fungal pathogens, bacterial and viral diseases of fish, which makes it particularly dangerous.

The disease is diagnosed based on the detection of Argulus on the body of the fish.

Argulus can be removed from the fish body with tweezers. The drug to be added to the aquarium water:

  1. In the water: 15 mg of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water
  2. Bath: 10 mg chlorophos 10 liters of water, exposure 3-4 hours
  3. Bath: 0.2% solution of Lysol solution shutter 5-15 seconds
  4. Bath: 1 mg malathion for 10 liters of water, endurance 3-4 minutes
  5. Bath: 20 drops of 10% ammonia water to 1 liter, shutter 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day

It is necessary to carry out the disinfection tank.

You should carefully inspect the fish. Individual inspection of fish showing concern, let me tell you directly and remove the parasites with tweezers. At PH 8.0 can not be used more than malathion.

Infectious diseases ago forward hexamitiasis (oktomitoz) diskusovoya disease